Silke Schicktanz

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany 
"Silke Schicktanz"
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Schicktanz S, Alpinar-Segawa Z, Ulitsa N, et al. (2024) Moving Towards Ethical-Practical Recommendations for Alzheimer's Disease Prediction: Addressing Interindividual, Interprofessional, and Societal Aspects. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad
Mitra S, Schicktanz S. (2020) Alzheimer's Patient Organizations' Role in Enabling Citizenship Projects: A Comparison of the USA, Germany, and the UK Frontiers in Sociology. 5
Jongsma K, Perry J, Schicktanz S, et al. (2020) Motivations for people with cognitive impairment to complete an advance research directive - a qualitative interview study. Bmc Psychiatry. 20: 360
Hansen SL, Pfaller L, Schicktanz S. (2020) Critical analysis of communication strategies in public health promotion: An empirical-ethical study on organ donation in Germany. Bioethics
Alpinar-Sencan Z, Schicktanz S. (2020) Addressing ethical challenges of disclosure in dementia prediction: limitations of current guidelines and suggestions to proceed. Bmc Medical Ethics. 21: 1-11
Marckmann G, Neitzke G, Riedel A, et al. (2020) Possibilities and limits of ethics counseling in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (as of March 31, 2020): A discussion paper by the Academy for Ethics in Medicine Ethik in Der Medizin. 32: 1-5
Wöhlke S, Schaper M, Oliveri S, et al. (2020) German and Italian Users of Web-Accessed Genetic Data: Attitudes on Personal Utility and Personal Sharing Preferences. Results of a Comparative Survey (n=192). Frontiers in Genetics. 11: 102
Schicktanz S, Simon A, Raphael S, et al. (2020) The ethical debate over child priority in post-mortem organ allocation: A scoping review and practical-ethical outlook. Transplantation Reviews (Orlando, Fla.). 100543
Wöhlke S, Schicktanz S. (2019) Special Issue: Why Ethically Reflect on Empirical Studies in Empirical Ethics? Case Studies and Commentaries. Journal of Empirical Research On Human Research Ethics. 14: 424-427
Wöhlke S, Schaper M, Schicktanz S. (2019) How Uncertainty Influences Lay People’s Attitudes and Risk Perceptions Concerning Predictive Genetic Testing and Risk Communication Frontiers in Genetics. 10: 380-380
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