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Keiji Tanaka

RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Wakō-shi, Saitama-ken, Japan 
Visual Cortex
"Keiji Tanaka"
Mean distance: 12.44 (cluster 17)


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Hiroshi Abe grad student RIKEN BSI
Manoj K. Eradath grad student RIKEN BSI
Tadashi Sugihara grad student RIKEN
Masaru Kuwabara grad student 2007-2014 RIKEN-BSI
Hossein Esteky post-doc RIKEN BSI
Hiroshi Tamura post-doc RIKEN
Kenji Matsumoto post-doc 1996- RIKEN BSI
Justin L. Gardner post-doc 2002-2004 RIKEN BSI
Ichiro Fujita research scientist 1989-1992 RIKEN BSI
Sidney R. Lehky research scientist 1994-1999 RIKEN BSI


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Mark J. Buckley collaborator BSI,RIKEN
Kang Cheng collaborator RIKEN
R. Allen Waggoner collaborator (Chemistry Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Alizadeh Mansouri F, Buckley MJ, Tanaka K. (2024) Mapping causal links between prefrontal cortical regions and intra-individual behavioral variability. Nature Communications. 15: 140
Hata J, Nakae K, Tsukada H, et al. (2023) Multi-modal brain magnetic resonance imaging database covering marmosets with a wide age range. Scientific Data. 10: 221
Fehring DJ, Pascoe AJ, Haque ZZ, et al. (2022) Dimension of visual information interacts with working memory in monkeys and humans. Scientific Reports. 12: 5335
Matsumoto M, Abe H, Tanaka K, et al. (2022) Different types of uncertainty distinguished by monkey prefrontal neurons. Cerebral Cortex Communications. 3: tgac002
Mansouri FA, Buckley MJ, Tanaka K. (2022) The neural substrate and underlying mechanisms of executive control fluctuations in primates. Progress in Neurobiology. 209: 102216
Lehky SR, Tanaka K, Sereno AB. (2021) Pseudosparse neural coding in the visual system of primates. Communications Biology. 4: 50
Lehky SR, Phan AH, Cichocki A, et al. (2019) Face Representations via Tensorfaces of Various Complexities. Neural Computation. 1-49
Mansouri FA, Buckley MJ, Fehring DJ, et al. (2019) The Role of Primate Prefrontal Cortex in Bias and Shift Between Visual Dimensions. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Tanskanen T, Allen Waggoner R, Ueno K, et al. (2019) Columnar scale representation of faces in the human inferotemporal cortex Ibro Reports. 6: S291
Li N, Cheng K, Allen Waggoner R, et al. (2019) Lateral orbitofrontal cortex is associated with human cognitive dynamics in the congruency sequence effect Ibro Reports. 6: S436
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