Jill R. Brown, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2007 | Psychology | The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE |
Developmental Psychology, Cultural Anthropology, Individual and Family StudiesGoogle:
"Jill Brown"Mean distance: 11249.1
Sign in to add mentorCarolyn P. Edwards | grad student | 2007 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln | |
(Child fosterage and the developmental markers of children in Namibia, southern Africa: Implications of gender and kinship.) |
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de Guzman MRT, Brown J, Carlo G, et al. (2012) What Does it Mean to be Prosocial? A Cross-Ethnic Study of Parental Beliefs Psychology and Developing Societies. 24: 239-268 |
Brown JR, Knoche LL, Edwards CP, et al. (2009) Professional development to support parent engagement: A case study of early childhood practitioners Early Education and Development. 20: 482-506 |
Crockett LJ, Brown JR, Iturbide MI, et al. (2009) Conceptions of good parent-adolescent relationships among Cuban American teenagers Sex Roles. 60: 575-587 |
Crockett LJ, Brown J, Russell ST, et al. (2007) The meaning of good parent-child relationships for Mexican American adolescents Journal of Research On Adolescence. 17: 639-668 |