Carolyn P. Edwards

Psychology The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 
Developmental Psychology, Cultural Anthropology, Individual and Family Studies
"Carolyn Edwards"
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Edwards CP, Hamel E, Leeper Miller J, et al. (2019) Improving reflective practice: a documentation rubric for mentoring preservice and in-service teachers Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education. 41: 2-17
Dev DA, Burton A, McBride BA, et al. (2019) An Innovative, Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Promoting Child Health: The Reggio Emilia Approach and the Ecological Approach to Family Style Dining Program Childhood Education. 95: 57-63
Sheridan SM, Knoche LL, Boise CE, et al. (2019) Supporting preschool children with developmental concerns: Effects of the Getting Ready intervention on school-based social competencies and relationships Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 48: 303-316
Kutaka TS, Smith WM, Albano AD, et al. (2017) Connecting Teacher Professional Development and Student Mathematics Achievement Journal of Teacher Education. 68: 140-154
Ren L, Edwards CP. (2017) Chinese Parents’ Expectations and Child Preacademic Skills: The Indirect Role of Parenting and Social Competence Early Education and Development. 28: 1052-1071
Cline KD, Edwards CP. (2016) Parent–Child Book-Reading Styles, Emotional Quality, and Changes in Early Head Start Children’s Cognitive Scores Early Education and Development. 1-18
Ren L, Knoche LL, Edwards CP. (2016) The relation between Chinese preschoolers’ social-emotional competence and preacademic skills Early Education and Development. 1-21
Kutaka TS, Ren L, Smith WM, et al. (2016) Examining change in K-3 teachers’ mathematical knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs: the case of Primarily Math Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 1-31
Edwards CP, Kutaka TS. (2015) Diverse perspectives of parents, diverse concepts of parent involvement and participation: What can they suggest to researchers? Research On Family-School Partnerships. 35-53
Sheridan SM, Knoche LL, Edwards CP, et al. (2014) Efficacy of the Getting Ready Intervention and the Role of Parental Depression. Early Education and Development. 25: 746-769
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