Melanie B. Hoy, Ph.D.

2008 Psychology Duke University, Durham, NC 
Developmental Psychology
"Melanie Hoy"
Mean distance: 16440.9 (cluster 46)


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Philip R. Costanzo grad student 2008 Duke
 (The development of structure and centrality in the self system: Implications for appearance concerns.)
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vanDellen MR, Hoy MB, Fernandez K, et al. (2011) Academic-contingent self-worth and the social monitoring system Personality and Individual Differences. 50: 59-63
VanDellen MR, Hoy MB, Hoyle RH. (2009) Contingent self-worth and social information processing: Cognitive associations between domain performance and social relations Social Cognition. 27: 847-866
Costanzo PR, Hoy MB. (2007) Intergenerational relations: Themes, prospects, and possibilities Journal of Social Issues. 63: 885-902
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