Duke University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Khadar Abdi20092019 Chay T. Kuo (post-doc)
Lisa J. AbendrothMarketing Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology2000 Julie A. Edell (grad student)
Nilupaer Abudukeyoumu20202022 Anita A. Disney (post-doc)
Zachary M. Abzug2011 Marc A. Sommer (grad student)
James A. AdairSocial Psychology2000 Karla Fischer (grad student)
Stephen AdamoVisual Perception, Attention2010 Stephen R. Mitroff (grad student)
Geoffrey K. AdamsSocial neuroethology2009 Michael L. Platt (grad student)
R. Alison Adcockmemory, motivation, reward, schizophrenia, neuromodulation John D.E. Gabrieli (post-doc)
Kristen K. Ade
Abayomi A. AdigunCell Biology, Toxicology Pharmacology2010 Theodore Slotkin (grad student)
Kaylin Alexis Adipietro Genetics and Genomics2012 Hiroaki Matsunami (grad student)
Patricia V. Agostino Warren H. Meck (post-doc)
Seungkirl AhnG protein-coupled receptors2002 Robert J. Lefkowitz (grad student)
Shahab Akhter Cardiology Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Dustin Albert Psychology and Neuroscience20112015 Kenneth A. Dodge (post-doc)
Naji M. Aldosaricytogenetic and molecular genetic approaches to understand mechanisms of growth control of human gliomas2001 Sandra H. Bigner (grad student)
Justin E. AldridgeToxicology2005 Theodore Slotkin (grad student)
Georgia M. AlexanderEpilepsy
R. Wayne Alexander Cardiology Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Lee Allen Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Melissa J. Allman Warren H. Meck (post-doc)
Hubert AmreinSex differences
Bobae An
Ryan O. Andersen2012 Chay T. Kuo (post-doc)
Rindy C. Anderson20062014 Stephen Nowicki (post-doc)
Adrian Angold
Douglas C. AnthonyFunctional neuroanatomy Neuropathology, brain tumors Peripheral neuropathy, neuromuscular disease Myopathies Neurotoxicology Neurofilaments, and neuronal cytoskeleton Pathology19841987 F. Stephen Vogel (post-doc)
Eva Anton William D. Matthew (grad student)
Stanley Appel
Lawrence Gregory AppelbaumCognitive Neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience Neurology2006 Marty G. Woldorff (post-doc), Roberto Cabeza (collaborator), Simon W. Davis (collaborator)
Andres AragonesesDiode lasers, complex dynamics, chaos Physics20142016 Daniel Gauthier (post-doc)
Lizbeth A. ArcherDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology2006 Philip R. Costanzo (grad student)
Benjamin R. ArenkielNeurobiology, Genetics, Development Lawrence C. Katz (post-doc), Michael Ehlers (post-doc)
Jason T. AritaVisual Attention, Memory, and Perception Stephen R. Mitroff (research assistant)
John Calvin ArmingtonERG, Evoked Potentials Peter H. Klopfer (grad student)
H. Moore ArnoldBehavioral pharmacology, learning, memory, Alzheimer's models19941997 Warren G. (Ted) Hall (post-doc)
Himanshu Arora2005 James Morizio (grad student)
Andrew E. Arrant Pharmacology20072012 Cynthia Moreton Kuhn (grad student)
Elva M. ArredondoBehavioral Psychology, Public Health2003 Philip R. Costanzo (grad student)
Gustavo ArriagaVocal learning Neurobiology2011 Erich David Jarvis (grad student)
Jeffrey Arriza Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Vadim Y. ArshavskyOphthalmology, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Edem Asamoa Psychiatry and Social Behaviors Sicong Liu (research assistant)
Steven R. AsherDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology
Robert H. AshtonAccounting Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology
Ann K. AspnesClinical Psychology, Gerontology Psychology2008 Timothy J. Strauman (grad student)
Brent W. Asrican20092009 George J. Augustine (post-doc), Chay T. Kuo (post-doc)
Fawn W. Atchison cell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function2004 Anthony R. Means (grad student)
Alexandra S. Atkinsmemory, attention, cognitive neuroscience, CNS clinical trials, MCI/AD, schizophrenia cognition
Haavard Attramadal Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
George J. Augustine Erwin Neher (collaborator)
James T. AumanPharmacology, Toxicology2002 Theodore Slotkin (grad student)
Anne K. Baker Anesthesiology2020 Katherine T. Martucci (post-doc)
Ian C. Ballardmotivated memory CCN Vishnu Pradeep Murty (grad student), R. Alison Adcock (research assistant)
Barbara Ballentine2006 Stephen Nowicki (grad student)
Amrita BanerjeeFeeding Behavior
David L. BarackDecision making, Philosophy of Neuroscience Philosophy Philosophy Philosophy20092014 Michael L. Platt (grad student), Alex Rosenberg (grad student), Karen Neander (grad student), Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (grad student)
Theresa J. Barberi cell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function Molecular Cancer Biology2011 Anthony R. Means (grad student)
Brianne R BarkerImmunology, Virology
Laura BarnardGeneral Psychology, Personality Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2013 John F. Curry (grad student)
William G. BarnesPain research Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Tracy M. BarrettPerceptual cognitive and motor development2004 Amy Needham (grad student)
Amit Basole2005 David Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Meredith L. Bastianprimate social evolution, primate culture Biological Anthropology and Anatomy2008 Carel van Schaik (grad student)
Melissa Bateson Warren H. Meck (post-doc)
Eric E. Bauer Richard D. Mooney (post-doc)
L. Ryan Baugh
Mark G. BaxterLearning and memory19941997 Peter C. Holland (grad student)
Elizabeth H. BeamCognitive Neuroscience20102013 Scott Huettel (research assistant)
Jean Martin BeaulieuDopamine, signaling, pharmacology Marc Caron (post-doc)
Sara J. BeckerClinical Psychology2009 John F. Curry (grad student)
Martin Beebee2003 Stephen Nowicki (grad student), Stephen Nowicki (grad student)
Christina Bejjanicognitive control, learning, memory Cognitive Neuroscience2016 Tobias Egner (grad student)
Tarik S. Bel-Baharexperimental psychology, brain dynamics20122014 Stephen R. Mitroff (post-doc), Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (post-doc)
Lucy Bell Brain Imaging and Analysis Center20112012 Micah Alan Johnson (research assistant)
Chris BellManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology, Personality Psychology2003 Susan Brodt (grad student)
Andrew C. BellemerNociception, chemosensation, TRP channels2010 W Dan Tracey (post-doc)
Leonardo BelluscioOlfaction Lawrence C. Katz (post-doc)
Adar Ben-EliyahuBehavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education Psychology and Neuroscience2011 Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia (grad student)
Yoram Ben-Shaul2007 Lawrence C. Katz (post-doc), Catherine Dulac (post-doc)
Alex Bendeck
Michael Bendiksby2007 Michael L. Platt (grad student)
Eric J. Benner20082012 Chay T. Kuo (post-doc)
Gary Bennett Psychology & Neuroscience, Global Health, and Medicine Redford B. Williams (grad student), Sherman A. James (grad student)
Brian D. BennettComputational biology , statistical learning , Laplacian statistics Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2012 Sayan Mukherjee (grad student)
Dale John BenosNeuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology Physiology and Pharmacology1978 Lazaro Jacobo Mandel (post-doc), Daniel Charles Tosteson (grad student)
Jeffery Benovic Robert J. Lefkowitz (grad student)
Aimee Benson Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Elika BergelsonLanguage Acquisition
Ken BerglundSynaptic transmission, Clomeleon George J. Augustine (post-doc)
Estrada Bernard
Alejandro BerrioEpigenetics, evolution and Behaviour Biology Biology2019 Gregory A. Wray (post-doc), David R. McClay (post-doc)
Stephanie H. BestClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Behavioral Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2009 John F. Curry (grad student)
Lysianne Beynel Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20162020 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (post-doc)
Srishti BhagatStriatal development, electrophysiology, 2009 Nicole Calakos (grad student)
Vikas BhandawatOlfaction
Martha E. Bickford19831989 William C. Hall (grad student)
Tim Van Biesen Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Darell D. BignerNeuro-Oncology 19711974 F. Stephen Vogel (post-doc)
Sandra H. Bignercytogenetic and molecular genetic approaches to understand mechanisms of growth control of human gliomas
Staci D. BilboBehavioral Neuroendocrinology
Clayton Scott BinghamComputational Neuroscience Biomedical Engineering20192022 Cameron C. McIntyre (post-doc)
Merrill Jay Birdnoneural engineering Biomedical Engineering2009 Warren Grill (grad student)
Robin Blazing Kevin Franks (grad student)
Barbara A. Blockfish physiology; conservation Knut Schmidt-Nielsen (grad student)
Katrina P. BlomquistClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2014 Martha Putallaz (grad student)
James A. BlumenthalBehavioral Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology
Laura M. BohnPharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Neuroscience19992003 Marc Caron (post-doc)
Diego V. BohórquezGut brain sensory transduction
Mark Bolanowski Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Timothy A. BolgerCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology2006 Tso-Pang Yao (grad student)
Martha M. Bolton2000 Donald C. Lo (grad student)
Jessica Boltonpsychoneuroimmunology Staci D. Bilbo (grad student)
Melanie J. BonnerClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
William Bosking2001 David Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Edward Bossen Neuropathologic Issues, General Surgical Pathology, Head and Neck Pathology, Muscle
Anne Botzungautobiographical memory2006 Roberto Cabeza (post-doc)
William BouldingMarketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Experimental Psychology
Rose-Mary N. BoustanyNeuroscience Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology
Daniel Liu Bowling Neurobiology2012 Dale Purves (grad student)
Jonathan L. Boyd Genetics and Genomics2014 Gregory A. Wray (grad student)
Maria Boylan
Alper Kamil Bozkurt Computer Science20182024 Miroslav Pajic (grad student)
Stephani E. BradfordPharmacology2004 J. Victor Nadler (grad student)
Cynthia Bradham Biology David R. McClay (post-doc)
Ryan J. Bradyevolution of multiple memory systems psychology20122014 Elizabeth M. Brannon (research assistant)
Elizabeth M. Brannon Warren H. Meck (collaborator)
Steven Bray2006 Hubert Amrein (grad student)
Emily E Bray20092012 Brian Hare (research assistant)
Erin Bressler Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Alev M. Brigande
Margaret Briggs-GowanDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Bart D. BrigidiImaging genetics Ahmad R. Hariri (research scientist), Thomas Achenbach (research scientist), Edna B. Foa (research scientist)
Alexandra Britto Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20172018 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (research assistant)
Susan BrodtManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology, Personality Psychology
Lea R. BromellDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Aging Psychology and Neuroscience2011 Keith E. Whitfield (grad student)
Nicholaus Brosowsky Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Department of Psychology and Neuroscience20192021 Paul Seli (post-doc), Tobias Egner (post-doc)
Nicolas BrunelComputational neuroscience
John P. BrunoNeuropsychopharmacology Warren G. (Ted) Hall (post-doc)
Matthew H. Brush2005 Shirish Shenolikar (grad student)
William L. Buchanan Clinical Psychology1987 Luciano L'Abate (grad student)
Norbou E. Buchlercognitive neuroscience, aging, memory, cognitive control, skill acquisition, computational modeling, cognitive work analysis20072010 Roberto Cabeza (post-doc), Ian Dobbins (post-doc)
Silas Buck Neurology2023 Laurie H. Sanders (post-doc)
Pamela J. BuckPsychosocial aspects of disease, cardio-psychology
Angela L. BuffingtonClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology2003 Francis J. Keefe (grad student)
Catalin V. Buhusi Warren H. Meck (post-doc)
Federica Bulgarelli Psychology & Neuroscience20182022 Elika Bergelson (post-doc)
David BulkinLearning and Memory Neurobiology2010 Jennifer M. Groh (grad student)
Michael M. BullockGABA and NMDA in Schizophrenia
Ernst Burgisser Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Dennis A. Burke20112014 Edward D. Levin (research assistant)
John M. Burkhardtbasal ganglia, oscillatory activity19992001 John E R Staddon (research assistant)
Marie E. BurnsRetina1996 George J. Augustine (grad student)
Linda M. BurtonDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Aging
Sasha C. Burwell Neurobiology2017 Michael R. Tadross (grad student)
Laura BusseVisual System20012002 Marty G. Woldorff (research assistant)
Ewald W. Busse
Yoon Woo Billy Byun
Roberto CabezaCognition Endel Tulving (post-doc), A. R. McIntosh (post-doc)
Tom Cahill Robert J. Lefkowitz (grad student)
Sheng Cai Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Matthew S. CainAttention, Perception, Visual Search, Learning20092012 Stephen R. Mitroff (post-doc)
Nicole Calakos
Corrie R. Camalierauditory system Marc A. Sommer (post-doc)
Chrissy C. CamblinCognitive Neuroscience: Language2005 Tamara Y. Swaab (grad student)
Erin E Campbelllanguage acquisition, sensory impairment Psychology & Neuroscience20182023 Elika Bergelson (grad student)
Reginald D. CannadyGlutamate and addiction20062008 Edward D. Levin (research assistant)
Nell CantNeuroanatomy
Jessica F. CantlonBrain & Cognitive Sciences20072007 Kevin A. Pelphrey (post-doc), Elizabeth M. Brannon (grad student)
Tugce Capraz
Richard C. Carlsen1975 Lorne M. Mendell (post-doc)
Jose CarmenaMotor System Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc)
Marc Caron19731976 Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc), Warren H. Meck (collaborator)
Kimberly LH Carpenterneuroimaging, pediatric disorders2011 Helen Egger (post-doc), Adrian Angold (post-doc)
Clarence "Ray" Ray CarpenterPrimates19281929 William McDougall (research assistant)
Justin Carréaggression, testosterone Ahmad R. Hariri (grad student)
Elizabeth A. CarrollDevelopmental Biology, Craniofacial, Neurobiology, Mouse, Zebrafish2004 John A. Klingensmith (grad student)
Liberty K. CarrollSomatosensory2008 Fan Wang (grad student)
Ronald McKell Carterdecision making, computation & theory Scott Huettel (post-doc)
Andrew M. CartonOrganizational, Management Business Administration Business Administration2011 Richard P. Larrick (grad student)
Romain Cartoni20102017 Zhigang He (post-doc)
Valeria Caruso2010 Jennifer M. Groh (post-doc)
Vivien CasagrandeVisual system, Thalamus, Cortex1973 Irving Diamond (grad student)
Mei Wang Casey Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Joseph M. Castersubstance abuse Pharmacology2008 Cynthia Moreton Kuhn (grad student)
Jaime J. Castrellondecision making, reward, motivation, dopamine20172022 Gregory Russell Samanez Larkin (grad student)
Eleanor M. Caves20182018 Stephen Nowicki (post-doc), Sonke Johnson (grad student)
Sonia CavigelliBehavioral Neuroendocrinology19921998 Carl Erickson (grad student)
Pelin M. Cayirliogluolfactory system
Munire Ozlem Cevik Warren H. Meck (post-doc)
Urann ChanNeurodevelopment, Synapse development Neurobiology2016 Anne E. West (grad student)
Steve W C Changsocial interaction, decision-making, coordinate transformation20112013 Michael L. Platt (post-doc), R Becket Ebitz (collaborator)
Meng ChenStriatal physiology and plasticity20102012 Nicole Calakos (post-doc), William C. Wetsel (research scientist)
Nan-kuei Chen
Jason Andrew Chengenetics, neurosurgery, neurodegeneration Neuroscience20062008 Scott Huettel (research assistant)
Yutao Chen20082014 L. Ryan Baugh (grad student)
Liang-Fu Chen Neurobiology20112018 Anne E. West (grad student)
Jing Ruth Chen Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Yishan Cheng Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Ruey-Kuang Cheng Psychology and Neuroscience2010 Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Kimberly S. Chiewcognitive neuroscience20132017 R. Alison Adcock (post-doc)
Dona ChikaraishiDevelopment, catecholamines
Ileana D. ChirilaNeurohumanities, mirror neurons Romance Studies2012 Deborah Jenson (grad student)
Elizabeth M. ChislockHuman Development, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology Molecular Cancer Biology2013 Ann M. Pendergast (grad student)
Heather J. Chisum2003 David Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Yu-Chin ChiuVisual attention, Cognitive neurosience2013 Tobias Egner (post-doc)
Ha Na Choe
Minjung Choi Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Minjung Choi Biochemistry20122018 Robert J. Lefkowitz (grad student)
John Choi
Murim ChoiDevelopmental Biology, Craniofacial, Neurobiology, Mouse, Zebrafish2006 John A. Klingensmith (grad student)
Daniel ChoquetAMPAR Trafficking19941996 Michael P. Sheetz (post-doc)
Felice A. Chow cell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function2005 Anthony R. Means (grad student)
Melissa G. Christianson Neurobiology2012 Donald C. Lo (grad student)
Charleen T. ChuNeuropathology, Parkinson's disease, mitochondria, autophagy Darell D. Bigner (post-doc), Roger E. McLendon (post-doc), Christine M. Hulette (post-doc), Roger E. McLendon (post-doc), Christine M. Hulette (post-doc)
Leeyup Chung
Anna M. CianciAccounting Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology2000 Robert H. Ashton (grad student)
Lauren Frazier Cierpial
Audrey ClaingGPCRs Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Kait Clark20092014 Stephen R. Mitroff (grad student), Marty G. Woldorff (grad student)
William T. Clarke Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Jillian Clements Mechanical and Electrical Engineering20162018 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (grad student)
John ClitheroNeuroeconomics Economics2011 Scott Huettel (grad student)
Kennedy S Coates
Sally Cocjin
Gregory B. CoganSpeech, Cognition, Auditory Processing Biomedical Engineering20152017 Jonathan Viventi (post-doc)
Todd J. CohenMolecular Biology, Physiology Biology2007 Tso-Pang Yao (grad student)
Dana CohenMotor system20002005 Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc)
Alexandra CohenFeeding Behavior20092010 Craig Dane Roberts (research assistant)
John D. CoieDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Public Health
Melissa J. Colemanbirdsong2006 Richard D. Mooney (post-doc)
Sheila Collins Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Clara ColombattoPerception, Vision, Social perception, Morality Philosophy Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (research assistant)
Kathryn H. Condon Neurobiology2009 Michael Ehlers (grad student)
Mei Cong Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Alexa ConnellClinical Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2009 Richard Surwit (grad student)
Barry W. Connors19751979 George Somjen (grad student)
Sarah E CookNeuropsychology
Harris CooperSocial Psychology
Joel Cooper1969 Edward E. Jones (grad student)
Ethan E. Corcoran cell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function2001 Anthony R. Means (grad student)
Sara J. CordesNumerical Cognition/Development2005 Elizabeth M. Brannon (post-doc), Warren H. Meck (post-doc)
Rui M. Costabasal ganglia20022006 Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc)
Philip R. CostanzoSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology
Susanna Cotecchia Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Kevin D. CourtneyMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2001 Ann M. Pendergast (grad student)
Christopher G. Coutleedecision making, neuroeconomics, social cognitive neuroscience, temporal discounting, cognitive control2009 Scott Huettel (grad student)
Ellen Covey19761980 Robert P. Erickson (grad student)
Herbert E. CovingtonBehavioral Neuroscience
Daniel N. CoxNeurogenetics, Molecular Neuroanatomy, Behavioral Neuroscience19941999 Haifan Lin (grad student)
Caroline M. CozzaClinical Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2011 Clive J. Robins (grad student)
Marie E. Cronin
Courtney Crowell Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20162018 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (research assistant)
Justin C. CrowleyVisual System, Developmental Neuroscience19952000 Michael L. Platt (post-doc), David Fitzpatrick (grad student), Lawrence C. Katz (grad student)
Joseph C. CrozierClinical Psychology, Neuroscience Biology2008 Kenneth A. Dodge (grad student)
Thomas J. Cummingsdevelopment of molecular techniques to diagnose soft tissue sarcomas and solid tumors
Prudence F. CuperClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2011 Clive J. Robins (grad student)
John F. CurryClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Behavioral Psychology
Lesley S. CurtisNeurohumanities, mirror neurons Romance Studies2011 Deborah Jenson (grad student)
Valerie F. CurtisSomatosensory Molecular Cancer Biology2011 Fan Wang (grad student)
Tracy d'ArbeloffCognitive Neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience2017 Ahmad R. Hariri (grad student)
Jeremy DahlPediatric Radiology Biomedical Engineering Gregg E. Trahey (grad student)
Rui DaiNeuroscience
Tanya L. DaigleCannabinoid receptor trafficking Marc Caron (post-doc)
Shannon Dailey Psychology & Neuroscience20172022 Elika Bergelson (grad student)
Nancy L. DallalChunking, Spatial navigation, Vestibular system Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Amy N. DaltonMarketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology Business Administration2008 James Ross Bettman (grad student)
Matthew DalvaSynaptic Physiology19921996 Lawrence C. Katz (grad student)
Kristina DamToxicology, Pharmacology, Human Development, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology2000 Thoedore A. Slotkin (grad student)
Paula Daneri Brain Imaging and Analysis Center20112011 Micah Alan Johnson (research assistant)
Thomas L. Daniel Steve Vogel (grad student)
Zachary Danziger Warren Grill (post-doc)
Timothy R DarlingtonMotor control
Sander M. DaselaarEpisodic Memory, Aging, fMRI20022003 Roberto Cabeza (post-doc)
Richard M. Dasheiff James O. McNamara (grad student)
Ian Davidson
Laura Davidson Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Simon W. Davismemory, DTI Psychology and Neuroscience2011 Roberto Cabeza (grad student), Norbou E. Buchler (collaborator)
Charles P. Davis Psychology & Neuroscience2022 Elika Bergelson (post-doc)
Ian Davison Lawrence C. Katz (post-doc), Michael Ehlers (post-doc)
Ruth S. Daycognition, language
Ivan E. de AraujoNeurophysiology Sidney Simon (post-doc)
Felipe De BrigardMemory, Imagination
Heather L. Dean20002006 Michael L. Platt (grad student)
Robert Deaner19952002 Michael L. Platt (post-doc), Carel van Schaik (grad student)
William M. DeBello George J. Augustine (grad student)
Samantha A. Deffler Psychology & Neuroscience20102016 David C. Rubin (grad student)
Andre DeLean Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Roberto DelgadoPrimatology Carel van Schaik (grad student)
Lifu Deng Psychology & Neuroscience Simon W. Davis (grad student)
Nancy A. Dennisaging, memory Roberto Cabeza (post-doc)
Elizabeth P. Derryberry Biology2007 Stephen Nowicki (grad student)
Lane M. DestroPublic and Social Welfare, Labor Economics Sociology2012 Linda M. Burton (grad student)
Jacqui Detwiler Kevin LaBar (grad student)
Ilana Dew Roberto Cabeza (post-doc)
Sandeepa DeyOlfaction Biochemistry2009 Hiroaki Matsunami (grad student)
Irving Diamond
Michele DiazCognitive Neuroscience: Language Psychology Tamara Y. Swaab (grad student)
Michele Theresa Diazlanguage, aging2005 Gregory McCarthy (grad student)
Carolyn Diaz Kevin Franks (grad student)
Kathryn C. Dickerson Psychiatry R. Alison Adcock (post-doc)
Kenneth Dickinson Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Aude DieudeNeurohumanities, mirror neurons Romance Studies2013 Deborah Jenson (grad student)
Daniel G. DillonEmotion Regulation20012006 Kevin LaBar (grad student)
Anita A. DisneyNeuromodulation, Cerebral Cortex.
Ian Dobbinsmemory, neuroscience, prefrontal cortex
Betsy Dobbs-McAuliffeMolecular Genetics and Microbiology2005 Elwood Linney (grad student)
Kenneth A. DodgeDevelopmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education John D. Coie (grad student)
Florin DolcosAffective, Cognitive, and Clinical Neurosciences Roberto Cabeza (grad student), Gregory McCarthy (post-doc), Kevin LaBar (collaborator)
Gul DolenSocial behaviors autism Neurobiology Julie A. Kauer (research assistant)
Jack Dolgincognitive control Psychology & Neuroscience Psychology & Neuroscience20182020 Scott Huettel (research assistant), Tobias Egner (research assistant)
Rachel Donaldson Psychiatry and Social Behaviors Sicong Liu (research assistant)
Ping DongNeurobiology20182023 Huanghe Yang (post-doc)
Jacqueline E. DonnellyClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2012 Clive J. Robins (grad student)
Sarah E. DonohueAttention, multisensory integration Neurobiology2012 Marty G. Woldorff (grad student)
Samyukta Dore2016 Scott Huettel (research assistant)
Alan D. DorvalComputation & Theory Warren Grill (post-doc)
Argenia L. Doss Molecular Genetics and Microbiology20122016 Alejandro Aballay (post-doc)
Tracy Jill DotyCognitive Neuroscience, Affective Neuroscience20022004 Marty G. Woldorff (research assistant), Kevin LaBar (research assistant)
Emma Wu Dowd Tobias Egner (grad student), Stephen R. Mitroff (grad student)
Anne Draelos
Mark Drazner Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Christine M. DreaBehavioral Neuroendocrinology
Caroline Drucker2011 Michael L. Platt (grad student)
Renee A. Duckworth2006 Stephen Nowicki (grad student)
Deborah L. DueCognitive2000 David C. Rubin (grad student)
Gwenden L. DuekerCognitive Development2002 Amy Needham (grad student)
Robert Dufort Gregory Kimble (grad student)
Joseph E. DunsmoorfMRI, Pavlovian fear conditioning, emotional learning Psychology and Neuroscience20072012 Kevin LaBar (grad student)
Suseendrakumar Duraivel Biomedical Engineering2019 Gregory B. Cogan (grad student)
Kafui Dzirasa Neurobiology Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student)
Aaron Earle-Richardson Neurology2022 Gregory B. Cogan (research assistant)
R Becket Ebitzattention, decision-making, internal states20072013 John Pearson (collaborator), John Pearson (collaborator), Michael L. Platt (grad student)
Robert B. EbitzNeuroscience Biology, Neurobiology Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology Neurobiology2013 Michael L. Platt (grad student)
Carol O. EckermanDevelopmental Psychology, Speech Communication
Julie A. EdellMarketing Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology
Elena EdelmanComputational Biology Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2008 Sayan Mukherjee (grad student)
Jeremy R. EdgertonNeuroscience Biology2003 Peter H. Reinhart (grad student)
Helen Egger
Tobias Egnerattention, cognitive control, visual cognition
Michael Ehlers Julie A. Kauer (collaborator)
Carl Eisdorfer Ewald W. Busse (grad student)
Andrew G. EkbladClinical Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2009 Clive J. Robins (grad student)
Everett H. Ellinwood, Jr.
Peter J. Elliot19851986 Charles B. Nemeroff (post-doc)
Kiersten M. ElliottMarketing Business Administration, Speech Communication2002 Julie A. Edell (grad student)
Maxwell L Elliottaging, individual differences, comorbidity Ahmad R. Hariri (grad student)
James D. EmeryManagement Business Administration2006 Sim B. Sitkin (grad student)
Barbara Elizabeth EngelhardtMachine learning, Bayesian statistics, statistical genetics, computational biology, quantitative genetics.
Ingrid M. EnsingManagement Business Administration2004 Sim B. Sitkin (grad student)
Carl Erickson
Robert P. Ericksontaste, gustatory coding
Justin M. EricsonVision, Attention2014 Stephen R. Mitroff (post-doc)
Cagla ErogluAstrocytes, synaptogenesis
Gregory N. Ervin Charles B. Nemeroff (post-doc)
Yasmin Escobedo-Lozoya20062008 Ryohei Yasuda (research assistant)
Andrea N. Eslick Psychology and Neuroscience2011 Elizabeth J. Marsh (grad student)
Myron K. Evanssynaptogenesis Surgery Cell Biology20102016 Gayathri R. Devi (grad student), Cagla Eroglu (research assistant)
Yanan FangSomatosensory2003 Fan Wang (grad student)
Sean P. Fannon2006 George R. Mangun (grad student)
Erika E. Fanselow2001 Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student)
Martilias Farrell Warren H. Meck (post-doc)
Michael Charles FarruggiaMemory, Functional Neuroimaging, Neurogenetics
Timothy D. FawSpinal Cord Injury, Rehabilitation, Locomotion, Myelin, Inflammation Department of Orthopaedic Surgery D Michele Basso (grad student)
Lisa K. Fazio Psychology and Neuroscience2010 Elizabeth J. Marsh (grad student)
Daniel C. FeilerManagement Business Administration Business Administration2012 Richard P. Larrick (grad student)
David M. FeldmanPsychology Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Dan P. FelsenfeldIntergrin, L1, cell migration, video microscopy, laser trap, adhesion receptors, extracellular matrix, cytoskeleton 19942000 Michael P. Sheetz (post-doc)
Junjie FengSomatosensory Molecular Cancer Biology2009 Fan Wang (grad student)
Gary FengDevelopmental Psychology
C. V. FenwickClinical Psychology2006 Clive J. Robins (grad student)
Mark Fereshteh Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Stephen S. FergusonG protein-coupled receptors19941998 Marc Caron (post-doc)
Harlan Matthew FichtenholtzEmotion and Attention20012006 Kevin LaBar (grad student)
Mary Beth Ficklin2006 Guoping Feng (grad student)
Greg D. Field
Michael E. Field Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Anthony J. FilianoNeuroimmunology
Alexander J. FinnNeuroscience Biology, General2005 Ann M. Pendergast (grad student)
Karla FischerSocial Psychology
David FitzpatrickVisual anatomy19981982 Irving Diamond (grad student), Len E. White (collaborator), Vivien Casagrande (collaborator)
Nathan A. FitzsimmonsNeuroprosthetics Neurobiology2009 Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student)
Mathias S. FleckCognition Psychology and Neuroscience20052009 Roberto Cabeza (grad student), Stephen R. Mitroff (grad student)
Rebekah FlemingSynaptic Transmission and ethanol
Scott R. FloydDNA damage, brain tumors
Reid G. FontaineClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2001 Kenneth A. Dodge (grad student)
Taylor R. ForeNeural Circuits, Cerebellum, Synaptic Physiology/Development Neurobiology20132019 Court Hull (grad student)
Kaitlyn Elise Foukeneurobiology Neurobiology2021 Eva Aimable Naumann (grad student)
Kevin FranksSmall neural circuits
Alexis T. FranzeseClinical Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2011 Timothy J. Strauman (grad student)
Joshua P. FrederickSomatosensory2003 Fan Wang (grad student)
Zoey Fredericks Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Donald K. FreedheimPsychotherapy, Developmental Psychopathology, Clinical Training Lloyd Joseph Borstelmann (grad student)
Neil Freedman Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Jennifer Freedman Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
G. Mark Freeman, Jrcircadian biology, neural networks20002003 William C. Wetsel (research assistant)
Henry S. Friedman Biology and therapy of adult and childhood central nervous system malignancies, particularly high-grade medulloblastoma, glioma, and ependymoma.
Kelli E. FriedmanClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2002 Philip R. Costanzo (grad student)
Allan Friedman
Tom Frielle Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Glenn A. Fry1932 William McDougall (grad student)
Romulo A. Fuentes Motor system, Parkinsons Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc)
Shinsuke Fujii Hubert Amrein (post-doc)
Stephanie M. Fullerton2001 William D. Matthew (grad student)
Melissa Furlongneurochemistry, neural bases of behavior20052007 Michael L. Platt (research assistant)
Michael S. GaffreyClinical Neurosience, Developmental Affective Neuroscience, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
J.T. Galla2019 Lysianne Beynel (research assistant)
Marissa L. GambleAuditory Attention Marty G. Woldorff (grad student)
Olga Lucia Gamboa Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20172019 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (post-doc)
Sara M. Gannonsystems neuroscience; vision
Stephanie J. GarciaPharmacology, Toxicology, Neuroscience Biology2002 Theodore Slotkin (grad student)
Tiffany Garrison Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Raphael M GeddertCognitive Control Cognitive Neuroscience Admitting Program20192024 Tobias Egner (grad student), John Pearson (grad student)
Mary B. GenterToxicology, Neuroscience Biology, Environmental Health Pathology19841988 Doyle G. Graham (grad student)
Stoyan GeorgievComputational biology , statistical learning , Laplacian statistics Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2011 Sayan Mukherjee (grad student)
Kenneth J. Gergen1963 Edward E. Jones (grad student)
Diane GetsyPalmer Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Asif A. Ghazanfar19941998 Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student)
Angikar Ghosal2019 Lysianne Beynel (research assistant)
Debraj Ghosecell biology, systems biology, biomathematics, computational biology Pharmacology and Cancer Biology20152021 Daniel Lew (grad student)
Jennifer A. Gibbons2006 Shirish Shenolikar (grad student)
Erin M. GibsonNeuroendocrinology20032005 Christina Williams (research assistant)
Jennifer GibsonCognitive Development & Autism Amy Needham (grad student)
Adrianne N. Gilbert2007 David Rabiner (grad student)
Daniel Gitlerpresynaptic physiology, patch-clamp19982004 George J. Augustine (post-doc)
Leisa A GlantzNeuropathophysiology of psychiatric disorders
Lindsey L. Glickfeldvisual cortex
Amy Goldbergpopulation genetics
Victoria Z. Goldenshtein Biomedical Engineering2018 Michael R. Tadross (grad student)
David GoldsteinExpertise, Giftedness, Talent, Judgment & Decision-making in the Elderly
Megan M. GolonkaClinical Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2013 Philip R. Costanzo (grad student)
Ziyi GongComputational Neuroscience
Ziyi GongComputational Neuroscience Department of Neurobiology Nicolas Brunel (grad student), John Pearson (grad student)
Eric J. Gonzalez Biomedical Engineering2016 Warren Grill (post-doc)
Deborah M. GordonBiology John R. Gregg (grad student)
Thomas Gore Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Sidney M. Gospechild neurology, neurotoxicology, neurogenetics19771980 Wilkie Wilson (grad student)
Reiko GrahamSocial/Affective Neuroscience Kevin LaBar (post-doc)
Jörg GrandlNeurobiology
Kimberly D. GranthamMarketing Business Administration2001 William Boulding (grad student)
Jennifer Gredler20132015 Mohamed A.F. Noor (grad student)
Jessica J. Greenattention, EEG, fMRI20092012 Marty G. Woldorff (post-doc)
Mikella A Green
Michelle F. Green cell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function Pharmacology2011 Anthony R. Means (grad student)
Daniel L. GreenbergCognitive2004 David C. Rubin (grad student)
John R. Gregg
Tineke Grent-'t Jong Marty G. Woldorff (grad student)
Erinn M GrigsbyDBS, stroke, electrophysiology, BCI, non-human primates Biomedical Engineering20112015 Marc A. Sommer (research assistant)
Jeffrey C. GrigstonPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology2006 Antonius M. J. VanDongen (grad student)
Warren GrillEngineering
Jennifer M. GrohSensory systems, vision, hearing, multisensory
Jeffrey M. Grosseye development Biology19962002 David R. McClay (grad student)
Gabriele GrosslFeeding Behavior20092010 Craig Dane Roberts (research assistant)
Kurtis Gruters"Cochlea, Cochlear nucleus, Auditory brainstem, Auditory cortex"2010 Jennifer M. Groh (grad student)
Bon-Mi Gu Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Amaris R. GuardiolaMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2004 Tso-Pang Yao (grad student)
Vito S. GuerraClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2008 Steven R. Asher (grad student)
Whitney B. GuerrySocial Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2012 John F. Curry (grad student)
Justin GuinneyComputational biology , statistical learning , Laplacian statistics Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2009 Sayan Mukherjee (grad student)
Elizabeth C. GulletteClinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Medicine and Surgery2000 James A. Blumenthal (grad student)
Eren Günseli Duke Institute for Brain Sciences20152015 Tobias Egner (research scientist)
Xing GuoSomatosensory2007 Fan Wang (grad student)
Robin Gurwitch
Ranier GutierrezGustatory System, Multi-electrode recordings, ingestive behavior, obesity Sidney Simon (post-doc)
Gabriel Gutierrez-OspinaDevelopmental Neurobiology Dale Purves (post-doc)
Johanna Lee GutlernerScience Curriculum 19972002 Julie A. Kauer (grad student)
Catherine R. GutmanNeuro drugs2000 Lawrence C. Katz (research assistant), William D. Matthew (grad student)
Norman Guttmanbehavior
Sarah E Hadyniak Neurobiology2022 Jeremy N. Kay (post-doc)
Elliott J. Hagedorn Genetics and Genomics2012 David Sherwood (grad student)
P. R. HahnComputational biology , statistical learning , Laplacian statistics Statistical Science2011 Sayan Mukherjee (grad student)
Jack P. Hailmanethology, animal behavior1964 Peter H. Klopfer (grad student)
Shabnam Hakimilearning, decision making, behavior change, self regulation, motivation, habit, individual differences, computational cognitive neuroscience, AI Center for Cognitive Neuroscience R. Alison Adcock (post-doc)
Shana Hall Psychology & Neuroscience20102016 David C. Rubin (grad student)
Warren G. (Ted) HallDevelopmental psychobiology, motivation
W. G. HallDevelopmental Psychobiology
Deborah L. HallSocial Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2010 Wendy Wood (grad student)
Randy A. HallNeurotransmitter receptor signal transduction19961999 Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
William C. Hall Irving Diamond (grad student)
Kosuke HamaguchiNeuroethology, System Neuroscience20082014 Richard D. Mooney (grad student)
Sanghoon HanEpisodic Memory, Motivated Memory, Decision Making, Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology20082010 R. Alison Adcock (post-doc), Ian Dobbins (grad student)
Colleen A. Hanlonneuroimaging, motor control, addiction Neurobiology20012005 Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student), Martin J. McKeown (grad student)
Timothy Hanson Neurobiology20042012 Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student)
Jamie L. Hansonearly experience, brain development, stress, maltreatment, neglect Psychology & Neuroscience Ahmad R. Hariri (post-doc), Kenneth A. Dodge (post-doc)
Cyril HanusNeuronal trafficking/development2006 Michael Ehlers (post-doc)
Makoto R. HaraSignal transduction, GPCR20062012 Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Bridgette Martin Hard
Kristina K. HardyDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology2000 Martha Putallaz (grad student)
Brian Harebiological anthropology, comparative psychology
Jesse G. Harris
Lasana T. HarrisSocial Neuroscience
Joseph A. HarrisVisual cognition, attention, perception Psychology and Neuroscience20072012 Stephen R. Mitroff (grad student), Marty G. Woldorff (grad student)
Emily M. HarrisClinical Psychology Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Jasenia Hartman Psychology & Neuroscience2022 Elika Bergelson (post-doc)
Stephen Harward
Connor M Haughey20202023 Kimberly LH Carpenter (research assistant)
William Hausdorff Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Brian Hawes Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Benjamin Y. HaydenCognitive Neuroscience20052011 Michael L. Platt (post-doc), John Pearson (collaborator)
Scott M. Hayeshippocampus, prefrontal cortex, memory, aging, alzheimer's disease2006 Roberto Cabeza (post-doc), Norbou E. Buchler (collaborator)
Gerard HeckTaste system, sensory transduction, sodium taste Robert P. Erickson (grad student)
Nathan Gray HedrickSynaptic plasticity, dendrites, learning Neurobiology20102016 Ryohei Yasuda (grad student)
Jake Heffley
Joseph Heffner Kenan Institute for Ethics Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (research assistant), Jana Schaich-Borg (collaborator)
Sarah R. HeilbronnerNeuroeconomics Neurobiology2012 Michael L. Platt (grad student)
James Heinsimer Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Jeffrey Helgagerepilepsy Neurobiology2014 James O. McNamara (grad student)
Thomas D. Helton2005 Michael Ehlers (post-doc)
Dianne G. HendricksSex differences Molecular Genetics and Microbiology2009 Hubert Amrein (grad student)
Morela HernandezManagement Business Administration2007 Sim B. Sitkin (grad student)
Ricardo Hernández-MartínezBasal ganglia, interneurons, ePhys
Jacqueline R. HershClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2014 John F. Curry (grad student)
Aaron S. HerveyClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2004 John F. Curry (grad student)
David J. HerzfeldMotor control, Motor Learning Neurobiology20182021 Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
Mary Patricia Heyer Neurobiology2011 Guoping Feng (grad student)
Molly HeyermicroRNAs, addiction, psychiatric disorders Guoping Feng (grad student), Fan Wang (research assistant)
Jon Hibshman20122017 L. Ryan Baugh (grad student)
Susan Hilbig Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20152020 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (research assistant)
Connor Hile Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20182019 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (research assistant)
John M. Hinson John E R Staddon (grad student)
Sean C. Hinton Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Anita B. HjelmelandSomatosensory2003 Fan Wang (grad student)
Mark Hnatowich Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Jessica Ho Psychiatry and Social Behaviors Sicong Liu (research assistant)
David A. Hoagey
Daryl HochmanEpilepsy; imaging Phillip A. Schwartzkroin (grad student)
William Hoese1998 Stephen Nowicki (grad student)
James A. HokansonUrology and Neural Engineering20142020 Warren Grill (post-doc)
Elizabeth B. HolmbergGeneral Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2010 Blair Sheppard (grad student)
John W. HopsonBehaviorism2002 John E R Staddon (grad student)
Hadley W. Horch2001 Lawrence C. Katz (grad student)
Haruhito Horita Erich David Jarvis (grad student)
John M. HornerLearning John E R Staddon (grad student)
April Horton2005 Michael Ehlers (grad student)
Leah D. HoudeManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2003 Blair Sheppard (grad student)
Dan Houtz Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Mariam Hovhannisyan Neurology Simon W. Davis (research assistant)
Cortney Howard Psychology & Neuroscience Simon W. Davis (grad student)
Jason Travis HowardVocal Learning Erich David Jarvis (grad student)
Catherine Qing Howe2003 Dale Purves (grad student)
Melanie B. HoyDevelopmental Psychology Psychology2008 Philip R. Costanzo (grad student)
Madeline Hsiang Cognitive Neuroscience20162019 Tobias Overath (research assistant)
Abigail HsiungCognitive neuroscience, decision-making, motivation, memory Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Center for Cognitive Neuroscience2017 R. Alison Adcock (grad student), Scott Huettel (grad student)
Nina S. Hsucognitive neuroscience, semantic memory, cognitive control, language processing Ian Dobbins (research assistant)
Liaoyuan Hu Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Hong Huang Biology19861992 Shanqing Zhang (research assistant)
Liyin Huang Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Shenyang HuangCognitive neuroscience20202020 Felipe De Brigard (grad student), Roberto Cabeza (grad student), Felipe De Brigard (research assistant), Simon W. Davis (grad student)
Da Huangdecision neuroscience, valuation, individual differences Electrical and Computer Engineering2013 David V. Smith (grad student)
David Y. HuangStroke, Alzheimer's disease, neurodegeneration Neurology1995 Warren J. Strittmatter (grad student), Allen D. Roses (grad student)
Charlotte C. HubbertMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2005 Tso-Pang Yao (grad student)
Scott HuettelfMRI, neuroeconomics19941999 Gregory McCarthy (post-doc), Gregory R. Lockhead (grad student)
Melissa Hughes Zoology19941996 Stephen Nowicki (post-doc), Peter H. Klopfer (grad student)
Lauren Hughes Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20122014 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (research assistant)
John R. Huguenardsynaptic transmission Wilkie Wilson (grad student)
Samuel William Hulbert
Christine M. HuletteDiagnosis and classification of Neurodegenerative Disorders
Court HullNeural Circuits, Cerebellum
Ahmed Hussain
Ashley N. Hutchinsonactivity-regulated transcription, synaptic development Pharmacology2011 Anne E. West (grad student)
Katherine C. HutchinsonClinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Psychology and Neuroscience2009 Melanie J. Bonner (grad student)
Ira HymanCognition, Memory19801984 David C. Rubin (research assistant)
Jeremy D. Hyman20012006 Stephen Nowicki (post-doc)
Guido Iaccarino Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Peter J. Ifft Biomedical Engineering20092013 Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student)
Lucas IllingComputational modeling, dynamics Daniel Gauthier (research scientist)
James Inglese Medicine19891994 Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Nancy Innis Psychology John E R Staddon (grad student)
Yoshi IshimaruTaste Hiroaki Matsunami (post-doc)
Jennifer Wygoda Israelgenomics, evolution Biology Biology20102015 Gregory A. Wray (grad student), David R. McClay (grad student)
Vijeth IyengarEpisodic Memory Roberto Cabeza (grad student)
Antonius M. J. VanDongenNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology
Emma Raff Jakoi Cell Biology J. David Robertson (grad student)
Steve M. J. Janssenautobiographical memory
Maria Jantz Biomedical Engineering2024 Warren Grill (post-doc)
Melanie J. JardimSomatosensory2008 Fan Wang (grad student)
Erich David JarvisVocal learning2003 Oscar Alzate (collaborator)
Hyunsoo Shawn Jesynaptic plasticity, neurotrophin, schizophrenia20062010 Michael Ehlers (post-doc)
Kyle R. Jensen Biomedical Engineering & Neurobiology2019 Michael R. Tadross (post-doc)
Deborah JensonNeurohumanities, mirror neurons
Hongyan JianSomatosensory2006 Fan Wang (grad student)
Jiefeng JiangCognitive control, memory, learning, high-level vision20142016 Tobias Egner (grad student), Tobias Egner (post-doc)
Yue Jiang2015 Sayan Mukherjee (grad student)
Miaomiao Jinsensory system: visual and nociception Neurobiology Lindsey L. Glickfeld (grad student)
Elizabeth B. J. JohnsonReward, Memory Neurobiology20082014 R. Alison Adcock (grad student)
Misha L. Johnsonsubstance abuse Pharmacology2008 Cynthia Moreton Kuhn (grad student)
Micah Alan JohnsonCognitive neuroscience of language and cognition Brain Imaging and Analysis Center Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Brain Imaging and Analysis Center Brain Imaging and Analysis Center Brain Imaging and Analysis Center Brain Imaging and Analysis Center Brain Imaging and Analysis Center Brain Imaging and Analysis Center Brain Imaging and Analysis Center20122014 Michele Theresa Diaz (research assistant), Ronald McKell Carter (collaborator), Ying-hui Chou (collaborator), Jie Zhuang (collaborator), Emily L. Parks (collaborator), David A. Hoagey (collaborator), Nan-kuei Chen (collaborator), Sally Cocjin (collaborator), Guy G. Potter (collaborator)
Elizabeth N. JohnsonVisual cortex2002 David Fitzpatrick (post-doc)
Daniel Johnston1974 Howard Wachtel (grad student)
Deborah L. JonasCognitive Psychology2000 Matt Serra (grad student)
Charles JonassaintPsychobiology Psychology, Genetics, Personality Psychology2007 Redford B. Williams (grad student)
Sarah M. Jones Psychology and Neuroscience2012 Elizabeth M. Brannon (grad student)
Neil Patrick Jones Psychology2007 Timothy J. Strauman (grad student)
Sara R. Jones Marc Caron (post-doc)
Daniel L. JonesNeurophysiology2009 James O. McNamara (post-doc)
Edward E. Jones
John P. Jones III Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Kerry JordanCognition2007 Elizabeth M. Brannon (grad student)
Rasesh B. JoshiEpilepsy, seizure20092013 James O. McNamara (research assistant)
Mati Joshuaeye movement and reward20092015 Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
Eric Juarez2017 Gregory Russell Samanez Larkin (grad student)
Anita J. Jurkowski Warren H. Meck (post-doc)
Edith KaanCognitive Neuroscience: Language Tamara Y. Swaab (post-doc)
Jon H. KaasCortical anatomy1966 Irving Diamond (grad student)
Tanya KaeferDevelopmental Psychology, Elementary Education, Language and Literature Education Psychology and Neuroscience2009 Gary Feng (grad student)
Melanie Maya KaelbererOlfaction, pain Medicine2015 Diego V. Bohórquez (post-doc)
Katsushi KagayaAnimal physiology, Neurophysiology
Christina R. Kahl cell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function2002 Anthony R. Means (grad student)
Trisha L. KalbaughNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology2003 Antonius M. J. VanDongen (grad student)
Karl Kandler Lawrence C. Katz (post-doc)
Michael J. KaneWorking memory, Cognitive control, Individual differences19991995 Lynn Hasher (grad student)
David M. KaplanSensorimotor transformation, Motor planning, Motor Learning, Parietal Cortex Neurobiology20052007 Dale Purves (grad student)
Julie B. KaplowClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2002 Kenneth A. Dodge (grad student)
Gabrielle KardonMuscle, development, regeneration, evolution Biology Biology19911997 Stephen A. Wainwright (grad student), David R. McClay (grad student)
Lawrence C. KatzSensory systems Donald C. Lo (collaborator)
Jordy Kaufmandevelopmental cognitive neuroscience, developmental psychology, human-computer interaction19941999 Amy Needham (grad student)
Hiroshi KawasakiFormation and malformation of the brain2001 Lawrence C. Katz (post-doc), Justin C. Crowley (collaborator)
Min B. KayManagement Business Administration Business Administration2013 Richard P. Larrick (grad student)
Jeremy N. Kay
Francis J. KeefeClinical Psychology
Colby Keistler20102010 Jeffrey N. Browndyke (research assistant)
Bridget Burke Kelly2006 Guoping Feng (grad student)
Shian-Ling KengClinical Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2013 Clive J. Robins (grad student)
Matthew J. KennedyNeuronal trafficking2005 Michael Ehlers (post-doc)
Alexander Rafael Kent Biomedical Engineering2013 Warren Grill (grad student)
Khuda Dad Khan Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
minesh khatri assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University and is board certified in nephology and internal medicine.20042005 Ralph L Sacco (grad student)
Wayne W. Khoe2003 George R. Mangun (grad student)
Herbert P. Killackey Irving Diamond (grad student)
Sunghan Kim2002 Lynn Hasher (grad student)
Justin Minue Kim Ahmad R. Hariri (post-doc)
Seung-Goo KimMusic perception, neural encoding Psychology & Neuroscience20182021 Tobias Overath (post-doc)
Jihee Kim Robert J. Lefkowitz (research scientist)
Gregory Kimble
Dianne Kindel Hubert Amrein (grad student)
Cynthia Kingauditory visual integration
Klim King Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Richard A. King
Silke Kipper20042005 Stephen Nowicki (post-doc)
Elizabeth Kirby20042006 Christina Williams (research assistant)
Norman Kirshnerbiosynthesis of the catecholamine neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine
J Matthew KittelbergerModulation of vocal-motor circuits2002 Richard D. Mooney (grad student)
Anastasia KiyonagaCognitive control, working memory, attention2010 Tobias Egner (grad student), Jiefeng Jiang (collaborator)
Michael Kjelsberg Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Marguerita Klein Medicine2018 Diego V. Bohórquez (research scientist)
Jeffrey Thomas Kleinsocial attention and reward, neurophysiology Neurobiology20052010 Michael L. Platt (grad student)
Andrew Kleist Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Megan M. KlenkCognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2011 Timothy J. Strauman (grad student)
John A. KlingensmithDevelopmental Biology, Craniofacial, Neurobiology, Mouse, Zebrafish
Jack D. Klingman1958 Philip Handler (grad student)
Bjoern Klink Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Gordon K. KlintworthOphthalmic Pathology (angiogenesis, eye pathology, cornea dystrophies)
Peter H. Klopferbehavioral ecology Susan Oyama (collaborator)
Alexander D. KlothStatistics, computation, biological dynamics20042005 Rui M. Costa (research assistant), Sidney Simon (research assistant)
Brian K. KobilkaAdrenergic receptors19841989 Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Walter Koch Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Trudy Kohout Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Franziska M. KorbCognitive Control Jiefeng Jiang (collaborator)
Jeffrey J. KovacsMolecular Biology, Pharmacology2005 Tso-Pang Yao (grad student), Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Cassie KozyrkovDecision-making, neuroeconomics
James E. Kragel20052010 Roberto Cabeza (research assistant)
Philip A. KragelNeuroscience, Cognition, Emotion20102015 Kevin LaBar (grad student)
Elissa B. Krakauerprimate social evolution, primate culture2005 Carel van Schaik (grad student)
Jerald D. Kralikneuroethologist19992002 Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc)
Kristina Krasich Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20122014 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (research assistant)
Anand KrishnaCognitive Psychology2000 Matt Serra (grad student)
Juliane Krueger FisterMultisensory integration2016 Anita A. Disney (post-doc)
David Krupa Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc)
Deidre Krupp2014 Simon Gregory (grad student)
Lubica Kubikovabirdsong20012005 Erich David Jarvis (post-doc)
Hakan KucukdereliGlial biology20082010 Cagla Eroglu (research assistant)
Alexis Marie Kuncel2007 Warren Grill (grad student)
Thomas Kuner Department of Neuroscience2000 George J. Augustine (post-doc)
Chay T. KuoNeural stem cells, Postnatal brain dev. Lily Y. Jan (post-doc)
Hitoshi Kurose Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Munir Gunes KutluAssociative Learning Models Nestor Schmajuk (grad student), Hasan Galip Bahcekapili (grad student)
Youngbin KwakNeural bases of motivational control of human learning and decision making2011 Scott Huettel (post-doc)
Madan Kwatra Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Luciano L'Abate
Kevin LaBar Warren H. Meck (collaborator)
Michael Lacagnina Staci D. Bilbo (grad student)
Robert Lachlan20072013 Stephen Nowicki (post-doc)
Jennie L. LacyClinical Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2011 Clive J. Robins (grad student)
Catherine Laing Psychology & Neuroscience Elika Bergelson (post-doc)
Jessica I. Lake Warren H. Meck (grad student), Kevin LaBar (grad student)
Wallace E. LambertBilingualism1938 Harold Grier McCurdy (grad student)
Jeffrey A. Lamoureuxconditioning theory, systems neurobiology19982002 Peter C. Holland (grad student), Warren H. Meck (post-doc), Christina Williams (post-doc)
Nathan Landydecision neuroscience, valuation, individual differences Electrical and Computer Engineering2013 David V. Smith (grad student)
James L. Larimer Knut Schmidt-Nielsen (grad student)
Jose A. LarrauriAssociative Learning Models 2008 Nestor Schmajuk (grad student)
Richard P. LarrickManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology
Travis M. Larson
Marek J. Laska Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student)
Christopher S. LassiterMolecular Genetics and Microbiology2005 Elwood Linney (grad student)
Mark LaubachFrontal cortex, basal ganglia, learning, motivation, decision making19972001 Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc)
Nils P. Leander Psychology and Neuroscience2009 James Y. Shah (grad student)
Mikhail A. LebedevSensory, motor and cognitive neurophysiology2002 Miguel A. Nicolelis (research scientist)
Richard Lebovitz Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Yi-Shan LeeMolecular Biology, Physiology Biology, Cell Biology Molecular Cancer Biology2008 Tso-Pang Yao (grad student)
Jung Ah Lee20082012 Jennifer M. Groh (post-doc)
Ming-Chia Leeactivity-regulated transcription, synaptic development Neurobiology2009 Michael Ehlers (grad student)
Seok-Jin LeeFRET, two photon imaging, Synaptic Plasticity Neurobiology2011 Ryohei Yasuda (grad student)
Robert J. LefkowitzG protein-coupled receptors
Huimeng LeiOlfaction, Auditory System2008 Lawrence C. Katz (grad student), Richard D. Mooney (grad student)
Shannon M. Lemrow cell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function2003 Anthony R. Means (grad student)
Heather S. LettClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology2005 James A. Blumenthal (grad student)
Beth LevantNeuropharmacology19852000 Charles B. Nemeroff (grad student)
Edward D. Levinbehavioral paharmacology, nicotine, behavioral toxicology Warren H. Meck (collaborator)
Suzanne Lewis Neurobiology2023 Kevin Franks (post-doc)
Sara Lewis Henry M. Wilbur (grad student), Peter H. Klopfer (grad student)
Amanda H. Lewis
Rebecca J. Lewisprimate social evolution, primate culture2004 Carel van Schaik (grad student)
Laura J. Lewis-TuffinDevelopment, catecholamines2002 Dona Chikaraishi (grad student)
Christopher J. LiImaging Genetics
Ye Libirdsong, development2008 Richard D. Mooney (grad student)
Tristan Qingyun LiNeuron-glia interaction, microglia, brain development aging and disease Biology20092015 Pelin M. Cayirlioglu (grad student)
Rosa Li Scott Huettel (grad student), Elizabeth M. Brannon (grad student)
Yuhui Li
Tieshi LiSkeletal System, Osteoarthritis Immunology20062008 Weiguo zhang (post-doc)
Zheng LiBrain-Computer-Interface Medical Center Department of Computer Science20112012 Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc), Craig S. Henriquez (grad student)
Jennifer Ying LiVisual system Neurobiology2018 Lindsey L. Glickfeld (grad student)
Pengfei Liang
Nicole T. LiberatiSomatosensory2000 Fan Wang (grad student)
Klaus LibertusCognitive Development, Infancy, Autism Psychology and Neuroscience2010 Kevin A. Pelphrey (grad student), Elizabeth M. Brannon (research assistant), Amy Needham (grad student)
Melissa E. LibertusCognition Psychology and Neuroscience2010 Elizabeth M. Brannon (grad student)
Shaun S.X. Lim Biomedical Engineering2019 Michael R. Tadross (grad student)
Lee Limbird19731978 Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Dayu LinSocial behaviors Lawrence C. Katz (grad student)
Shih-Chieh LinBasal forebrain, attention, reward, decision making20062009 Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student), Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc), Hao Zhang (collaborator)
Erica LinFeeding Behavior
Fumin Lin cell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function Pharmacology2011 Anthony R. Means (grad student)
Da Y. LinSensory systems2005 Lawrence C. Katz (grad student)
Fannie Lin Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Jennifer J. LindermanReceptor mediated cell behavior19961997 Robert J. Lefkowitz (research scientist)
Clark LindgrenNeurobiology, Plasticity, Electrophysiology, Neuromuscular Junction John Wilson Moore (post-doc)
Lisa Linnenbrink-GarciaBehavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
Elwood LinneyMolecular Genetics and Microbiology
Irene Liuevolutionary biology20142014 Stephen Nowicki (post-doc), Stephen Nowicki (grad student)
Irwin M. LiuSomatosensory Pharmacology2008 Fan Wang (grad student)
Winston Liu Neurobiology2018 Diego V. Bohórquez (grad student)
Sicong "Zone" Liu
Sicong Liuself-regulation; eye-tracking; visual-motor expertise; EEG/ERPs; Bayesian statistics Psychiatry and Social Behaviors20182021 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (post-doc)
Frederick S. Livingston2000 Richard D. Mooney (grad student)
Donald C. Lo
Mathew Lo Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Ekaterina S. Lobanova Ophthalmology Vadim Y. Arshavsky (post-doc)
Gregory R. Lockheadpsychophysics
Claudia LodovichiOlfaction19992003 Lawrence C. Katz (post-doc)
Bernie LohrComparative audition and bioacoustics1995 Stephen Nowicki (grad student), Jill A. Soha (collaborator)
Jon Lomasney Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Arwen Long Neurobiology2009 Michael L. Platt (grad student)
Wulfing Lorenz Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Eric LothmanEpilepsy19741977 George Somjen (grad student)
Psyche LouiMusic Perception, Cognitive Neuroscience Marty G. Woldorff (research assistant)
Chris J. Lowe Gregory A. Wray (grad student)
Zhonghua LuOlfaction2007 Guoping Feng (grad student)
Yangning LuFly neurobiology and behavior
Dominic Luciano2009 Chay T. Kuo (grad student)
Elliot A. LudvigAnimal Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making19992003 John E R Staddon (grad student)
Simon LunagomezComputational biology , statistical learning , Laplacian statistics Statistical Science2009 Sayan Mukherjee (grad student)
Wenqin LuoTouch2005 Lawrence C. Katz (post-doc)
Cindy A. Lustig Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Cindy A. Lustig2001 Warren H. Meck (collaborator), Lynn Hasher (grad student)
Gray R. Lyons Cell Biology20082012 Chay T. Kuo (grad student)
Michelle R. LyonsActivity-regulated gene transcription, NMDA receptors Neurobiology2012 Anne E. West (grad student)
Chaoyu MaSomatosensory2007 Fan Wang (grad student)
Christopher J. MacDonald2007 Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Sean P. MacEvoyVisual cortex2003 David Fitzpatrick (post-doc)
Julie P. MacEvoySocial Psychology, Developmental Psychology2006 Steven R. Asher (grad student)
Jeff J. MacInnesMemory, Motivation, Emotions, fMRI, real-time fMRI20092009 R. Alison Adcock (research assistant), R. Alison Adcock (grad student)
Sandy Macrae Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Nora Madaras2023 Laura M. Wingler (grad student)
Akshay Raj Maggu Psychology and Neuroscience2019 Tobias Overath (post-doc)
Steve Mague2011 Herbert E. Covington (post-doc)
M. Stephen Mahaley
Abhijit MahatoComputational Mechanics
Joost X. Maierauditory system Jennifer M. Groh (post-doc)
Joel D. MainlandOlfaction20062011 Hiroaki Matsunami (post-doc)
Karen Malaconmyelin plasticisty, early life immune activation Psychology20192020 Staci D. Bilbo (research assistant)
Albert E. MannesManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology, Organizational Business Administration2009 Richard P. Larrick (grad student)
Kai MaoComputational biology , statistical learning , Laplacian statistics Statistical Science2009 Sayan Mukherjee (grad student)
Amy MariaskinClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2009 John F. Curry (grad student)
Steven Marinero Donald C. Lo (grad student)
Francesco MariniCognitive control, Attention, Inhibition, Visual perception Marty G. Woldorff (grad student)
Elizabeth J. Marshmemory, knowledge neglect, metacognition, knowledge acquisition, false memories
Drew MarticorenaAudition, Reward20082013 Michael L. Platt (grad student), Richard D. Mooney (grad student)
Miles D. MartinezPerception & Action Biostatistics2020 John Pearson (grad student)
Erin E. MartinezCounseling Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2014 Richard Surwit (grad student)
Katherine T. MartucciPain
Ali Masoudi Biochemistry Christian R. H. Raetz (grad student)
R. Bruce Mastertonauditory system1963 Irving Diamond (grad student)
Matthew S. Matell2000 Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Hiroyaki Matsui Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Hiroaki MatsunamiOlfaction
William D. Matthew
Stuart MaudsleyG protein-coupled receptors, Molecular Pharmacology, Proteomics, Bioinformatics, Molecular Gerontology Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Stephanie Mauthner Hubert Amrein (grad student), W Dan Tracey (grad student)
Paul J. Mayeye, head and lid movements William C. Hall (grad student)
Cynthia P. MayCognitive aging Lynn Hasher (grad student)
J. Patrick Mayovison, eye movements, cognition20152020 Stephen G. Lisberger (post-doc)
Federico Mayor Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Benjamin Jacob Mayro
Mark Mazurek David Fitzpatrick (post-doc)
Yonatan S. Mazuz20062008 Ingrid R. Olson (research assistant)
A. Kimberly McAllister19921996 Lawrence C. Katz (grad student), Anthony LaMantia (research assistant), Donald C. Lo (grad student)
Chris McBainsynaptic transmission19931994 Julie A. Kauer (post-doc)
Caryn McCarthy Brain Imaging and Analysis Center20122012 Micah Alan Johnson (research assistant)
Sandra Y. McCourtClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Public and Social Welfare Psychology and Neuroscience2013 Kenneth A. Dodge (grad student)
Allison Norah McCoy2005 Michael L. Platt (grad student)
Alli McCoy2005 Michael L. Platt (grad student)
Harold Grier McCurdy
Patsy McDonald Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Kristina L. McDonaldDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2008 Steven R. Asher (grad student)
William McDougallpsychology
Patrick Owen McGowanEpigenetics, Biological Psychiatry, Behavioral Neuroscience19992005 Christina Williams (grad student)
Megan [MacFarland] McGuigan
Jenna A. McHenry
Andrew M. MckinneyElectrophysiology Neurobiology Neurobiology20132015 Lindsey L. Glickfeld (research assistant), Court Hull (research assistant)
Catherine D. McKnightClinical Psychology2007 Martha Putallaz (grad student)
Mary Elizabeth McLaughlin Brain Imaging and Analysis Center20132014 Micah Alan Johnson (research assistant)
Roger E. McLendonetiology, pathogenesis, and treatment of brain tumors to clinical application Peter C. Burger (post-doc)
Lori L. McMahonGABA, glycine, epilepsie Julie A. Kauer (post-doc)
James O. McNamaraepilepsy Stanley Appel (grad student)
Anthony R. Meanscell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function
Warren H. Mecktiming & time perception; memory capacity
Leonel E. MedinaNeural Engineering, Neuroprosthetics20122012 Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student), Warren Grill (grad student)
Tamar MendelsonClinical Psychology2002 Clive J. Robins (grad student)
Michelle Y. Merrillprimate social evolution, primate culture2004 Carel van Schaik (grad student)
Tobias Meyercell biology
Stephan Meylan Psychology & Neuroscience20182023 Elika Bergelson (post-doc)
Thomas Michel Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
John Mickey Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Carmelo Milano Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
William E. Miller Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Lyle H. Miller1967 Barry M. Shmavonian (grad student)
Akira S MinConnectome, Dynamics, Mood Neurobiology2018 Michael R. Tadross (grad student)
Adi MizrahiNeurogenesis Lawrence C. Katz (post-doc)
Terrie Moffittantisocial behavior, genetics Sarnoff Mednick (grad student)
Jeff T. Mohl2015 Jennifer M. Groh (grad student)
Peter J. Mohler Vann Bennett (post-doc)
Eric G. Mohlerpsychopharmacology; biological psychiatry19962002 Christina Williams (grad student)
Zachary Monge Psychology Psychology & Neuroscience2016 David J. Madden (grad student), Roberto Cabeza (grad student)
Janitza L. Montalvo-OrtizNeuroepigenetics Edward D. Levin (research assistant)
Marcia Montoya Medicine2017 Diego V. Bohórquez (research assistant)
Richard D. Mooneybirdsong, development2000 Stephen Nowicki (collaborator)
Nicole LT MoorePTSD, stress/anxiety, homeostasis20042009 Cynthia Moreton Kuhn (grad student)
Charlotte Moore Psychology & Neuroscience Elika Bergelson (grad student)
John Wilson Moorebiophysics
Javier R. Morellconditioning theory, hippocampus, ingestive behavior19911998 Peter C. Holland (grad student)
Jennifer R. Morgan2001 George J. Augustine (grad student)
James Morizio
Ashley A. MoskovichClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology Psychology and Neuroscience2014 Nancy L. Zucker (grad student)
Sayan MukherjeeComputational biology , statistical learning , Laplacian statistics
Patrick J. Mulcaheycerebral cortex, movement2023 Z. Josh Huang (grad student)
Hillary Grey MulletMemory Psychology2016 Marshall B. Allen, Jr. (grad student), Elizabeth J. Marsh (grad student)
O'Dhaniel A. Mullette-GillmanDecision Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Decision Making, Executive Functions, Value-to-Utility Transformation, Moral Judgments2007 Scott Huettel (post-doc)
Debra Mullikin-Kilpatrick Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Emil Chris MulyElectron Microscopy19861990 David Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Nathan M. MuncyMemory2022 Kevin LaBar (research scientist)
Hideji Murakoshi Ryohei Yasuda (post-doc)
Karen L. MurphyMonoamine regulation Neurobiology20022008 Marc Caron (grad student)
Vishnu Pradeep Murtyepisodic memory, motivation, emotion Neurobiology20082012 Kevin LaBar (grad student), R. Alison Adcock (grad student)
Malavika MuruganSongbird, FoxP220072013 Richard D. Mooney (grad student)
Kevin P. Myersanimal learning, ingestive behavior19941999 Warren G. (Ted) Hall (grad student)
Maria Naclerio20182020 Lysianne Beynel (grad student)
J. Victor NadlerPharmacology
Shivathmihai Nagappan Kevin Franks (grad student)
Amrita C. Nairsocial interaction, decision-making Neurobiology20062013 Michael L. Platt (grad student)
Hiroyasu Nakata Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Ponnal Nambi Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Kevin NathanEEG, Brain-Machine Interfaces, Motor Control20082010 Miguel A. Nicolelis (research assistant)
Canan Nebigil Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Amy NeedhamPerceptual cognitive and motor development
Darin Nelson Lawrence C. Katz (grad student)
Jeffrey Nelson2007 Stephen R. Mitroff (grad student)
Michael D. NelsonVisual attention, saccadic eye movements, multi-sensory integration, neuroanatomic correlates of schizophrenia20002003 George R. Mangun (post-doc)
Anders M. Nelson2010 Richard D. Mooney (grad student)
Chris Nelson Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Christopher D NelsonGPCRs, arrestin, neuroscience, diagnostics Biochemistry20022007 Robert J. Lefkowitz (grad student)
Brandi J. NewellSocial, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, fMRI20082010 Scott Huettel (research assistant), O'Dhaniel A. Mullette-Gillman (research assistant)
Thomas M. NewpherSynaptic plasticity Neurobiology20062011 Michael Ehlers (post-doc)
Anthony Nguyen Cardiology Robert J. Lefkowitz (grad student)
Thomas Nguyen
Thomas Nguyen Neurobiology2020 Anita A. Disney (grad student)
Erikson Nichols Psychiatry and Social Behaviors Sicong Liu (research assistant)
Miguel A. NicolelisMotor System Sidney Simon (collaborator), Warren H. Meck (collaborator)
Laura Niemi Philosophy Felipe De Brigard (post-doc)
Yuliya NikolovaEmotion processing, Genetics2009 Ahmad R. Hariri (grad student)
Kelly N. NoblesG protein-coupled receptors Biochemistry2010 Robert J. Lefkowitz (grad student)
Scott C. NolenDevelopmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Public Health2001 John D. Coie (grad student)
Amy Noll McLeanClinical Psychology, Neuroscience Biology2007 Timothy J. Strauman (grad student)
M. Sohail NoorDeep Brain Stimulation, Neurostimulation, Computational Modeling
Stephen NowickiAnimal Communication, Birdsong
G. Robert Nugent
Surajit Nundy2004 Dale Purves (grad student)
Vanessa M. NyborgClinical Psychology, Black Studies, Behavioral Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2001 John F. Curry (grad student)
Joseph E. O'DohertyMotor System, Sensory System, brain-machine interface, Neuroprosthesis Biomedical Engineering2011 Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student)
Brian F. O'Dowd Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Justin O'Hare
Paul A. O'Keefe Psychology and Neuroscience2009 James Y. Shah (grad student)
Dennis P. O'NeilSocial Psychology, Personality Psychology Psychology2007 Philip R. Costanzo (grad student)
Elena OanceaCell Biology19941998 Tobias Meyer (grad student)
Tetsuji Ochiai Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc)
Guy Odom
Albino Jorge Oliveira-MaiaTaste, Feeding Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student), Sidney Simon (post-doc)
Carey J. Oliver2001 Shirish Shenolikar (grad student)
Wei Song S. Ong2013 Michael L. Platt (post-doc)
James Onorato Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Martin Opperman Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Susan M. Ormsbee HolleyRadiology/Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience2003 Amy Needham (grad student)
Kimberlea A. OsmanClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology2006 Martha Putallaz (grad student)
Karl OswaldMemory1999 Matt Serra (grad student)
Monica Ottenbacher Hubert Amrein (grad student)
Tobias Overathauditory system
Michael J. Owensneuropharmacology19841990 Charles B. Nemeroff (grad student)
Chintan S. Oza
Sevgi Ozturk Burak Guclu (grad student)
Patricia Paez-Gonzalez2008 Chay T. Kuo (post-doc)
Promila Pagadala2014 Shivanand P. Lad (research scientist)
Natalia Pakharukova Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Hannah Palmer Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20172020 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (research assistant)
Arin Pamukcu20102013 Cagla Eroglu (research assistant)
David M. PanchisionDevelopment, stem cells Cell Biology19891994 Emma Raff Jakoi (grad student)
Stephanie S. Pandolfiprimate social evolution, primate culture2004 Carel van Schaik (grad student)
Lisa M. Pangneuronal cytoskeleton, synapse development, axon outgrowth, neurodegenerative disease Biology2012 Nina Tang Sherwood (grad student)
Biswaranjan PaniCell Biology, Molecular Biology, General Biophysics Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Janaina PantojaElectrophysiology of Somatosensory System Neurobiology2009 Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc), Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student)
Alison A. PapadakisClinical Psychology, Mental Health2005 Timothy J. Strauman (grad student)
Priti I. ParekhClinical Psychology, Public Health, Physiological Psychology2001 Richard Surwit (grad student)
Natasha ParikhEmotion Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Philosophy Kevin LaBar (grad student), Felipe De Brigard (grad student)
Joyce S Park Psychology and Neuroscience2022 Elizabeth J. Marsh (grad student)
Su Hyoun ParkVisual learning, Memory, Attention, Reward Anesthesiology2020 Katherine T. Martucci (post-doc)
Mikyoung Park2006 Michael Ehlers (grad student)
Emily Parks20122015 David J. Madden (post-doc)
Timothy J. Parrett
Erika A. PatallSocial Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2009 Harris Cooper (grad student)
Sheila N. Patek2001 Stephen Nowicki (grad student)
Ritika PatilBehavior, signal transduction20122016 Serena M. Dudek (research assistant)
Padmanabhan Paranji PattabiramanBDNF, Visual system, Synaptogenesis, Glauoma, Cytoskeletal signaling mechanism2005 Anne E. West (post-doc)
Sean I. PattersonGAP43 Pate Skene (post-doc)
Michael A PattersonSynaptic Plasticity, Receptor Trafficking, olfaction Neurobiology20062010 Ryohei Yasuda (grad student)
David J. PaulsenNumerical Cognition Psychology and Neuroscience20072012 Elizabeth M. Brannon (grad student)
Kristen F. PeairsClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2011 Martha Putallaz (grad student)
John PearsonComputational neuroscience20112014 Sri Raghavachari (post-doc), Michael L. Platt (post-doc), Dennis A. Turner (post-doc)
João PeçaAutism, Synapse biology, optogenetics Guoping Feng (grad student)
Wendy Y. X. PehAuditory processing, songbird2008 Richard D. Mooney (grad student)
Gang PeiGPCR Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Ian D. Peikon20062009 Miguel A. Nicolelis (research assistant)
Alejandro Peinado Lawrence C. Katz (post-doc)
Rui PeixotoSynaptic plasticity20052011 Michael Ehlers (grad student)
Kevin A. PelphreyCognitive Neuroscience Gregory McCarthy (post-doc), Warren H. Meck (collaborator)
Ann M. PendergastNeuroscience Biology, General
Karsten Peppel Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc), Neil Freedman (research scientist)
Severine Perbal Warren H. Meck (post-doc)
Susan B. Perlman Psychology and Neuroscience2009 Kevin A. Pelphrey (grad student)
Dixie-Ann N. Persaud-SawinNeuroscience Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology2004 Rose-Mary N. Boustany (grad student)
Alyssa K. Perz-EdwardsMolecular Genetics and Microbiology2001 Elwood Linney (grad student)
Karen M. PetermanDevelopmental Psychology, Speech Communication2002 Carol O. Eckerman (grad student)
Susan S. PetersAnimal communication, birdsong1989 Stephen Nowicki (collaborator)
Shani H. PetersonClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Women's Studies, Black Studies2003 Philip R. Costanzo (grad student)
Per PeterssonNeurophysiology Romulo A. Fuentes (collaborator), Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc)
Frank W. Petraglia Marc A. Sommer (collaborator)
Elijah Petter2014 Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Diana L. Pettit George J. Augustine (post-doc)
Andreas R. PfenningVocal learning Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2012 Erich David Jarvis (grad student)
Lily PhamFeeding Behavior20092010 Craig Dane Roberts (research assistant)
Curt B. PhiferNeural control of ingestion19831987 Warren G. (Ted) Hall (post-doc)
Joseph H. PiattHydrocephalus, Neurosurgery Robert Wilkins (grad student)
Christian PiflMonoamines19921994 Marc Caron (post-doc)
Catherine M. PihokerPediatric neuroendocrinology Charles B. Nemeroff (post-doc)
Natesh PillaiMathematical statistics2008 Sayan Mukherjee (grad student)
Berry PinshowPhysiological and Biophysical Ecology Zoology19721975 Knut Schmidt-Nielsen (grad student)
Angela Pisoni Psychology Simon W. Davis (grad student)
Julie Pitcher Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Michael L. Platt2007 O'Dhaniel A. Mullette-Gillman (collaborator)
Kristen E. PleilBehavioral Neuroscience, Neuroendocrinology Psychology and Neuroscience2010 Christina Williams (grad student)
Steve Plonk Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Nicholas W. Plummernoradrenergic neurons, developmental neurobiology, mouse genetics Douglas Marchuk (post-doc)
Ana Pocivavsekschizophrenia, cognition Psychiatry20012004 Edward D. Levin (research assistant)
Jia-Hou PohCognitive Neuroscience2018 R. Alison Adcock (post-doc)
John Preston Pooler1967 John Wilson Moore (grad student)
Denise Pope1998 Stephen Nowicki (grad student)
Tom Povsic Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Jonathan F. PratherBirdsong, animal communication, learning, memory Neurobiology20032009 Richard D. Mooney (post-doc), Stephen Nowicki (post-doc)
Vincent Prevostosystems neuroscience, sensorimotor processing, neuroanatomy BME20102016 Marc A. Sommer (post-doc)
Cameron L. Prigge Neurobiology2015 Jeremy N. Kay (post-doc)
Steven Eric Prince2007 Roberto Cabeza (grad student)
Cathi B. Propper Psychology Ginger A. Moore (grad student)
Vanessa Puñal
Todd Purkisspediatric ophthalmology
Dale Purves
Martha PutallazClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Jiaxuan QiSongbird Richard D. Mooney (grad student)
Ying Qian19861990 Shanqing Zhang (grad student)
Sara H. QuallsCognitive Psychology, Gerontology, Clinical Psychology1983 George Maddox (grad student)
Hui Quan2003 Marc Caron (grad student)
Nicole P. QuinlanDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology Psychology2008 Philip R. Costanzo (grad student)
Jennifer C. QuirkNeuroscience Biology2000 Peter H. Reinhart (grad student)
John E. R. StaddonPsychobiology Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Albert I. Rabin
David Rabiner
Elizabeth Anne Race Psychology2001 David J. Madden (research assistant)
Daniel R. RadiloffSomatosensory Pharmacology2009 Fan Wang (grad student)
Sri RaghavachariComputational neuroscience
Ramanujan T RaghavanVision Neurobiology Neurobiology20132016 Marc A. Sommer (grad student), Stephen G. Lisberger (grad student)
Shervin Rahimpour Neurosurgery20172021 Gregory B. Cogan (research scientist)
Nadeem Rahman Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Michael Raisch Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Sudar Rajagopal Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Kapil RamachandranChannels, Development
Arjun Ramakrishnan20122015 Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc)
Rohit RamnathVisual System2010 Ryohei Yasuda (grad student)
Amy Ramsey Cell Biology Marc Caron (post-doc)
Vasanth Ponugoti RaoGlaucoma, Vision, Cytoskeletal signaling
Yanhua RaoCell Biology Molecular Cancer Biology2013 Tso-Pang Yao (grad student)
Hrishikesh Rao2011 Marc A. Sommer (grad student)
Justin D Rasmussenglobal mental health Psychology and Neuroscience2019 Eve S. Puffer (grad student)
Andrew M. RavanelliDevelopmental Biology, Cilia, Neurobiology, Oligodendrocyte, Myelin, Zebrafish Cell Biology20042010 John A. Klingensmith (grad student)
J. Russell Ravenel Neurobiology2020 Michael R. Tadross (grad student)
Margie A. ReamDevelopment, catecholamines2008 Dona Chikaraishi (grad student)
Crystal L.C. ReeckCognitive Neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience Psychology & Neuroscience Psychology & Neuroscience20082013 Kevin LaBar (grad student), Scott Huettel (grad student), Tobias Egner (grad student)
John W. ReganNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology, Cell Biology Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Lindsay Rein Robert J. Lefkowitz (research scientist)
Peter H. ReinhartNeuroscience Biology, General Biophysics, Pharmacology
Rosana Reis Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Eric Reiter Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Xiu-Rong Ren Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Melissa G. RhodesPharmacology, Toxicology2003 Theodore Slotkin (grad student)
Heather J. RhodesCentral pattern generators, vocal communication19972003 David Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Eric Richardson
Amber D RiederAutism, ACEs, Digital Mental Health, Global Mental Health, Developmental Neuroscience, Early Intervention, Non-Specialist Coaching Center for Autism and Brain Science Center for Autism and Brain Science20202023 Geraldine Dawson (post-doc), Marika C. Coffman (collaborator)
Lillianna Righter Psychology & Neuroscience2020 Elika Bergelson (research scientist)
Maureen Ritcheymemory, emotion, fMRI Psychology and Neuroscience20052011 Roberto Cabeza (grad student), Kevin LaBar (grad student)
James C. RitchieClinical neurochemistry Charles B. Nemeroff (grad student)
Phillip D RiveraAdult hippocampal neurogenesis, neuroimmunology, behavior, learning and memory, drug addiction20142018 Staci D. Bilbo (post-doc), Staci D. Bilbo (post-doc)
James M. Roach Biomedical Engineering2020 Michael R. Tadross (grad student)
Corey Roach2015 Anita A. Disney (grad student)
David W. Roadcap2005 Shirish Shenolikar (grad student)
Rich Roberts Hiroaki Matsunami (grad student)
Todd F. Robertsmotor learning, sensorimotor learning Richard D. Mooney (post-doc)
Craig Dane RobertsSensory Neurobiology, Education20082010 Albino Jorge Oliveira-Maia (collaborator), Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc), Sidney Simon (post-doc)
Holly Hudson RobertsonNeuropsychiatric Disorders, Circuitry2009 Guoping Feng (post-doc)
J. David Robertson
Clive J. RobinsClinical Psychology
Taylor RobinsonFeeding Behavior20092010 Craig Dane Roberts (research assistant)
Greg Della Rocca Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Anne E. RocheleauClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2001 Karen C. Wells (grad student)
Kerri E RodriguezPsychology Evolutionary Anthropology20072011 Evan L. MacLean (research assistant), Brian Hare (research assistant)
Erica J. RodriguezAffective Trigeminal Pain Neurobiology20142018 Chay T. Kuo (grad student), Fan Wang (grad student)
Jamie Roitman Michael L. Platt (post-doc), Elizabeth M. Brannon (post-doc)
Michael V Rosariobiomechanics, computational biology Biology Biology20132015 Sheila N. Patek (grad student), Sheila N. Patek (grad student)
Alexandra Rosatibiological anthropology, comparative psychology, decision-making Evolutionary Anthropology2012 Brian Hare (grad student)
Jed Rose Warren H. Meck (collaborator)
Joshua S. Rosebehavioral ecology2004 Peter H. Klopfer (grad student)
Alec D. Rosedecision neuroscience, valuation, individual differences Electrical and Computer Engineering2013 David V. Smith (grad student)
Merri J. RosenAuditory system19952002 Richard D. Mooney (grad student)
Zach M. RosenthalGeneral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology
Allen D. Roseshttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=26 Stanley Appel (research scientist)
Callum F. RossEvolutionary morphology, neuroscience Biological Anthropology and Anatomy William L. Hylander (grad student)
Kimberly A. Rosvallbehavioral ecology, neuroendocrinology Biology2009 Stephen Nowicki (grad student)
Neil Roth Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Jane M Rothrockmemory, functional networks
Ann L. Rouse2007 Gregory A. Wray (grad student)
John Rowden1996 Stephen Nowicki (grad student)
Ashley L. Rubadevelopmental psychology, emotion Psychology20102014 Makeba P. Wilbourn (research assistant)
Benjamin D. Rubin19962002 Lawrence C. Katz (grad student)
William W. RubinDevelopment, catecholamines2000 Dona Chikaraishi (grad student)
David C. RubinCognitive
Kiersten Ruda
Cynthia RudinComputation & Theory
Meredith E. RumbleClinical Psychology2007 Francis J. Keefe (grad student)
Daniel E. Runcie Biology2012 Gregory A. Wray (grad student)
Laura E Rupprecht Medicine2018 Diego V. Bohórquez (post-doc)
Richard Russell1985 Jeffrey S. Stripling (grad student)
Brendon Ryu Kevin Franks (research assistant)
Greg Sabo Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Joseph Saelens David M. Tobin (grad student)
Harumi SaitoOlfaction Hiroaki Matsunami (post-doc)
Kristina Sakers Mladen-Roko Rasin (grad student)
Ali Salahpour20022009 Marc Caron (post-doc)
Raul Salinas-Mondragon
Philippe Samama Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Gregory Russell Samanez Larkinaging, motivation, reward, learning, decision making
John Sampson
Rene San Martinneuroeconomics, social cognitive neuroscience, learning, cognitive control2010 Scott Huettel (grad student), Marty G. Woldorff (grad student)
Laurie H. Sanders
Aaron James Sandler2005 Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student)
Joshua C. Sandquist cell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function Pharmacology2008 Anthony R. Means (grad student)
Al Sandrock William D. Matthew (grad student)
Noah SandstromBehavioral Neuroendocrinology19941999 Christina Williams (grad student)
Fidel SantamariaComputational Neuroscience20012006 George J. Augustine (post-doc)
Fernando Santos-Valencia Kevin Franks (grad student)
David M. Santucci20052008 Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student), Sri Raghavachari (grad student)
Subhodeep SarkerMolecular Pharmacology and Toxicology, Experimental Therapeutics Department of Medicine20112012 Sudha K. Shenoy (post-doc)
Aya Sasaki Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Mika Scheinin Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Harold Abraham Scheragastructures of proteins1946 Marcus Edwin Hobbs (grad student), Paul Magnus Gross (grad student)
Steven J. SchiffNeuroscience, Neural Engineering, Neurosurgery George Somjen (grad student)
Susan S. SchiffmanOlfaction and Gustation
Stephen SchillingSomatosensory Pharmacology2009 Fan Wang (grad student)
Nestor SchmajukAssociative Learning Models John W. Moore (grad student)
Donald E. Schmechelhttp://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=127
Meredith N. Schmehlvision, visual system, hearing, auditory system, visual-auditory integration, audiovisual integration, multisensory, multisensory integration, multisensory processing, sensory systems, experience-dependent plasticity, science policy, science communication Department of Neurobiology Statistical Science20182024 Jennifer M. Groh (grad student), Surya T. Tokdar (collaborator)
Knut Schmidt-Nielsen
David Michael SchneiderAudition, zebra finch, circuits2013 Richard D. Mooney (post-doc)
Douglas SchockenClinical Psychology, Public Health Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Drew C SchreinerBehavioral Neuroscience, Decision-making, Birdsong, Experience, Addiction, Alcohol, Neurobiology2021 Richard D. Mooney (post-doc)
Matthew Schulkindmusic cognition, autobiographical memory19911997 David C. Rubin (grad student)
Amy B. SchultingDevelopmental Psychology, Early Childhood Education Psychology and Neuroscience2010 Kenneth A. Dodge (grad student)
Rochelle D. Schwartz-BloomNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology
David SchwarzAddiction, Ingestive Behavior
Felix E. Schweizersynaptic transmission, ribbon synapses, protein degradation, neurodegeneration19941998 George J. Augustine (post-doc)
Debra A. Schwinnmolecular pharmacology, alpha 1 adrenergic receptors Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Cindy D. ScipioClinical Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2009 Francis J. Keefe (grad student)
Derek Scott2004 Michael Ehlers (grad student)
Thomas R. Scottgustatory coding, ingestive behavior Robert P. Erickson (grad student)
Kendra L SeamanDecision Making Learning Aging Neuroimaging2015 Gregory Russell Samanez Larkin (post-doc)
Andreas SeasNeurosurgery, Neural Engineering Department of Biomedical Engineering Department of Neurosurgery Department of Neurosurgery Department of Biomedical Engineering Cameron C. McIntyre (grad student), Shivanand P. Lad (grad student), Stephen Harward (grad student), Tim Dunn (grad student)
Kelly E. SeeManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology2004 Richard P. Larrick (grad student)
Paul Seli
Matt SerraCognitive Psychology
Hananiel SetiawanMedical Physics, Nuclear Physics
Kendra SewallAnimal Behavior20102012 Stephen Nowicki (post-doc)
James Y. Shah
Yanyan Shan David C. Rubin (grad student)
K M SharikaCognitive Neuroscience 2014 Michael L. Platt (post-doc)
Stephen D. Sheamouse olfaction, audition20052005 Lawrence C. Katz (post-doc), Richard D. Mooney (post-doc)
Xing ShenSomatosensory2000 Fan Wang (grad student)
Shirish Shenolikar
Sudha K. Shenoy Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Stephen V. Shepherdsocial neuroethology Neurobiology20022008 Michael L. Platt (grad student)
Blair SheppardGeneral Psychology
Nina Tang Sherwoodneuronal cytoskeleton, synapse development, axon outgrowth, neurodegenerative disease Neurobiology Donald C. Lo (grad student)
David Sherwood1998 David R. McClay (grad student)
Brenda C. Shields Biomedical Engineering & Neurobiology2012 Michael R. Tadross (research scientist)
Paul J ShimGPCR, Arrestins
Chelsea Rae Shoben Biology Molecular Genetics & Microbiology20172018 L. Ryan Baugh (research assistant), Craig B. Lowe (grad student)
Robert Shorr Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Peter Shrager Peter K. Lauf (post-doc)
Arun K. ShuklaGPCRs Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Marshall Hussain Shuler2001 Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student)
David R. SibleyDopamine19831987 Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Teepu SiddiqueALS, Neurogenetics, Neurobiology of disease Allen D. Roses (research scientist)
Ilene Siegler
Amilcar Silva dos SantosBipolar Disorder, Neuromodulation, Brain Machine Interface, Psychiatry, Neurobiology20132014 Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student)
Sidney SimonTaste Warren H. Meck (collaborator)
Valerie Beth Simon2002 Stephen Nowicki (grad student)
Itamar SimonsonMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology1987 James Ross Bettman (grad student), John William Payne (grad student)
Alyssa H Sinclaircognitive neuroscience, learning & memory, motivation, behavior change, communication Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology & Neuroscience20182023 R. Alison Adcock (grad student), Gregory Russell Samanez Larkin (grad student)
Audrey Siqi-Liu20182023 Tobias Egner (grad student), Marty G. Woldorff (grad student)
Sim B. SitkinManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology
Pate SkeneGAP432007 Mark Willard (post-doc), O'Dhaniel A. Mullette-Gillman (collaborator)
Bernard J. SlaterAuditory system, top down projections Neurobiology2020 Richard D. Mooney (post-doc)
Matthew Slayton Psychology Simon W. Davis (grad student)
Jesse Slone Hubert Amrein (grad student)
Lauren M Sloskypain, addiction, GPCRs Cell Biology20152021 Marc Caron (post-doc)
Theodore SlotkinPharmacology, Toxicology, Neuroscience Biology
Thoedore A. SlotkinToxicology, Pharmacology, Human Development, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
Patrick Smith
Anna P. Smithepisodic memory, cognitive science, mind wandering, creativity, hypnagogia Psychology and Neuroscience Psychology & Neuroscience; Philosophy Psychology & Neuroscience20222022 Paul Seli (grad student), Felipe De Brigard (grad student), Elizabeth J. Marsh (grad student)
Victoria Anne SmithComputational modeling20012005 Erich David Jarvis (post-doc)
David V. Smithdecision neuroscience, valuation, individual differences Psychology and Neuroscience20072012 Scott Huettel (grad student)
Kate E. SnyderDevelopmental Psychology, General Education Psychology and Neuroscience2012 Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia (grad student)
Rosa Qi So Biomedical Engineering2012 Warren Grill (grad student)
Vanessa Villamia Sochatneuroinformatics Psychology & Neuroscience20092011 Ahmad R. Hariri (research assistant)
Jill A. Soha2011 Stephen Nowicki (research scientist)
Jack SollMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology Richard P. Larrick (grad student)
George Somjen
Marc A. Sommervision, cognition, and eye movements
Zac Spalding Biomedical Engineering2022 Gregory B. Cogan (grad student)
John E. Spiro Richard D. Mooney (post-doc)
Gareth G. Spor David Fitzpatrick (research assistant)
Robert F. Spurney Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Peggy L. St. JacquesCognitive Neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience2010 Roberto Cabeza (grad student), Morris Moscovitch (research assistant), Daniel Schacter (post-doc), David C. Rubin (grad student)
John E R StaddonBehaviorism
Matthew Stanley
Steven J. StantonBehavioral neuroendocrinology2009 Scott Huettel (post-doc), Kevin LaBar (grad student), Kevin LaBar (post-doc), O'Dhaniel A. Mullette-Gillman (collaborator)
Jennifer Rebecca Stapleton Neurobiology2007 Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student)
Jennifer Stapleton-KotloskiGustatory system, Visual system, Electrophysiology Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student), Sidney Simon (grad student)
Clara K StarkweatherReinforcement learning, dopamine, electrophysiology Neurobiology20092013 Richard D. Mooney (research scientist)
Dean Staus Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
John SteenbergenComputational biology , statistical learning , Laplacian statistics Mathematics2013 Sayan Mukherjee (grad student)
Andrea Stewartneuronal cytoskeleton, synapse development, axon outgrowth, neurodegenerative disease Biology2011 Nina Tang Sherwood (grad student)
Gary L. Stiles Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Robert Stoffel Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Carl Stone Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Julie C. Stoutstriatal-frontal systems, Huntington's Disease19851991 Jay M. Weiss (grad student)
Ryan Strachan Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Cathy Strader Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Ruth Strasser Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Timothy J. StraumanClinical Psychology
Warren J. StrittmatterAlzheimer's disease20031978 Oscar Alzate (collaborator), Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Daniel Stroik Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Thomas T. Struhsakerprimate behavior, conservation
Berta Strulovici Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Christopher B. Sturdyneuroethology of songbird communication20002001 Richard D. Mooney (post-doc), Stephen Nowicki (post-doc)
Ashwin Subramaniam Psychiatry and Social Behaviors Sicong Liu (research assistant)
Divya SubramanianVisual system Neurobiology2015 Marc A. Sommer (grad student)
Takashi SugawaraEpilepsy, synaptic plasticity2006 Ryohei Yasuda (post-doc)
Yoko SugiyamaVisual system Richard D. Mooney (post-doc)
Regina Marie Sullivan Warren G. (Ted) Hall (post-doc)
Nicolette (Nikki) J. SullivanNeuroeconomics Psychology and Neuroscience2015 Scott Huettel (post-doc)
Jinpeng Sun Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Richard SurwitClinical Psychology
Scott Swartzwelder Warren H. Meck (collaborator)
Susan E. SwithersIngestive Behavior, Learning19871991 Warren G. (Ted) Hall (grad student)
Erzsebet Maria SzatmariNeuroscience Ryohei Yasuda (post-doc)
Michael R. Tadross
Jennifer M. TalaricoCognitive2006 David C. Rubin (grad student)
Durk TalsmaMultisensory Integration, Attention20012003 Marty G. Woldorff (post-doc)
Lynn E. TaltonBehaviorism2002 John E R Staddon (grad student)
Keiko TanakaSynaptic plasticity, Postsynaptic regulation George J. Augustine (post-doc)
Masashi Tanakasongbird20132018 Richard D. Mooney (post-doc)
Shashank TandonGustation, reward pathways, plasticity20102012 Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc), Sidney Simon (post-doc)
Dharol Tankersleypsychiatric neuroscience Philosophy2008 Scott Huettel (grad student)
Robin J. TannerManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology, Marketing Business Administration Business Administration2008 James Ross Bettman (grad student)
Barbara E. TanosMolecular Biology, Oncology2006 Ann M. Pendergast (grad student)
Adrienne TarenStress, Health Neuroscience, Neuroimaging Scott Huettel (research scientist)
David L. Tauck19781983 J. Victor Nadler (grad student)
C. Richard Taylorlocomotion Knut Schmidt-Nielsen (research scientist)
Morgan Taylor Psychology & Neuroscience Psychology & Neuroscience20182023 Gregory Russell Samanez Larkin (grad student), Elizabeth J. Marsh (grad student)
Brian L. Teng cell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function Pharmacology2011 Anthony R. Means (grad student)
Ellen C. Teng cell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function Molecular Cancer Biology2011 Anthony R. Means (grad student)
Ryan T. Terry-Lorenzo2002 Shirish Shenolikar (grad student)
Blossom Tewelde Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Michael Tharp Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Sven Thoenes Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Laura A. ThomasEmotion & Memory Psychology20022007 Kevin LaBar (grad student)
Paul Michael Thompson Biomedical Engineering20182021 Fan Wang (grad student)
Alex Thomsen Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Eric E. ThomsonSensory Coding.2004 Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc)
Natasha Thorne Genetics and Genomics2007 Hubert Amrein (grad student)
John N ThorpMemory Center for Cognitive Neuroscience20172019 R. Alison Adcock (research assistant)
Rebecca ThurstonMedicine and Surgery, Animal Physiology Biology2003 James A. Blumenthal (grad student)
George Tindall
David M. Tobin
Koji TodaNeurophysiology Department of Psychology & Neuroscience20152017 Michael L. Platt (post-doc), Henry Yin (post-doc)
Akira Tohgo Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Henry L. TomlinsonClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Public Health2005 John F. Curry (grad student)
Simon T. TonevCognitive2002 David C. Rubin (grad student)
Leigh P. TostManagement Business Administration, General Psychology Business Administration2010 Kimberly A. Wade-Benzoni (grad student)
Kazushige TouharaOlfaction Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
W Dan Tracey Nina Tang Sherwood (collaborator)
Jennifer A. TrauthPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology2000 Theodore Slotkin (grad student)
Marios Tringides
Ranak TrivediClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology2006 James A. Blumenthal (grad student)
Darinka TrübutschekConsciousness; Working Memory; Emotions; MEG/EEG; (f)MRI20102012 Tobias Egner (research assistant)
Sara Trucco Biology19961996 Nina F. Schor (research assistant)
Bie Shung Tsai Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Yu-Ju Tsaidecision neuroscience, valuation, individual differences Electrical and Computer Engineering2013 David V. Smith (grad student)
Katherine Tschida
Henry H. TsengOphthalmology, neurodegeneration20082011 Michael Ehlers (post-doc)
Po-He Tsengcomputational neuroscience, attention Neurobiology2013 Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc)
Thomas R. TuckerVisual system19992004 Lawrence C. Katz (post-doc), David Fitzpatrick (post-doc)
Michael P. TulioVisual system
Jenny Tung Biology2010 Gregory A. Wray (grad student), Susan C. Alberts (grad student)
Dennis A. Turner Warren H. Meck (collaborator)
John C. Tuthillbrains and trains Biology20052006 Sonke Johnson (research assistant)
Sharda Umanath Psychology2014 Elizabeth J. Marsh (grad student)
Vivek Upadhyay Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
W Martin UsreyVision1994 David Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Amanda Utevsky2011 Michael L. Platt (grad student), Scott Huettel (grad student)
Dan M. Vahaba
Thomas J. Van de VenNeuroscience Biology2005 Antonius M. J. VanDongen (grad student)
Berry van den Berg Center for Cognitive Neuroscience20122015 Marty G. Woldorff (research scientist)
Stephen D. Van HooserVisual system, development20052010 David Fitzpatrick (post-doc)
Amanda E. Van Swearingensubstance abuse Molecular Cancer Biology2012 Cynthia Moreton Kuhn (grad student)
Thomas C. VanamanBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology1968 Robert L. Hill (grad student)
Kevan VanLandinghamEpilepsy
Chirag Vasavda Cell Biology20092013 Vann Bennett (research assistant)
W.F. Vaughan1929 William McDougall (grad student)
Vinod VenkatramanfMRI Psychology and Neuroscience2011 Scott Huettel (grad student)
Julio L. Vergara19731973 Toshio Narahashi (grad student)
Angela Vieth Psychology & Neuroscience Timothy J. Strauman (post-doc)
Aashutosh Vihani2022 Hiroaki Matsunami (grad student)
Johnathan Violin Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Heather R. Vitasubstance abuse2004 Cynthia Moreton Kuhn (grad student)
Jonathan ViventiElectrode Arrays
Khoi D. VoNeuroeconomics, Decision Processes, Advertising Effectiveness Psychology and Neuroscience Psychology and Neuroscience Scott Huettel (grad student), Marty G. Woldorff (grad student)
James W. Voltz2004 Shirish Shenolikar (grad student)
Jim VoyvodicFMRI, Visual Cortex
Mai-Anh T. Vumotivation, learning, memory, dopamine, fiber photometry, fMRI, in vivo rodent electrophysiology20122018 R. Alison Adcock (grad student), Kafui Dzirasa (grad student)
Kazuhiro Wadavocal learning, critical period, gene expression Erich David Jarvis (post-doc)
David S. WaddellSomatosensory2004 Fan Wang (grad student)
Kimberly A. Wade-BenzoniManagement Business Administration, General Psychology
Robert W. WaltersCystic fibrosis, Neuroscience Robert J. Lefkowitz (grad student)
Joyce Wang20142016 Kafui Dzirasa (research assistant)
Lingyu WangDevelopmental Biology, Evolution, Bioinformatics Biology20162017 Gregory A. Wray (post-doc)
Gaofeng Wang Yehia Daaka (post-doc)
Fan WangSomatosensory
Hui Wang Pharmacology2012 Fan Wang (grad student)
Lingling WangAttention, Emotion20122014 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (post-doc)
zhiping wangAMPA receptors
Tingting Wang
Shangying Wang Physics BME20162020 Sri Raghavachari (grad student), Lingchong You (post-doc)
Teng Wang20172022 Lingchong You (grad student)
Samuel S.-H. Wangcerebellum; brain evolution19941997 George J. Augustine (post-doc)
Lihong Wangcogntive and affective neuroscience Gregory McCarthy (post-doc)
Rui WangBioinformatics, Comparative Genomics, Structural Informatics Erich David Jarvis (grad student)
Wei-Chun Wangmemory, priming, concepts2013 Roberto Cabeza (post-doc)
Lawrence McCue Wardpsychophysics, cognitive neuroscience, dynamical systems theory19661970 Gregory R. Lockhead (grad student)
Timothy L. Warren Richard D. Mooney (post-doc)
Karli K. WatsonCingulate Cortex20072013 Michael L. Platt (post-doc), R Becket Ebitz (collaborator)
Isaac A Weaver Biomedical Engineering & Neurobiology20172022 Michael R. Tadross (grad student)
Bethany WeberNeuroeconomics Scott Huettel (post-doc)
Molly K. WeeksGeneral Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Gender Studies Psychology and Neuroscience2013 Steven R. Asher (grad student)
Xuefeng Frank Wei Biomedical Engineering2009 Warren Grill (grad student)
Stephen E. WeinbergEconomics
Elizabeth Weinzierl2007 Guoping Feng (grad student)
Ruth K. WeirAutism, Amygdala development20072007 Edward D. Levin (research assistant)
Douglas C. Weiser2004 Shirish Shenolikar (grad student)
Stacy Weiss1999 Stephen Nowicki (grad student)
Daniel H. WeissmanAttention Marty G. Woldorff (post-doc), George R. Mangun (post-doc)
Michael Welikyvision Lawrence C. Katz (post-doc)
Karen C. WellsClinical Psychology, Social Psychology
Jill Wentzell
Michael Wessels Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Anne E. Westactivity-regulated transcription, synaptic development Warren H. Meck (collaborator)
Monte WesterfieldMolecular genetics of human disease; Usher syndrome19731977 John Wilson Moore (grad student)
William C. WetselBehavioral neuroscience Warren H. Meck (collaborator)
Erin J. Whalenmood, thirst, cardiovascular homeostasis Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Leonard E. White
Stephanie A. Whitesocial influences on the brain, birdsong Richard D. Mooney (post-doc)
Len E. WhiteVisual cortex19921999 Dale Purves (post-doc)
Keith E. WhitfieldDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Aging
Osceola Whitney2004 Erich David Jarvis (post-doc)
Mike Wiest Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc)
Ranjula Wijayatungeactivity-regulated transcription, synaptic development Neurobiology2012 Anne E. West (grad student)
Jarl Wikberg Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Alyson M. Wilbanks2004 Marc Caron (grad student)
Donna M WilcockAlzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, small vessel disease, microglia, neuroinflammation Neurology Carol Colton (post-doc)
Robert Wilkins
Victoria W. WillardClinical Psychology, Nursing, Social Psychology Psychology and Neuroscience2011 Melanie J. Bonner (grad student)
Shawn Willett2014 Jennifer M. Groh (grad student)
R. Sanders Williams Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Lewis T. Williams Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Adrienne A. WilliamsClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Social Psychology2006 Philip R. Costanzo (grad student)
Redford B. WilliamsClinical Psychology, Medicine and Surgery, Genetics
Loren Dean WilliamsDNA, intercalators, crystallography, RNA, ribosome, evolution1985 Barbara Ramsay Shaw (grad student)
Christina WilliamsBehavioral Neuroscience, Neuroendocrinology Warren H. Meck (collaborator)
Lauren L. WilliamsonPsychoneuroimmunology Psychology and Neuroscience2014 Staci D. Bilbo (grad student)
Wilkie Wilson Howard Wachtel (grad student)
Kevin D. WilsonCognitive Neuroscience of Visual Attention20002004 George R. Mangun (post-doc)
Jessica K. Wilsonlong-term memory, dopaminergic system2011 R. Alison Adcock (grad student)
Daniel E. Wilson2010 Craig Dane Roberts (research assistant)
Ashley M. Wilson Neurobiology Lindsey L. Glickfeld (grad student)
Tammy Windfelder1997 Stephen Nowicki (grad student)
Amy A. Winecoffemotion regulation, reward valuation, decision making, aging Scott Huettel (grad student)
Jeffery A. WinerAudition, anatomy19741977 Nell Cant (post-doc), Irving Diamond (post-doc)
Katharine E. Winkler cell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function2001 Anthony R. Means (grad student)
Jim Wisler Robert J. Lefkowitz (research scientist)
Melissa A. WittBehavioral Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Latin American Studies Psychology and Neuroscience2012 Philip R. Costanzo (grad student)
Marty G. WoldorffCognitive Neuroscience Warren H. Meck (collaborator)
Sze-Sze WongManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology2002 Sim B. Sitkin (grad student)
Sarah J. Wong-GoodrichAdult Hippocampal Neurogenesis, Learning and Memory
Amorn Wongsarnpigoon Biomedical Engineering2011 Warren Grill (grad student)
John Patrick Woock Biomedical Engineering2010 Warren Grill (grad student)
Wendy WoodSocial Psychology
Eleanor Wood Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences20202021 Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (research assistant)
Barnes Woodhall
Camille B. WortmanGrief, Trauma, Loss Jack W. Brehm (grad student)
Gregory A. Wray1987 David R. McClay (grad student)
Rachael N Wright
Qiang WuStatistical learning Sayan Mukherjee (post-doc)
Pau Yen Wupain, stress, burn, HPA Sven-Eric Jordt (post-doc)
Wei Wufinance Neurobiology2009 David Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Chien-Te Vince Wuattention, visual perception Psychology2007 Marty G. Woldorff (grad student)
Joy Y. Wu cell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function2000 Anthony R. Means (grad student)
Joyce C. WuNeurohumanities, mirror neurons Romance Studies2012 Deborah Jenson (grad student)
John D. Wylieneuroscience, neuroradiology
Clive Wynnebehavior of animals, including dogs and other canids, behavior analysis, operant conditioning, timing John E R Staddon (post-doc)
Qi Xiao
Kevin Xiao Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Jianxin XieNeuroscience Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology2023 Dong Yan (post-doc)
Peng Xu Department of Neurobiology Fan Wang (research assistant)
Talene A. Yacoubian2000 Donald C. Lo (grad student)
Amol P Yadavbrain machine interfaces, neuroprosthetics2010 Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student)
Ege Yalcinbas Brain Imaging and Analysis Center20132014 Micah Alan Johnson (research assistant)
Haidun Yan Biomedical Engineering & Neurobiology2019 Michael R. Tadross (research scientist)
Brenda W Yangmemory, fiction, education, misinformation
Tso-Pang YaoCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology
Helen Yao Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Xiaoyang YaoVisual System
Guang YaoGenetics20052010 Lingchong You (post-doc)
Ryohei YasudaFRET, two photon imaging, Synaptic Plasticity Sri Raghavachari (collaborator), Michael Ehlers (collaborator), Hyunsoo Shawn Je (collaborator)
Richard Yaxley Scott Huettel (post-doc)
Elizabeth S. Yeh cell signaling cascades that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation or function2004 Anthony R. Means (grad student)
Jerry H. YenDevelopmental neurotoxicology, Zebrafish, Neural circuitry and assembly Environment20072012 Elwood Linney (grad student)
Jason J Yi Pharmacology20032009 Michael Ehlers (grad student)
Bin YinTiming and time perception, learning and behavior, emotion and motivation2009 Warren H. Meck (grad student)
Ken D. Yokoyama Biology2010 Gregory A. Wray (grad student)
Sheila T. YongSomatosensory Molecular Cancer Biology2011 Fan Wang (grad student)
David S. Yoo2003 Marc Caron (grad student)
Takaaki Yoshimasa Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Laura Yost
Andrea YoungBehavioral disorders
S. Aryana Yousefzadeh SINS2020 Michael R. Tadross (grad student)
Gene Yu20112019 Dong Song (grad student)
Meltem Yucelmorality, moral development, fairness, social development, developmental psychology
Richy YunCortical Plasticity Biomedical Engineering20142016 Miguel A. Nicolelis (research assistant)
Musa Zamah Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Alberuni M. ZamahG protein-coupled receptors2002 Robert J. Lefkowitz (grad student)
Nicole L. ZandyMolecular Biology Molecular Cancer Biology2008 Ann M. Pendergast (grad student)
Yunxiang Zang Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Weiguo zhang
Yun Zhang Pharmacology2013 Fan Wang (grad student)
Yang Zhang Huanghe Yang (post-doc)
Tianhe ZhangNeural Engineering
Hao Zhangcholinergic system, hippocampal activity Neurobiology2009 Miguel A. Nicolelis (grad student), Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc)
Xiang ZhouSensory System Fan Wang (grad student)
Weibin ZhouNeuroscience2006 John Y. Kuwada (grad student)
Jie Zhuang
Hanyi ZhuangOlfaction Genetics and Genomics2007 Hiroaki Matsunami (grad student)
Dave Zidar Robert J. Lefkowitz (post-doc)
Joshua W. Ziel Biology2011 David Sherwood (grad student)
Michael ZorawskiLearning and Memory20032004 Kevin LaBar (post-doc)
Lejla Zubcevic Biochemistry Seok-Yong Lee (post-doc)
Nancy L. ZuckerClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology