Nabil Hassan Farhat
Affiliations: | 2012 | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States |
"Nabil Hasan Farhat" OR "Nabil H. Farhat"Bio:
(1933 - 2020)
Mean distance: 22.48 (cluster 39)
Cross-listing: E-Tree
Sign in to add mentorLeon W Zelby | grad student | 1963 | Penn (E-Tree) | |
(Diffused plasma boundaries and some aspects of electromagnetic wave synthesis) |
Sign in to add traineeNatan S. Kopeika | grad student | 1971 | Penn (E-Tree) |
Emilio Del-Moral-Hernandez | grad student | 1991-1998 | Penn |
Geehyuk Lee | grad student | 2000 | Penn |
Jie Yuan | grad student | 2006 | Penn |
Ramin Pashaie | grad student | 2007 | Penn |
Ning Song | grad student | 2012 | Penn |
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Pashaie R, Farhat NH. (2009) Self-organization in a parametrically coupled logistic map network: a model for information processing in the visual cortex. Ieee Transactions On Neural Networks / a Publication of the Ieee Neural Networks Council. 20: 597-608 |
Pashaie R, Farhat NH. (2008) Analytic model for the dynamics of electron trapping materials with applications in nonlinear optical signal processing Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 25: 15-21 |
Yuan J, Farhat NH, Van der Spiegel J. (2008) Background calibration with piecewise linearized error model for CMOS pipeline A/D converter Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 55: 311-321 |
Yuan J, Song N, Farhat N, et al. (2008) The processing element design for a large-scale spatio-temporal pattern clustering system Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing. 59: 287-300 |
Pashaie R, Farhat NH. (2007) Optical realization of bioinspired spiking neurons in the electron trapping material thin film. Applied Optics. 46: 8411-8 |
Pashaie R, Farhat NH. (2007) Realization of receptive fields with excitatory and inhibitory responses on equilibrium-state luminescence of electron trapping material. Optics Letters. 32: 1501-3 |
Pashaie R, Farhat NH. (2007) Dynamics of electron-trapping materials under blue light and near-infrared exposure: An improved model Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 24: 1927-1941 |
Yuan J, Song N, Farhat N, et al. (2007) Cort-X II: The Low-Power Element Design for a Dynamic Neural Network Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems Ii-Express Briefs. 54: 1130-1134 |
Farhat NH. (2007) Corticonic models of brain mechanisms underlying cognition and intelligence Physics of Life Reviews. 4: 223-252 |
Yuan J, Farhat N, Spiegel JVd. (2005) GBOPCAD: a synthesis tool for high-performance gain-boosted opamp design Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems. 52: 1535-1544 |