James C. Elliott
Affiliations: | University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States | ||
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL |
Motor Control, Movement & Rehabilitation, Neurobiology of DiseaseGoogle:
"James Elliott"Mean distance: 16.72 (cluster 60) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorBarry Giesbrecht | grad student | 2013 | UC Santa Barbara | |
(When Attention Fails: Exploring the Theoretical and Empirical Significance of Task Difficulty during the Attentional Blink.) | ||||
Barry Giesbrecht | post-doc | 2007-2013 | UC Santa Barbara | |
(PhD Supervisor Giesbrecht) |
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Gross ME, Elliott JC, Schooler JW. (2024) Why creatives don't find the oddball odd: Neural and psychological evidence for atypical salience processing. Brain and Cognition. 178: 106178 |
Nakuci J, Wasylyshyn N, Cieslak M, et al. (2023) Within-subject reproducibility varies in multi-modal, longitudinal brain networks. Scientific Reports. 13: 6699 |
Thurman SM, Wasylyshyn N, Roy H, et al. (2018) Individual differences in compliance and agreement for sleep logs and wrist actigraphy: A longitudinal study of naturalistic sleep in healthy adults. Plos One. 13: e0191883 |
Thurman S, Wasylyshyn N, Garcia J, et al. (2018) Longitudinal study of relationships between psychomotor vigilance, tonic and phasic pupil responses, and natural sleep history across 16 weeks Journal of Vision. 18: 873 |
Thurman SM, Wasylyshyn N, Garcia JO, et al. (2018) 0207 Longitudinal Study of Psychomotor Vigilance Performance, Pupil Diameter, and Naturalistic Sleep History Across 16 Weeks Sleep. 41: A80-A81 |
Bullock T, Elliott JC, Serences JT, et al. (2016) Acute Exercise Modulates Feature-selective Responses in Human Cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-14 |
Elliott JC, Baird B, Giesbrecht B. (2016) Consciousness isn't all-or-none: Evidence for partial awareness during the attentional blink. Consciousness and Cognition. 40: 79-85 |
Bullock T, Elliott J, Rosila Mares P, et al. (2016) Feature-selective coding is attenuated during sustained attention Journal of Vision. 16: 599 |
Elliott J, Giesbrecht B. (2016) The spatiotemporal neural dynamics of attentional failures during sustained dual-task performance. Journal of Vision. 16: 1029 |
Bullock T, Elliott J, Serences J, et al. (2015) Acute aerobic exercise modulates feature selectivity in human visual cortex. Journal of Vision. 15: 1066 |