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Michael G. Hadfield

Kewalo Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, United States 
"Michael Hadfield"
Mean distance: 20.16 (cluster 32)
Cross-listing: Marine Ecology Tree


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Ronald H. Karlson research assistant 1966-1969 Pomona College (Marine Ecology Tree)
Eugenio J. Carpizo-Ituarte grad student 1994-1999 Universidad Autonoma de Baja California (Marine Ecology Tree)
Dmitri Y. Boudko post-doc 1994-1997 Kewalo Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii
Eric R. Holm post-doc 1995-1998 Kewalo Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii (Marine Ecology Tree)
Dean Eric Wendt post-doc 1998-2000 Kewalo Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii (Marine Ecology Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Huggett MJ, Carpizo-Ituarte EJ, Nedved BT, et al. (2021) Formation and Function of the Primary Tube During Settlement and Metamorphosis of the Marine Polychaete (Haswell, 1883) (Serpulidae). The Biological Bulletin. 240: 82-94
Freckelton ML, Nedved BT, Hadfield MG. (2017) Induction of Invertebrate Larval Settlement; Different Bacteria, Different Mechanisms? Scientific Reports. 7: 42557
Galhenage TP, Hoffman D, Silbert SD, et al. (2016) Fouling-release performance of silicone oil-modified siloxane-polyurethane coatings. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
Shikuma NJ, Pilhofer M, Weiss GL, et al. (2014) Marine tubeworm metamorphosis induced by arrays of bacterial phage tail-like structures. Science (New York, N.Y.). 343: 529-33
Tran C, Hadfield MG. (2013) Localization of sensory mechanisms utilized by coral planulae to detect settlement cues Invertebrate Biology. 132: 195-206
Hadfield MG. (2012) Molecular clue links bacteria to the origin of animals. Elife. 1: e00242
Tran C, Hadfield MG. (2012) Are G-protein-coupled receptors involved in mediating larval settlement and metamorphosis of coral planulae? The Biological Bulletin. 222: 128-36
Hadfield MG. (2011) Biofilms and marine invertebrate larvae: what bacteria produce that larvae use to choose settlement sites. Annual Review of Marine Science. 3: 453-70
Tran C, Hadfield MG. (2011) Larvae of Pocillopora damicornis (Anthozoa) settle and metamorphose in response to surface-biofilm bacteria Marine Ecology Progress Series. 433: 85-96
McMaster DM, Bennett SM, Tang Y, et al. (2009) Antifouling character of 'active' hybrid xerogel coatings with sequestered catalysts for the activation of hydrogen peroxide. Biofouling. 25: 21-33
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