Richard L. Chappell

City University of New York, New York, NY, United States 
"Richard Chappell"
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Frederick J. Rosenstein grad student 2002 CUNY
Gina Cantone grad student 2005 CUNY
Faith Harrow grad student 2005 CUNY
Stephen M. Redenti grad student 2006 CUNY
Luena Papa grad student 2008 CUNY
Ivan A. Anastassov grad student 2013 CUNY
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Hu S, Anastassov IA, Kreitzer MA, et al. (2020) A dark decrement for enhanced dynamic sensitivity of retinal photoreceptors. Vision Research. 180: 80-86
Malchow RP, Chappell RL, Ripps H. (2019) Voltage- and Ligand-Gated Conductances of Bipolar Cells From the Skate Retina. The Biological Bulletin. 181: 323-324
Chappell RL, Malchow RP, Ripps H. (2019) Perforated Patch Recordings From Isolated Skate Bipolar Cells. The Biological Bulletin. 183: 347-348
Anastassov I, Ripps H, Chappell RL. (2014) Cytoprotection by endogenous zinc in the vertebrate retina. Journal of Neurochemistry. 129: 249-55
Anastassov I, Shen W, Ripps H, et al. (2013) Zinc modulation of calcium activity at the photoreceptor terminal: a calcium imaging study. Experimental Eye Research. 112: 37-44
Chappell RL, Anastassov I, Lugo P, et al. (2008) Zinc-mediated feedback at the synaptic terminals of vertebrate photoreceptors. Experimental Eye Research. 87: 394-7
Redenti S, Ripps H, Chappell RL. (2007) Zinc release at the synaptic terminals of rod photoreceptors. Experimental Eye Research. 85: 580-4
Redenti S, Chappell RL. (2007) Müller cell zinc transporter-3 labeling suggests a role in outer retina zinc homeostasis. Molecular Medicine (Cambridge, Mass.). 13: 376-9
Qian H, Zhu Y, Ramsey DJ, et al. (2005) Directional asymmetries in the optokinetic response of larval zebrafish (Danio rerio). Zebrafish. 2: 189-96
Redenti S, Chappell RL. (2005) Neuroimaging of zinc released by depolarization of rat retinal cells. Vision Research. 45: 3520-5
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