Anne E. Herman, Ph.D.

2008 Psychology The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 
Industrial Psychology
"Anne Herman"
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Roni Reiter-Palmon grad student 2008 University of Nebraska - Lincoln
 (The influence of regulatory focus, expected evaluation, and goal orientation on cognitive processes related to creative problem solving.)
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Herman A, Reiter-Palmon R. (2011) The Effect of Regulatory Focus on Idea Generation and Idea Evaluation Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 5: 13-20
Reiter-Palmon R, Herman AE, Yammarino FJ. (2007) Beyond cognitive processes: Antecedents and influences on team cognition Research in Multi-Level Issues. 7: 305-313
Reiter-Palmon R, Herman AE, Yammarino FJ. (2007) Creativity and cognitive processes: Multi-level linkages between individual and team cognition Research in Multi-Level Issues. 7: 203-267
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