Rishi Bhardwaj

2002-2003 Optometry Sankara Nethralaya Hospital, Chennai 
 2012-2013 Acting Principal Nethradhama School of Optometry, Bangalore 
 2013-2020 School of Medical Sciences University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana, India 
Vision, binocular vision, optometry
"Rishi Bhardwaj"

born 6. June 1980
ca. 2001 Bachelor of Optometry from the Elite School of Optometry
2002 Optometrist, Sankara Nethralaya Hospital, Chennai
ca. 2003 Head of the Visual Field Department, Sankara
Nethralaya Hospital, Chennai
2006-2009 PhD earned from Otago University "Exploring suppression
of swap rivalry"
2009-2011 Postdoctoral Fellow, Psychology, Durham University
2012-2013 Assistant professor/Acting Principal, Nethradhama
School of Optometry, Bangalore
2013-2020 Assistant Professor, Optometry & Vision Sciences,
University of Hyderabad
died 29 Nov 2020

PhD thesis:
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Mean distance: 17.15 (cluster 23)
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Male SR, Shamanna BR, Bhardwaj R, et al. (2022) Color vision devices for color vision deficiency patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Science Reports. 5: e842
Bhardwaj R, O'Shea RP. (2012) Temporal analysis of image-rivalry suppression. Plos One. 7: e45407
Bhardwaj R, Mollon JD, Smithson HE. (2012) Compatible and incompatible representations in visual sensory storage. Journal of Vision. 12
Smith WS, Mollon JD, Bhardwaj R, et al. (2011) Is there brief temporal buffering of successive visual inputs? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 64: 767-91
Bhardwaj R, O'Shea RP, Alais D, et al. (2008) Probing visual consciousness: rivalry between eyes and images. Journal of Vision. 8: 2.1-13
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