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Hans-Ulrich Schnitzler

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany 
Echolocation; Auditory system
"Hans-Ulrich Schnitzler"
Mean distance: 12.65 (cluster 6)


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Michael Beierlein research assistant 1992-1993 Eberhard Karl University Tübingen, Germany
Holger R. Goerlitz grad student (Evolution Tree)
Elisabeth K.V. Kalko grad student (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Mariana Melcon grad student Universität Tübingen
Joachim Mogdans grad student Universität Tübingen
Gerd Schuller grad student
Björn M. Siemers grad student (Evolution Tree)
Yossi Yovel grad student 2005-2008 Universität Tübingen
Annemarie Surlykke post-doc Universität Tübingen
Cynthia F. Moss post-doc 1985-1987 Universität Tübingen
Eckhard Friauf research scientist 1989-1994 Universität Tübingen
Markus Fendt research scientist 2000-2006 Universität Tübingen
BETA: Related publications


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Götze S, Denzinger A, Schnitzler HU. (2020) High frequency social calls indicate food source defense in foraging Common pipistrelle bats. Scientific Reports. 10: 5764
Geipel I, Steckel J, Tschapka M, et al. (2019) Bats Actively Use Leaves as Specular Reflectors to Detect Acoustically Camouflaged Prey. Current Biology : Cb
Dolle P, Klein P, Fischer OW, et al. (2018) Twittering Pupae of Papilionid and Nymphalid Butterflies (Lepidoptera): Novel Structures and Sounds. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 111: 341-354
Schoeppler D, Schnitzler HU, Denzinger A. (2018) Precise Doppler shift compensation in the hipposiderid bat, Hipposideros armiger. Scientific Reports. 8: 4598
Budenz T, Denzinger A, Schnitzler HU. (2018) Reduction of emission level in approach signals of greater mouse-eared bats (Myotis myotis): No evidence for a closed loop control system for intensity compensation. Plos One. 13: e0194600
Denzinger A, Tschapka M, Schnitzler H. (2018) The role of echolocation strategies for niche differentiation in bats Canadian Journal of Zoology. 96: 171-181
Walter MH, Schnitzler H. (2017) Spectral call features provide information about the aggression level of greater mouse-eared bats (Myotis myotis) during agonistic interactions Bioacoustics. 28: 1-25
Gonzalez-Terrazas TP, Koblitz JC, Fleming TH, et al. (2016) How Nectar-Feeding Bats Localize their Food: Echolocation Behavior of Leptonycteris yerbabuenae Approaching Cactus Flowers. Plos One. 11: e0163492
Götze S, Koblitz JC, Denzinger A, et al. (2016) No evidence for spectral jamming avoidance in echolocation behavior of foraging pipistrelle bats. Scientific Reports. 6: 30978
Seibert AM, Koblitz JC, Denzinger A, et al. (2015) Bidirectional Echolocation in the Bat Barbastella barbastellus: Different Signals of Low Source Level Are Emitted Upward through the Nose and Downward through the Mouth. Plos One. 10: e0135590
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