Jeffrey T. Parsons

Psychology City University of New York, New York, NY, United States 
Social Psychology, Gender Studies
"Jeffrey Parsons"
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Thomas M. Borkowski grad student 2004 CUNY
David S. Bimbi grad student 2007 CUNY
Juline A. Koken grad student 2009 CUNY
H Jonathon Rendina grad student 2008-2014 CUNY
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Holloway IW, Wu ESC, Boka C, et al. (2024) Novel Machine Learning HIV Intervention for Sexual and Gender Minority Young People Who Have Sex With Men (uTECH): Protocol for a Randomized Comparison Trial. Jmir Research Protocols. 13: e58448
Scanavino MDT, Guirado AG, Marques JM, et al. (2023) Treatment effects and adherence of sexually compulsive men in a randomized controlled trial of psychotherapy and medication. Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Antebi-Gruszka N, Cain D, Millar BM, et al. (2021) Stress-Related Growth among Transgender Women: Measurement, Correlates, and Insights for Clinical Interventions. Journal of Homosexuality. 1-24
Fernandez MI, Harper GW, Hightow-Weidman LB, et al. (2021) Research Priorities to End the Adolescent HIV Epidemic in the United States: Viewpoint. Jmir Research Protocols. 10: e22279
Ventuneac A, Li DH, Mongrella MC, et al. (2020) Exploring potential implementation barriers and facilitators of the SMART Program, a stepped-care package of eHealth HIV prevention interventions for adolescent men who have sex with men. Sexuality Research & Social Policy : Journal of Nsrc : Sr & Sp. 17: 378-388
Naar S, Robles G, MacDonell KK, et al. (2020) Comparative Effectiveness of Community-Based vs Clinic-Based Healthy Choices Motivational Intervention to Improve Health Behaviors Among Youth Living With HIV: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Jama Network Open. 3: e2014650
Schnarrs PW, Jones SS, Parsons JT, et al. (2020) Sexual Subcultures and HIV Prevention Methods: An Assessment of Condom Use, PrEP, and TasP Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men Using a Social and Sexual Networking Smartphone Application. Archives of Sexual Behavior
Moody RL, Savarese E, Gurung S, et al. (2020) The Mediating Role of Psychological Distress in the Association between Harassment and Alcohol Use among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Military Personnel. Substance Use & Misuse. 1-9
Kahler J, Heckman TG, Shen Y, et al. (2020) Randomized controlled trial protocol for project BRIDGE: A telephone-administered motivational interviewing intervention targeting risky sexual behavior in older people living with HIV. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 106047
Rendina HJ, Cain DN, López-Matos J, et al. (2020) Measuring Experiences of Minority Stress for Transgender Women: Adaptation and Evaluation of Internalized and Anticipated Transgender Stigma Scales. Transgender Health. 5: 42-49
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