Christopher J. McCarthy
Affiliations: | Counseling Psychology | University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. |
Educational Psychology Education, Developmental PsychologyGoogle:
"Christopher McCarthy"Mean distance: 5088.86
Sign in to add traineeMichael R. Ghormley | grad student | 2000 | UT Austin |
Rebecca C. Yerly | grad student | 2000 | UT Austin |
Blaine H. Carr | grad student | 2001 | UT Austin |
Una K. Hill | grad student | 2001 | UT Austin |
Anna A. Diver | grad student | 2002 | UT Austin |
Olga L. Mejia | grad student | 2002 | UT Austin |
Lucinda M. Beard | grad student | 2004 | UT Austin |
Allison L. Sallee | grad student | 2004 | UT Austin |
Jeannetta G. Williams | grad student | 2004 | UT Austin |
Anna P. Dematatis | grad student | 2005 | UT Austin |
Brian D. Juncker | grad student | 2005 | UT Austin |
Tonya L. Kellerman | grad student | 2005 | UT Austin |
Naomi P. Moller | grad student | 2006 | UT Austin |
Mikaela K. Sebree | grad student | 2006 | UT Austin |
Scott D. Hosford | grad student | 2007 | UT Austin |
Jeremy Capello | grad student | 2008 | UT Austin |
Marian E. Oppenheimer | grad student | 2008 | UT Austin |
Joshua M. Westheimer | grad student | 2008 | UT Austin |
Maria K. Baker | grad student | 2009 | UT Austin |
Jonathan B. Hoopes | grad student | 2009 | UT Austin |
BETA: Related publications
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Fitchett PG, Dillard J, McCarthy CJ, et al. (2020) Examining the intersectionality among teacher race/ethnicity, school context, and risk for occupational stress Education Policy Analysis Archives. 28: 87 |
McCarthy CJ, Fitchett PG, Lambert RG, et al. (2019) Stress vulnerability in the first year of teaching Teaching Education. 1-20 |
Eyal M, Bauer T, Playfair E, et al. (2019) Mind-Body Group for Teacher Stress: A Trauma-Informed Intervention Program The Journal For Specialists in Group Work. 44: 204-221 |
Fitchett PG, McCarthy CJ, Lambert RG, et al. (2019) Examining teacher stress-vulnerability in the US secondary school context Educational Review. 1-24 |
Fitchett PG, McCarthy CJ, Lambert RG, et al. (2017) An examination of US first-year teachers’ risk for occupational stress: associations with professional preparation and occupational health Teachers and Teaching. 24: 99-118 |
Reiser JE, McCarthy CJ. (2017) Preliminary Investigation of a Stress Prevention and Mindfulness Group for Teachers The Journal For Specialists in Group Work. 43: 2-34 |
Reiser JE, Murphy SL, McCarthy CJ. (2016) Stress Prevention and Mindfulness: A Psychoeducational and Support Group for Teachers Journal For Specialists in Group Work. 41: 117-139 |
Lambert RG, McCarthy CJ, Fitchett PG, et al. (2015) Identification of elementary teachers’ risk for stress and vocational concerns using the national schools and staffing survey | Usando o national schools and staffing survey para identificar o risco de estresse e preocupações vocacionais em professores de ensino primário | El uso de las national schools and staffing survey para identificar el riesgo de estrés y preocupaciones profesional de maestros de primaria Education Policy Analysis Archives. 23 |
McCarthy CJ, Lambert RG, Lineback S, et al. (2015) Assessing Teacher Appraisals and Stress in the Classroom: Review of the Classroom Appraisal of Resources and Demands Educational Psychology Review |
McCarthy CJ, Lambert RG, Reiser J. (2014) Vocational concerns of elementary teachers: Stress, job satisfaction, and occupational commitment Journal of Employment Counseling. 51: 59-74 |