Erica S. Weisgram, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2006 | University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. |
Developmental Psychology, Gender Studies, Industrial PsychologyGoogle:
"Erica Weisgram"Mean distance: 23748
Sign in to add mentorRebecca Bigler | grad student | 2006 | UT Austin | |
(Gender, values, and the formation of occupational goals.) |
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Dinella LM, Weisgram ES. (2018) Gender-Typing of Children’s Toys: Causes, Consequences, and Correlates Sex Roles. 79: 253-259 |
Weisgram ES, Bruun ST. (2018) Predictors of Gender-Typed Toy Purchases by Prospective Parents and Mothers: The Roles of Childhood Experiences and Gender Attitudes Sex Roles. 79: 342-357 |
Rosen LH, Weisgram E. (2018) Balancing the Books: Working Toward Equality in Schools Sex Roles. 78: 589-590 |
Weisgram ES, Diekman AB. (2017) Making STEM “Family Friendly”: The Impact of Perceiving Science Careers as Family-Compatible Social Sciences. 6: 61 |
Hayes AR, Bigler RS, Weisgram ES. (2017) Of Men and Money: Characteristics of Occupations that Affect the Gender Differentiation of Children’s Occupational Interests Sex Roles. 78: 775-788 |
Dinella LM, Weisgram ES, Fulcher M. (2016) Children's Gender-Typed Toy Interests: Does Propulsion Matter? Archives of Sexual Behavior |
Weisgram ES. (2016) The Cognitive Construction of Gender Stereotypes: Evidence for the Dual Pathways Model of Gender Differentiation Sex Roles. 1-13 |
Diekman AB, Weisgram ES, Belanger AL. (2015) New routes to recruiting and retaining women in STEM: Policy implications of a communal goal congruity perspective Social Issues and Policy Review. 9: 52-88 |
Fulcher M, Dinella LM, Weisgram ES. (2015) Constructing a Feminist Reorganization of the Heterosexual Breadwinner/Caregiver Family Model: College Students’ Plans for their Own Future Families Sex Roles. 73: 174-186 |
Dinella LM, Fulcher M, Weisgram ES. (2014) Sex-typed personality traits and gender identity as predictors of young adults' career interests. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 43: 493-504 |