Ramakrishna Chakravarthi

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Visual Attention
"Ramakrishna Chakravarthi"
Mean distance: 13.79 (cluster 23)


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Patrick Cavanagh grad student 2002-2007 Harvard
Denis G. Pelli post-doc 2007-2010 NYU


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Søren K. Andersen collaborator
Yvette Granata collaborator NYU
Sarah Rosen collaborator NYU
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Chakravarthi R, Papadaki D, Krajnik J. (2022) Visual field asymmetries in numerosity processing. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 84: 2607-2622
Chakravarthi R, Rubruck J, Kipling N, et al. (2021) Characterizing the in-out asymmetry in visual crowding. Journal of Vision. 21: 10
Poncet M, Chakravarthi R. (2020) Subitizing object parts reveals a second stage of individuation. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Poncet M, Fabre-Thorpe M, Chakravarthi R. (2020) A simple rule to describe interactions between visual categories. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Antonov PA, Chakravarthi R, Andersen SK. (2020) Too little, too late, and in the wrong place: Alpha band activity does not reflect an active mechanism of selective attention. Neuroimage. 117006
Lonnqvist B, Clarke ADF, Chakravarthi R. (2020) Crowding in humans is unlike that in convolutional neural networks. Neural Networks : the Official Journal of the International Neural Network Society. 126: 262-274
Chakravarthi R, Bertamini M. (2020) Clustering leads to underestimation of numerosity, but crowding is not the cause. Cognition. 198: 104195
Reuther J, Chakravarthi R, Hunt AR. (2019) The eye that binds: Feature integration is not disrupted by saccadic eye movements. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Reuther J, Chakravarthi R. (2019) Response selection modulates crowding: a cautionary tale for invoking top-down explanations. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Chakravarthi R, Herbert A. (2018) Two's company, three's a crowd: Individuation is necessary for object recognition. Cognition. 184: 69-82
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