Mary J. Bravo

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States 
"Mary Bravo"
Mean distance: 13.52 (cluster 23)
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Bravo MJ, Farid H. (2016) Observers change their target template based on expected context. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Bravo MJ, Farid H. (2014) Informative cues can slow search: the cost of matching a specific template. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 76: 32-9
Bravo M, Farid H. (2014) Search templates can be adapted to the context, but only for unfamiliar targets. Journal of Vision. 14: 1076-1076
Bravo MJ, Farid H. (2012) Task demands determine the specificity of the search template. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 74: 124-31
Bravo M, Farid H. (2012) Symbolic distractor cues facilitate search Journal of Vision. 12: 727-727
Bravo MJ, Farid H. (2009) The specificity of the search template. Journal of Vision. 9: 34.1-9
Bravo MJ, Farid H. (2008) A scale invariant measure of clutter. Journal of Vision. 8: 23.1-9
Bravo MJ, Farid H. (2007) The depth of distractor processing in search with clutter. Perception. 36: 821-9
Bravo MJ, Farid H. (2006) Object recognition in dense clutter. Perception & Psychophysics. 68: 911-8
Bravo MJ, Farid H. (2005) The depth of distractor processing in search through clutter Journal of Vision. 5: 794-794
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