Michael D. Toland, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2008 | Education Psychology | The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE |
Psychometrics PsychologyGoogle:
"Michael Toland"Mean distance: 26716.5
Sign in to add mentorR J. De Ayala | grad student | 2008 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln | |
(Determining the accuracy of item parameter standard error of estimates in BILOG-MG 3.) |
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Love AMA, Usher EL, Toland MD, et al. (2020) Measuring Police Officer Self-efficacy for Working with Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders |
Guerin RJ, Toland MD. (2020) An application of a modified theory of planned behavior model to investigate adolescents' job safety knowledge, norms, attitude and intention to enact workplace safety and health skills. Journal of Safety Research. 72: 189-198 |
Toland MD, Li C, Kodet J, et al. (2020) Psychometric Properties of the Outcome Rating Scale: An Item Response Theory Analysis Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 1-16 |
Love AMA, Toland MD, Usher EL, et al. (2019) Can I teach students with Autism Spectrum Disorder?: Investigating teacher self-efficacy with an emerging population of students. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 89: 41-50 |
Ruble LA, McGrew JH, Toland M, et al. (2018) Randomized Control Trial of COMPASS for Improving Transition Outcomes of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders |
Guerin RJ, Toland MD, Okun AH, et al. (2018) Using a Modified Theory of Planned Behavior to Examine Adolescents' Workplace Safety and Health Knowledge, Perceptions, and Behavioral Intention: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Journal of Youth and Adolescence |
Toland MD, Sulis I, Giambona F, et al. (2017) Introduction to bifactor polytomous item response theory analysis. Journal of School Psychology. 60: 41-63 |
Sulis I, Toland MD. (2016) Introduction to Multilevel Item Response Theory Analysis The Journal of Early Adolescence. 37: 85-128 |
Toland MD, Usher EL. (2016) Assessing Mathematics Self-Efficacy The Journal of Early Adolescence. 36: 932-960 |
Marshall JH, Davis MC, Lawrence EC, et al. (2016) Mentors' perceived program support scale: Development and initial validation Journal of Community Psychology. 44: 342-357 |