Gerald F. Gebhart
Affiliations: | Pharmacology - Emeritus | University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA, United States | |
1973-2006 | Pharmacology | University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology, Iowa City, IA, Iowa City, IA, United States | |
2006-2016 | Anesthesiology | University of Pittsburg Medical Center |
Visceral PainGoogle:
"Gerald Gebhart"Bio:
Gerald F. Gebhart earned his Ph.D. from The University of Iowa (Pharmacology) in 1971, studied two years at the Université de Montréal and began his academic career at The University of Iowa in 1973. He was Head of the Department of Pharmacology at Iowa from 1996 until his relocation to the University of Pittsburgh in 2006, where he was Director of the Center for Pain Research. He retired in 2016 and is currently a Senior Clinical Researcher in the Dept. Ob/Gyn at NorthShore University Health System, University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine, Chicago, IL. During his academic career, Dr. Gebhart mentored more than 60 pre- and post-doctoral trainees and hosted many visiting scientists.
Mean distance: 16.79 (cluster 32)
Sign in to add mentorHerbert Henri Jasper | post-doc | Université de Montréal, faculté de médecine | |
Manfred Zimmermann | research scientist | Universität Heidelberg |
Sign in to add traineeRohini Kuner | grad student | University of Iowa | |
Joan M. Lakoski | grad student | University of Iowa | |
Timothy Ness | grad student | University of Iowa | |
Ke Ren | grad student | University of Iowa | |
Min Zhuo | grad student | University of Iowa | |
Pablo Brumovsky | post-doc | University of Pittsburgh | |
Bin Feng | post-doc | University of Pittsburgh | |
Jun-Ho La | post-doc | University of Pittsburgh | |
Stephen Meller | post-doc | University of Iowa | |
Noriyuki Ozaki | post-doc | University of Iowa | |
Erica Schwartz | post-doc | University of Pittsburgh | |
Jyoti Sengupta | post-doc | University of Iowa | |
Masamichi Shinoda | post-doc | University of Pittsburgh | |
Richard J. Traub | post-doc | University of Iowa | |
James Eisenach | research scientist | University of Iowa | |
Jürgen Sandkühler | research scientist | University of Iowa |
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Gebhart GF, Bielefeldt K. (2016) Physiology of Visceral Pain. Comprehensive Physiology. 6: 1609-1633 |
Schwartz ES, La JH, Young EE, et al. (2016) Chronic prostatitis induces urinary bladder hypersensitivity and sensitizes bladder afferents in the mouse. The Journal of Urology |
Feng B, Joyce SC, Gebhart GF. (2016) Optogenetic activation of mechanically-insensitive afferents in mouse colorectum reveals chemosensitivity. American Journal of Physiology. Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. ajpgi.00430.2015 |
Shaffer AD, Feng B, La JH, et al. (2015) A novel role for follistatin in hypersensitivity following cystitis. Neurourology and Urodynamics |
La JH, Feng B, Kaji K, et al. (2015) Roles of isolectin B4-binding afferents in colorectal mechanical nociception. Pain |
Schwartz ES, Xie A, La JH, et al. (2015) Nociceptive and inflammatory mediator upregulation in a mouse model of chronic prostatitis. Pain. 156: 1537-44 |
McCarthy CJ, Tomasella E, Malet M, et al. (2015) Axotomy of tributaries of the pelvic and pudendal nerves induces changes in the neurochemistry of mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons and the spinal cord. Brain Structure & Function |
Feng B, Zhu Y, La JH, et al. (2015) Experimental and computational evidence for an essential role of NaV1.6 in spike initiation at stretch-sensitive colorectal afferent endings. Journal of Neurophysiology. 113: 2618-34 |
Feng B, Gebhart GF. (2015) In vitro functional characterization of mouse colorectal afferent endings. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove. 52310 |
Zhu Y, Feng B, Schwartz ES, et al. (2015) Novel method to assess axonal excitability using channelrhodopsin-based photoactivation. Journal of Neurophysiology. 113: 2242-9 |