Paul Cobb
Affiliations: | Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN |
Mathematics EducationGoogle:
"Paul Cobb"Children
Sign in to add traineeJonee Wilson | grad student | Vanderbilt (Neurotree) | |
Lynn L. Hodge | grad student | 2001 | Vanderbilt |
Ryndal E. Bouldin | grad student | 2002 | Vanderbilt |
Chrystal O. Dean | grad student | 2005 | Vanderbilt |
Jose L. Cortina | grad student | 2006 | Vanderbilt |
Jana Visnovska | grad student | 2009 | Vanderbilt |
Charles Munter | grad student | 2010 | Vanderbilt |
Qing Zhao | grad student | 2011 | Vanderbilt |
Lynsey K. Gibbons | grad student | 2012 | Vanderbilt |
Anne L. Garrison | grad student | 2013 | Vanderbilt |
BETA: Related publications
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Gibbons LK, Wilhelm AG, Cobb P. (2019) Coordinating Leadership Supports for Teachers’ Instructional Improvement: The Journal of School Leadership. 29: 248-268 |
Hodge LL, Cobb P. (2019) Two Views of Culture and Their Implications for Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Urban Education. 54: 860-884 |
Visnovska J, Cobb P. (2019) Supporting shifts in teachers’ views of a classroom statistical activity: problem context in teaching statistics Mathematical Thinking and Learning. 21: 285-305 |
Maass K, Cobb P, Krainer K, et al. (2019) Different ways to implement innovative teaching approaches at scale Educational Studies in Mathematics. 102: 303-318 |
Gibbons LK, Cobb P. (2017) Focusing on Teacher Learning Opportunities to Identify Potentially Productive Coaching Activities Journal of Teacher Education. 68: 411-425 |
Rigby JG, Larbi-Cherif A, Rosenquist BA, et al. (2017) Administrator Observation and Feedback: Does It Lead Toward Improvement in Inquiry-Oriented Math Instruction? Educational Administration Quarterly. 53: 475-516 |
Munter C, Cobb P, Shekell C. (2016) The Role of Program Theory in Evaluation Research: A Consideration of the What Works Clearinghouse Standards in the Case of Mathematics Education American Journal of Evaluation. 37: 7-26 |
Henrick E, Munoz MA, Cobb P. (2016) A better research-practice partnership Phi Delta Kappan. 98: 23-27 |
Gibbons LK, Cobb P. (2016) Content-Focused Coaching: Five Key Practices Elementary School Journal. 117: 237-260 |
Visnovska J, Cobb P. (2015) Learning about whole-class scaffolding from a teacher professional development study Zdm - Mathematics Education. 47: 1133-1145 |