Anurag Varshney

Ranbaxy, Princeton, NJ, United States 
"Anurag Varshney"
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Kumar A, Dudhal S, T AS, et al. (2016) Dopaminergic-primed fetal liver mesenchymal stromal-like cells can reverse parkinsonian symptoms in 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned mice. Cytotherapy. 18: 307-19
Mihu MR, Roman-Sosa J, Varshney AK, et al. (2015) Methamphetamine Alters the Antimicrobial Efficacy of Phagocytic Cells during Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Skin Infection. Mbio. 6
Estrada M, Varshney A, Ehrlich BE. (2006) Elevated testosterone induces apoptosis in neuronal cells. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281: 25492-501
Schlecker C, Boehmerle W, Jeromin A, et al. (2006) Neuronal calcium sensor-1 enhancement of InsP3 receptor activity is inhibited by therapeutic levels of lithium. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 116: 1668-74
Sankaranarayanan K, Varshney A, Mathew MK. (2005) N type rapid inactivation in human Kv1.4 channels: functional role of a putative C-terminal helix. Molecular Membrane Biology. 22: 389-400
Varshney A, Chanda B, Mathew MK. (2004) Arranging the elements of the potassium channel: the T1 domain occludes the cytoplasmic face of the channel. European Biophysics Journal : Ebj. 33: 370-6
Varshney A, Mathew MK. (2004) Architecture of a membrane protein: The voltage-gated K+ channel Current Science. 87: 166-174
Varshney A, Mathew MK. (2003) A tale of two tails: cytosolic termini and K(+) channel function. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. 83: 153-70
Varshney A, Ehrlich BE. (2003) Intracellular Ca2+ signaling and human disease: the hunt begins with Huntington's. Neuron. 39: 195-7
Varshney A, Mathew MK. (2003) Inward and outward potassium currents through the same chimeric human Kv channel. European Biophysics Journal : Ebj. 32: 113-21
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