James A. Grange

Psychology Bangor University, Bangor, Wales, United Kingdom 
"James Grange"
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Poole D, Grange JA, Milne E. (2024) Putting the Spotlight Back Onto the Flanker Task in Autism: Autistic Adults Show Increased Interference from Foils Compared with Non-autistic Adults. Journal of Cognition. 7: 46
Grange JA. (2023) Rumination and inhibition in task switching: no evidence for an association. Cognition & Emotion. 1-20
Grange JA, Rydon-Grange M. (2020) Computational modelling of attentional selectivity in depression reveals perceptual deficits. Psychological Medicine. 1-10
Sherman SM, Grange JA. (2020) Exploring the Impact of Mindfulness on False-Memory Susceptibility. Psychological Science. 956797620929302
Kowalczyk AW, Grange JA. (2019) The effect of episodic retrieval on inhibition in task switching: a diffusion model analysis. Psychological Research
Grange JA. (2018) Does Task Activation in Task Switching Influence Inhibition or Episodic Interference? Experimental Psychology. 65: 393-404
Grange JA, Kedra P, Walker A. (2018) The effect of practice on inhibition in task switching: Controlling for episodic retrieval. Acta Psychologica. 192: 59-72
Schuch S, Grange JA. (2018) Increased cognitive control after task conflict? Investigating the N-3 effect in task switching. Psychological Research
Grange JA, Becker RB, Anderson N. (2017) The Effect of Aging on Response Congruency in Task Switching: A Meta-Analysis. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Grange JA, Kowalczyk AW, O'Loughlin R. (2017) The Effect of Episodic Retrieval on Inhibition in Task Switching. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance
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