Rajeev Narayanan
Affiliations: | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
"Rajeev Narayanan"Mean distance: 15.29 (cluster 6) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Egger R, Narayanan RT, Guest JM, et al. (2019) Cortical Output Is Gated by Horizontally Projecting Neurons in the Deep Layers. Neuron |
Benezra SE, Narayanan RT, Egger R, et al. (2018) Morphological characterization of HVC projection neurons in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). The Journal of Comparative Neurology |
Narayanan RT, Udvary D, Oberlaender M. (2017) Cell Type-Specific Structural Organization of the Six Layers in Rat Barrel Cortex. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 11: 91 |
Kornfeld J, Benezra SE, Narayanan RT, et al. (2017) EM connectomics reveals axonal target variation in a sequence-generating network. Elife. 6 |
Srikanth S, Narayanan R. (2015) Variability in State-Dependent Plasticity of Intrinsic Properties during Cell-Autonomous Self-Regulation of Calcium Homeostasis in Hippocampal Model Neurons(1,2,3). Eneuro. 2 |
Mohan H, Verhoog MB, Doreswamy KK, et al. (2015) Dendritic and Axonal Architecture of Individual Pyramidal Neurons across Layers of Adult Human Neocortex. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) |
Das A, Narayanan R. (2015) Active dendrites mediate stratified gamma-range coincidence detection in hippocampal model neurons. The Journal of Physiology |
Sinha M, Narayanan R. (2015) HCN channels enhance spike phase coherence and regulate the phase of spikes and LFPs in the theta-frequency range. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: E2207-16 |
Narayanan RT, Egger R, Johnson AS, et al. (2015) Beyond Columnar Organization: Cell Type- and Target Layer-Specific Principles of Horizontal Axon Projection Patterns in Rat Vibrissal Cortex. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) |
Ashhad S, Johnston D, Narayanan R. (2015) Activation of InsP₃ receptors is sufficient for inducing graded intrinsic plasticity in rat hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. 113: 2002-13 |