Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ganna BalaguraNeurogenetics, Epilepsy
Pieter Laurens Baljon
Daniel BallietCooperation, social dilemmas
Frederik BarkhofNeuroradiology1992 Jaap Valk (grad student), Otto R. van Eikema Hommes (grad student)
Peter Beekmotor control, coordination dynamics1989 H. T.A. (John) Whiting (grad student), Bernardus Petrus Theresia Veltman (grad student)
Henk W. BerendseParkinson's1991 Henk J. Groenewegen (grad student)
Arent J.P. BoekeNursing Home Medicine and Social Medicine1992 Jacques Th.M. van Eijk (grad student)
Tatiana Boiko
Peter Alexander BonczComputer science
Johan Booijpharmacology and neurochemistry
Ilja BoorNeurogenomics2008 Marjo S. van der Knaap (grad student)
Laurens W. BosmanCerebellum, Whiskers, Sensorimotor integration, GABAA receptors19982002 Arjen B. Brussaard (grad student)
Zimbo SRM Boudewijns Christiaan PJ de Kock (grad student)
Eli Brenner20102010 Arthur J. Lugtigheid (collaborator), Jeroen Smeets (collaborator)
Arjen B. Brussaard
Erik vd Burg2009 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Nail Burnashev20022004 Christiaan PJ de Kock (collaborator)
Andrew Carnell Arjen van Ooyen (post-doc)
Jonas A. Castelijnsmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on high-field (3 Tesla) and ultra-high field (7 Tesla) in understanding multiple sclerosis (MS)1987 Gordon B. Snow (grad student), Jaap Valk (grad student)
Jonathan Jay Coueycortex and nicotine2002 Huibert D. Mansvelder (grad student)
Emily Crowe Human Movement Sciences2019 Eli Brenner (post-doc)
Sander M. DaselaarEpisodic Memory, Aging, fMRI2003 Cees Jonker (grad student), Jeroen G.W. Raaijmakers (grad student)
Julia Dawitz Rhiannon M. Meredith (grad student)
Roel de Haan Christiaan PJ de Kock (grad student)
Jenny de Jong-Giervelddemography, ageing, older adults, loneliness, LAT
Christiaan PJ de KockSomatosensory cortex19992004 Arjen B. Brussaard (grad student)
Michiel B. de Ruiter Dick J. Veltman (grad student)
Nienke Debatsmotor control, haptic perception20082012 Jeroen Smeets (grad student), Peter Beek (grad student)
Joost Dessing20012005 Peter Beek (grad student)
Isabel Dombrowe2012 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Linda Douw2010 Jan J. Heimans (grad student), Kees Stam (grad student)
Mohit DubeyBrain White matter Disease Integrative Neurophysiology20112015 Huibert D. Mansvelder (grad student)
Serge O. DumoulinPerception, Cognition, Neuroscience, Vision, Neuroimaging
Dock H. DuncanAttention, Learning, Memory, EEG
Piet EikelenboomNeurology1978 Hendrikus Lubertus Langevoort (grad student)
Johannes Jacobus FahrenfortVision, Consciousness, Attention, Object Categorization, Phenomenology, Perceptual Organization
Lei FanEvolutionary Psychology Department of Experimental and Applied Psychology2018 Joshua M. Tybur (grad student), Paul A. M. van Lange (grad student)
Jeroen GeurtsNeurodegenerative diseases2005 Frederik Barkhof (grad student), Jonas A. Castelijns (grad student), Chris H. Polman (grad student)
Richard Godijn2003 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Martine Groen Rhiannon M. Meredith (grad student), Arjen van Ooyen (grad student)
Eren Günseli20112015 Martijn Meeter (grad student), Christian Olivers (grad student)
Wouter Halfwerk
Jan J. Heimansbrain tumors1983 Jaap Valk (grad student), Ton Lohman (grad student)
Clayton Hickey2011 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Johannes Hjorth20092011 Arjen van Ooyen (post-doc)
T. Len HoldstockClinical Psychology
Witte J.G. Hoogendijk1998 Piet Eikelenboom (grad student), Dick F. Swaab (grad student)
Simon Josef HoutmanEEG, functional connectivity, biomarker integration, data mining, visualization Integrative Neurophysiology Integrative Neurophysiology20182022 Huibert D. Mansvelder (grad student), Klaus Linkenkaer-Hansen (grad student)
Hans IJzerman
David JACOBS Human Movement Sciences Claire F. Michaels (grad student)
Rene F. Jansen
Jeff JoiremanClinical Psychology Paul A. M. van Lange (post-doc)
Jelle Jollescognitive development and aging
Riichi Kajiwarahippocampal system, voltage-sensitive dye imaging20042006 Menno P. Witter (research scientist)
Martin Leopold Kersten1985 Anthony Ira Wasserman (grad student)
Dinant Kistemaker
Fabian Kloostermanmemory, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex19982003 Menno P. Witter (grad student)
Thomas Koelewijn2009 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Joris KoeneSnail sex
Gerrit F. KoerselmanPsychotherapy1990 Willem van Tilburg (grad student), Jan C. van Es (grad student)
Ioannis Kramvis Rhiannon M. Meredith (grad student), Pico Caroni (grad student)
Tim KroonDevelopment, Prefrontal Cortex, Intellectual Disability, Interneurons Rhiannon M. Meredith (grad student)
Wouter Kruijne2016 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Marten KuilmanPsychiatry1971 Frans C. Stam (grad student)
Hendrikus Lubertus LangevoortHistology
Klaus L. LeendersFunctional imaging of the nervous system1986 Jaap Valk (grad student)
Klaus Linkenkaer-Hansen
Joost A.B. Lohman1980 Cornelis MacLean (grad student)
Peter R. LuijtenFunctional medical imaging1984 Cornelis MacLean (grad student)
Femke Maijvisual system, psychophysics, multi-sensory integration, haptics20072011 Jeroen Smeets (grad student), Eli Brenner (grad student)
Huibert D. Mansvelder20172004 Christiaan PJ de Kock (collaborator), Jonathan T. Ting (collaborator)
Sebastiaan Mathot2013 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Rhiannon M. Meredith2009 Johannes Hjorth (collaborator)
Gerben MeynenForensic psychiatry2007 Dick F. Swaab (grad student), Witte J.G. Hoogendijk (grad student)
Rogier MinNeuron-Glia interactions20032007 Nail Burnashev (grad student)
Hemanth Mohan Christiaan PJ de Kock (grad student)
Karen Mortier2006 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Manon Mulckhuyse2009 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Jaap Munneke2010 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Devika Narain20092013 Robert J. van Beers (grad student), Jeroen Smeets (grad student)
Rajeev Narayanan Christiaan PJ de Kock (post-doc)
Mark NieuwensteinPsychophysics
Tjeerd olde Scheper Arjen van Ooyen (post-doc)
Christian Olivers
Leonie Oostwoud Wijdenessensorimotor control
Raoul Oudejans Human Movement Sciences19911994 Claire F. Michaels (grad student)
Krista E. Overvliethaptic perception20032007 Jeroen Smeets (grad student), Eli Brenner (grad student)
Hanus Papousek
Jeroen PasterkampDevelopment, axon guidance, connectivity2000 Dick F. Swaab (grad student), Joost Verhaagen (grad student)
Brenda W.J.H. Penninx1996 Jacques Th.M. van Eijk (grad student), Theo G. van Tilburg (grad student), Arent J.P. Boeke (grad student)
Jamie Lynn PetersDrug addiction
Yair Pinto2008 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Myrthe A. PlaisierHaptic perception20102011 Jeroen Smeets (post-doc)
Chris H. PolmanMultiple sclerosis1988 Johan Carel Koetsier (grad student)
danielle posthumaGenetics of complex traits
Helen HJ PothuizenBehavioural neuroscience2000 Menno P. Witter (research assistant)
Mauricio Rangel-GomezNovelty, memory, psychopharmacology2015 Robert T. Knight (grad student), Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Philip Scheltensdementia, MRI, CSF, PET, Jaap Valk (grad student), Johan Carel Koetsier (grad student)
Erik J.A. Scherder1995 Dick F. Swaab (grad student), T. Len Holdstock (grad student)
Lisette Schmidt2015 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Robert A. SchoeversPsychiatry2005 Willem van Tilburg (grad student), Aartjan T. F. Beekman (grad student), Dorly J. H. Deeg (grad student)
Judith Schomaker2015 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Daniel Schreij2012 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Carlo Schuengel Marinus van IJzendoorn (grad student)
Joseph A. SergeantChild Neuropsychology
Alisha Siebolt2014 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Jeroen Silvis2016 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Zsuzsika SjoerdsNeuroimaging, Psychiatry, Addiction, Affective Disorders20052007 Michiel B. de Ruiter (research assistant)
Jeroen Smeetsmotor control, perception
Frans C. StamNeuropathology1957 Lammert van der Horst (grad student)
Didier Staudenmann
John F. Stins Human Movement Sciences19941997 Claire F. Michaels (grad student)
Durk TalsmaMultisensory Integration, Attention20052008 Jan Theeuwes (post-doc)
Guilherme Testa-Silva Huibert D. Mansvelder (grad student)
Else A. TolnerDevelopment, EEG, neonatal epilepsy19992005 Menno P. Witter (grad student)
Siegfried Tuinier
Evelina Tutucciyeast genetics, biophysics, Gene expression
Joshua M. TyburEvolutionary Psychology
Jaap Valk neuroradiology and pediatric neuroradiology
Robert J. van BeersMotor control, perception
Jaap A. van BelzenPsychology of religion1989 Gerrit Jan Schutte (grad student), Marten Kuilman (grad student)
Jo Van den BrandPhysics
Maurits W. van der Molenexecutive function1981 Jacobus François Orlebeke (grad student)
Stefan van der Stigchel Cognitive Psychology2007 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)
Ysbrand Van der WerfSleep & Cognition2000 Menno P. Witter (grad student), Jelle Jolles (grad student), Harry B.M. Uylings (grad student)
Koene R.A. Van Dijk20012005 Erik J.A. Scherder (grad student), Philip Scheltens (grad student)
Richard van DyckAnxiety
Paul A. M. van LangeSocial dilemmas
Arjen van Ooyen David Willshaw (post-doc)
Jaap van Pelt Daniel A. Wagenaar (collaborator)
Richard M. Van Rijnopioid receptors, addiction, alcoholism20022006 Rob Leurs (grad student)
Willem van TilburgClinical psychiatry1970 Frans C. Stam (grad student)
Peter C.M. van Zijlmagnetic resonance1985 Cornelis MacLean (grad student)
Dick J. Veltman1995 Richard van Dyck (grad student), Marcel A. van den Hout (grad student)
Lawrence Watlingcomputational neuroscience, visual system Arjen van Ooyen (post-doc), Pieter R. Roelfsema (post-doc)
Joost Wiskerke
Laurens WitterCerebellum, Electrophysiology, in vitro, in vivo Integrative Neurophysiology2016 Huibert D. Mansvelder (post-doc)
Wieske van Zoest2005 Jan Theeuwes (grad student)