Michael J. Telch

Psychology University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
"Michael Telch"
Mean distance: 16.88 (cluster 30)


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Adam R. Cobb grad student UT Austin (PsychTree)
David P. Valentiner grad student
Norman B. Schmidt grad student 1991 UT Austin
Bart S. Abplanalp grad student 2001 UT Austin
Allison K. Chase grad student 2001 UT Austin
Timothy O. Rentz grad student 2001 UT Austin
Tracy B. Sloan grad student 2001 UT Austin
Jasper A. Smits grad student 2004 UT Austin
Mark B. Powers grad student 2006 UT Austin (PsychTree)
Jesse R. Cougle grad student 2008 UT Austin
Jonathan D. Horowitz grad student 2009 UT Austin
Han-Joo Lee grad student 2009 UT Austin
Kate B. Wolitzky-Taylor grad student 2009 UT Austin
BETA: Related publications


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Cobb AR, Hughes JA, Lee HJ, et al. (2024) Perceived childhood family cohesiveness prior to deployment prospectively moderates risk for war-zone psychopathology in theater among deployed U.S. soldiers. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy
Monfils MH, Lee HJ, Raskin M, et al. (2024) Fear attenuation collaborations to optimize translation. Behavioral Neuroscience. 138: 152-163
Raskin M, Keller NE, Agee LA, et al. (2024) Carbon Dioxide Reactivity Differentially Predicts Fear Expression After Extinction and Retrieval-Extinction in Rats. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science. 4: 100310
Rubin M, Foulser AA, Siegel E, et al. (2023) Low reliability when determining criterion a for posttraumatic stress disorder from self-report descriptions of traumatic events: The need for transparent methods. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy
Raskin M, Malone C, Hilz EN, et al. (2023) CO reactivity is associated with individual differences in appetitive extinction memory. Physiology & Behavior. 114183
Smits JAJ, Monfils MH, Otto MW, et al. (2022) CO reactivity as a biomarker of exposure-based therapy non-response: study protocol. Bmc Psychiatry. 22: 831
Cobb AR, Rubin M, Stote DL, et al. (2021) Hippocampal volume and volume asymmetry prospectively predict PTSD symptom emergence among Iraq-deployed soldiers. Psychological Medicine. 1-8
Powers MB, Carl E, Levihn-Coon A, et al. (2021) Non-pharmacologic Pain Management among Hospitalized Inpatients: A Randomized Waitlist Controlled Trial of Standard Virtual Reality (CGI VR) versus Video Capture VR (360° 3D/Stereoscopic Video Capture VR). The Clinical Journal of Pain
Cobb AR, O'Connor P, Zaizar E, et al. (2020) tDCS-Augmented in vivo exposure therapy for specific fears: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 78: 102344
Lancaster CL, Monfils MH, Telch MJ. (2020) Augmenting exposure therapy with pre-extinction fear memory reactivation and deepened extinction: A randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 135: 103730
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