Jorge L. Mendoza

Department of Psychology University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States 
General Psychology
"Jorge Mendoza"
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Lee S, Mendoza J. (2022) The biasing effects of selection and attrition on estimating the mean. The British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
Mendoza JL, Lee S, Fife D. (2020) The problem of measurement bias in comparing selected subgroups. The British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
Fife DA, Mendoza J, Day E, et al. (2018) Estimating Subgroup Differences in Staffing Research When the Selection Mechanism Is Unknown: A Response to Li’s Case IV Correction Organizational Research Methods. 23: 367-384
Fife DA, Mendoza JL, Berry CM. (2016) Estimating Incremental Validity Under Missing Data. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 1-14
Fife DA, Hunter MD, Mendoza JL. (2016) Estimating Unattenuated Correlations With Limited Information About Selection Variables: Alternatives to Case IV Organizational Research Methods. 19: 593-615
Fife DA, Rodgers JL, Mendoza JL. (2014) Model Conditioned Data Elasticity in Path Analysis: Assessing the "Confoundability" of Model/Data Characteristics. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 49: 597-613
Fife DA, Rodgers JL, Mendoza JL. (2013) Abstract: Model Conditioned Data Elasticity in Path Analysis: Assessing the "Confoundability" of the Data. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 48: 157
Fife DA, Mendoza JL, Terry R. (2013) Revisiting Case IV: a reassessment of bias and standard errors of Case IV under range restriction. The British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. 66: 521-42
Fife DA, Mendoza JL, Terry R. (2012) The Assessment of Reliability Under Range Restriction: A Comparison of α, ω, and Test-Retest Reliability for Dichotomous Data Educational and Psychological Measurement. 72: 862-888
Beasley WH, Deshea L, Toothaker LE, et al. (2007) Bootstrapping to test for nonzero population correlation coefficients using univariate sampling. Psychological Methods. 12: 414-33
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