Brent Wolter

Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, United States 
Modern Language, American Literature, Language and Literature Education
"Brent Wolter"
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Wolter B, Yamashita J. (2017) Word Frequency, Collocational Frequency, L1 Congruency, And Proficiency In L2 Collocational Processing: What Accounts For L2 Performance? Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 40: 395-416
Gyllstad H, Wolter B. (2016) Collocational Processing in Light of the Phraseological Continuum Model: Does Semantic Transparency Matter? Language Learning. 66: 296-323
Wolter B, Yamashita J. (2014) Processing collocations in a second language: A case of first language activation? Applied Psycholinguistics. 36: 1193-1221
Wolter B, Gyllstad H. (2013) Frequency of input and L2 collocational processing Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 35: 451-482
Zareva A, Wolter B. (2012) The 'promise' of three methods of word association analysis to L2 lexical research Second Language Research. 28: 41-67
Wolter B, Gyllstad H. (2011) Collocational links in the L2 mental lexicon and the influence of l1 intralexical knowledge Applied Linguistics. 32: 430-449
Wolter B. (2006) Lexical network structures and L2 vocabulary acquisition: The role of L1 lexical/conceptual knowledge Applied Linguistics. 27: 741-747
Wilks C, Meara P, Wolter B. (2005) A further note on simulating word association behaviour in a second language Second Language Research. 21: 359-372
Wolter B. (2002) Assessing proficiency through word associations: Is there still hope? System. 30: 315-329
Wolter B. (2001) Comparing the L1 and L2 Mental Lexicon: A Depth of Individual Word Knowledge Model. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 23: 41-69
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