Charles J. Epstein, M.D.
Affiliations: | University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA |
Medical GeneticsWebsite:
"Charles Epstein"Mean distance: 16.1 (cluster 11) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorChristian B. Anfinsen | post-doc | NIH (Chemistry Tree) | |
Arno G. Motulsky | post-doc | University of Washington |
Sign in to add traineeGreg S. Barsh | post-doc | UCSF | |
Terry R. Magnuson | post-doc | UCSF (Chemistry Tree) | |
Gail Martin | post-doc | 1976 | UCSF |
Helen M. Blau | post-doc | 1975-1978 | UCSF |
Albert M. Gold | research scientist | 1995-1996 | UCSF (Chemistry Tree) |
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Epstein CJ, Kwok L, Smith S. (2019) The source of lactate dehydrogenase in preimplantation mouse embryos. Febs Letters. 13: 45-48 |
Motulsky A, Epstein CJ. (2011) 2010 Victor A. McKusick Leadership Award introduction and address. American Journal of Human Genetics. 88: 269-72 |
Kim A, Joseph S, Khan A, et al. (2010) Enhanced expression of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase leads to prolonged in vivo cell cycle progression and up-regulation of mitochondrial thioredoxin. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 48: 1501-12 |
Ishihara K, Amano K, Takaki E, et al. (2010) Enlarged brain ventricles and impaired neurogenesis in the Ts1Cje and Ts2Cje mouse models of Down syndrome. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 20: 1131-43 |
Zhang Y, Ikeno Y, Qi W, et al. (2009) Mice deficient in both Mn superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase-1 have increased oxidative damage and a greater incidence of pathology but no reduction in longevity. The Journals of Gerontology. Series a, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 64: 1212-20 |
Ishihara K, Amano K, Takaki E, et al. (2009) Increased lipid peroxidation in Down's syndrome mouse models. Journal of Neurochemistry. 110: 1965-76 |
Jang YC, Pérez VI, Song W, et al. (2009) Overexpression of Mn superoxide dismutase does not increase life span in mice. The Journals of Gerontology. Series a, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 64: 1114-25 |
Pérez VI, Van Remmen H, Bokov A, et al. (2009) The overexpression of major antioxidant enzymes does not extend the lifespan of mice. Aging Cell. 8: 73-5 |
Larosche I, Choumar A, Fromenty B, et al. (2009) Prolonged ethanol administration depletes mitochondrial DNA in MnSOD-overexpressing transgenic mice, but not in their wild type littermates. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 234: 326-38 |
Canzonetta C, Mulligan C, Deutsch S, et al. (2008) DYRK1A-dosage imbalance perturbs NRSF/REST levels, deregulating pluripotency and embryonic stem cell fate in Down syndrome. American Journal of Human Genetics. 83: 388-400 |