Alexandra List, Ph. D.

2013- Psychology/Neuroscience Hamilton College, Clinton, NY, United States 
vision, audition
"Alexandra List"
Mean distance: 14.2 (cluster 23)
Cross-listing: CSD Tree


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Lynn C. Robertson grad student 2006 UC Berkeley
 (Investigating auditory local -global processing using visual research as a model.)
Robert Rafal post-doc 2007-2009 University of Wales, Bangor
Marcia Grabowecky post-doc 2009-2013 Northwestern
Satoru Suzuki post-doc 2009-2013 Northwestern


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Lillian Behm research assistant 2018-2020 Hamilton College
BETA: Related publications


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List A. (2023) Global and local priming in a multi-modal context. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 16: 1043475
List A, Rosenberg MD, Sherman A, et al. (2017) Pattern classification of EEG signals reveals perceptual and attentional states. Plos One. 12: e0176349
Mitko A, Prinzmetal W, Esterman M, et al. (2015) An EEG Study of Illusory Conjunctions. Journal of Vision. 15: 894
List A, Iordanescu L, Grabowecky M, et al. (2014) Haptic guidance of overt visual attention. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 76: 2221-8
Bultitude JH, List A, Aimola Davies AM. (2013) Prism adaptation does not alter object-based attention in healthy participants. F1000research. 2: 232
List A, Grabowecky M, Suzuki S. (2013) Local and global level-priming occurs for hierarchical stimuli composed of outlined, but not filled-in, elements. Journal of Vision. 13
List A, Rosenberg M, Sherman A, et al. (2013) EEG pattern classification reveals the scope of local vs. global attention Journal of Vision. 13: 1119-1119
Van der Stigchel S, van Koningsbruggen M, Nijboer TC, et al. (2012) The role of the frontal eye fields in the oculomotor inhibition of reflexive saccades: evidence from lesion patients. Neuropsychologia. 50: 198-203
List A, Iordanescu L, Grabowecky M, et al. (2012) Haptic shape guides visual search Journal of Vision. 12: 1320-1320
Rosenberg M, List A, Sherman A, et al. (2012) Decoding EEG data reveals dynamic spatiotemporal patterns in perceptual processing Journal of Vision. 12: 1173-1173
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