Jonathan P. Britt, Ph.D.

National Institute on Drug Abuse 
Drug Abuse
"Jonathan Britt"
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Bob G. Jacobs research assistant 1998-2002 Colorado College
Dan McGehee grad student 2003-2009 Chicago
 (Investigations on the regulation of dopamine release and the role of dopamine in striatal synaptic plasticity.)
Antonello Bonci post-doc 2009-2010 Gallo Research Center, UCSF
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Lafferty CK, Britt JP. (2020) Off-Target Influences of Arch-Mediated Axon Terminal Inhibition on Network Activity and Behavior. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 14: 10
Lafferty CK, Yang AK, Mendoza JA, et al. (2020) Nucleus Accumbens Cell Type- and Input-Specific Suppression of Unproductive Reward Seeking. Cell Reports. 30: 3729-3742.e3
Lafferty CK, Britt JP. (2020) Cannabis Exposure Enhances Subcortical Control of Nucleus Accumbens Activity. Biological Psychiatry. 87: 592-594
Yang AK, Mendoza JA, Lafferty CK, et al. (2019) Hippocampal Input to the Nucleus Accumbens Shell Enhances Food Palatability. Biological Psychiatry
Mendoza JA, Lafferty CK, Yang AK, et al. (2019) Cue-Evoked Dopamine Neuron Activity Helps Maintain but Does Not Encode Expected Value. Cell Reports. 29: 1429-1437.e3
Reed SJ, Lafferty CK, Mendoza JA, et al. (2018) Coordinated Reductions in Excitatory Input to the Nucleus Accumbens Underlie Food Consumption. Neuron
Quiroz C, Orrú M, Rea W, et al. (2016) Local Control of Extracellular Dopamine Levels in the Medial Nucleus Accumbens by a Glutamatergic Projection from the Infralimbic Cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 36: 851-9
Zhang S, Qi J, Li X, et al. (2015) Dopaminergic and glutamatergic microdomains in a subset of rodent mesoaccumbens axons. Nature Neuroscience. 18: 386-92
McDevitt RA, Tiran-Cappello A, Shen H, et al. (2014) Serotonergic versus nonserotonergic dorsal raphe projection neurons: differential participation in reward circuitry. Cell Reports. 8: 1857-69
McDevitt RA, Reed SJ, Britt JP. (2014) Optogenetics in preclinical neuroscience and psychiatry research: recent insights and potential applications. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. 10: 1369-79
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