Rodger W. Griffeth

Department of Psychology Ohio University, Athens, OH, United States 
Industrial Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
"Rodger Griffeth"
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Gardner TM, Munyon TP, Hom PW, et al. (2018) When Territoriality Meets Agency: An Examination of Employee Guarding as a Territorial Strategy: Journal of Management. 44: 2580-2610
Fila MJ, Purl J, Griffeth RW. (2017) Job demands, control and support: Meta-analyzing moderator effects of gender, nationality, and occupation Human Resource Management Review. 27: 39-60
Li JJ, Lee TW, Mitchell TR, et al. (2016) The Effects of Proximal Withdrawal States on Job Attitudes, Job Searching, Intent to Leave, and Employee Turnover. The Journal of Applied Psychology
Wilson RA, Perry SJ, Witt LA, et al. (2015) The exhausted short-timer: Leveraging autonomy to engage in production deviance Human Relations. 68: 1693-1711
Morse BJ, Weinhardt JM, Griffeth RW, et al. (2014) Cross-cultural Measurement Invariance of the Employment Opportunity Index (EOI) in Mexican and Brazilian Professionals International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 22: 139-148
Gullekson NL, Griffeth R, Vancouver JB, et al. (2014) Vouching for childcare assistance with two quasi-experimental studies Journal of Managerial Psychology. 29: 994-1008
Fila MJ, Paik LS, Griffeth RW, et al. (2014) Disaggregating Job Satisfaction: Effects of Perceived Demands, Control, and Support Journal of Business and Psychology. 29: 639-649
Campbell NS, Perry SJ, Maertz CP, et al. (2013) All you need is .. resources: The effects of justice and support on burnout and turnover Human Relations. 66: 759-782
Hom PW, Griffeth RW. (2013) What Is Wrong With Turnover Research? Commentary on Russell's Critique Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 6: 174-181
Griffeth RW, Lee TW, Mitchell TR, et al. (2012) Further clarification on the Hom, Mitchell, Lee, and Griffeth (2012) model: Reply to Bergman, Payne, and Boswell (2012) and Maertz (2012). Psychological Bulletin. 138: 871-5
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