Heidi Gazelle
Affiliations: | College of Arts & Sciences: Psychology | The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC, United States |
Developmental Psychology, Clinical PsychologyGoogle:
"Heidi Gazelle"Mean distance: 35622
Sign in to add traineeTamara S. Avant | grad student | 2010 | The University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
Madelynn D. Shell | grad student | 2012 | The University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
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Gazelle H, Cui M. (2021) Anxious Solitude, Reciprocated Friendships with Peers, and Maternal Overcontrol from Third through Seventh Grade: A Transactional Model. Children (Basel, Switzerland). 8 |
Gazelle H, Cui M. (2020) Relations Among Anxious Solitude, Peer Exclusion, and Maternal Overcontrol from 3rd Through 7th Grade: Peer Effects on Youth, Youth Evocative Effects on Mothering, and the Indirect Effect of Peers on Mothering via Youth. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology |
Gazelle H, Rubin KH. (2019) Social Withdrawal and Anxiety in Childhood and Adolescence: Interaction between Individual Tendencies and Interpersonal Learning Mechanisms in Development : Introduction to the Special Section. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology |
Gazelle H, Faldowski RA. (2019) Multiple Trajectories in Anxious Solitary Youths: the Middle School Transition as a Turning Point in Development. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology |
Gazelle H, Shell MD. (2017) Behavioral Profiles of Anxious Solitary Children: Predicting Peer Relations Trajectories from Third Through Fifth Grades Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 63: 237-281 |
Scott VA, Shell MD, Gazelle H. (2015) Anxious Solitary Adolescents' Coping in Response to Peer Stress Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research. 20: 18-28 |
Shell MD, Gazelle H, Faldowski RA. (2014) Anxious solitude and the middle school transition: a diathesis × stress model of peer exclusion and victimization trajectories. Developmental Psychology. 50: 1569-83 |
Gazelle H, Peter D, Karkavandi MA. (2014) Commentary: Bashful Boys and Coy Girls: A Review of Gender Differences in Childhood Shyness Sex Roles. 70: 285-308 |
Gazelle H, Faldowski RA. (2014) Peer Exclusion is Linked to Inhibition with Familiar but not Unfamiliar Peers at Two Years of Age Infant and Child Development. 23: 220-228 |
Gazelle H. (2013) Is Social Anxiety in the Child or in the Anxiety-Provoking Nature of the Child's Interpersonal Environment? Child Development Perspectives. 7: 221-226 |