Charles A. Scherbaum

Psychology City University of New York, New York, NY, United States 
Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
"Charles Scherbaum"
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Scherbaum CA, Black J, Weiner SP. (2017) With the Right Map, Survey Key Driver Analysis Can Help Get Organizations to the Right Destination Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 10: 290-298
Mellert LD, Scherbaum C, Oliveira J, et al. (2015) Examining the relationship between organizational change and financial loss Journal of Organizational Change Management. 28: 59-71
Hanges PJ, Scherbaum CA, Reeve CL. (2015) There Are More Things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, Than DGF Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 8: 472-481
Scherbaum CA, Goldstein HW. (2015) Intelligence and the modern world of work Human Resource Management Review. 25: 1-3
Scherbaum CA, Sabet J, Kern MJ, et al. (2013) Examining faking on personality inventories using unfolding item response theory models. Journal of Personality Assessment. 95: 207-16
Scherbaum CA, Meade AW. (2013) New directions for measurement in management research International Journal of Management Reviews. 15: 132-148
Hanges PJ, Scherbaum CA, Goldstein HW, et al. (2012) I-O Psychology and Intelligence: A Starting Point Established Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 5: 189-195
Scherbaum CA, Goldstein HW, Yusko KP, et al. (2012) Intelligence 2.0: Reestablishing a Research Program on g in I-O Psychology Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 5: 128-148
Scherbaum CA, Saari LM. (2011) Identified Employee Surveys: Where Do We Go From Here? Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 4: 487-493
Saari LM, Scherbaum CA. (2011) Identified Employee Surveys: Potential Promise, Perils, and Professional Practice Guidelines Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 4: 435-448
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