Luigi Zingales

Economics University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
Entrepreneurship Business Administration
"Luigi Zingales"


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Oliver Hart grad student 1992 MIT
James Poterba grad student 1992 MIT


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Agustin Hurtado grad student
Darin G. Clay grad student 2001 Chicago
Jorg H. Kukies grad student 2001 Chicago
Bo Becker grad student 2005 Chicago Booth School of Business
Marcos A. Mollica grad student 2006 Chicago
Per Axelson grad student 2008 Chicago
Shastri S. Sandy grad student 2010 Chicago
Lawrence S. Takeuchi grad student 2010 Chicago
Andrea Asoni grad student 2011 Chicago
Roie Hauser grad student 2014 Chicago
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Barrios JM, Benmelech E, Hochberg YV, et al. (2021) Civic capital and social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Public Economics. 193: 104310
Shapira R, Zingales L. (2017) Is Pollution Value-Maximizing? The DuPont Case National Bureau of Economic Research
Hart O, Zingales L. (2017) Companies Should Maximize Shareholder Welfare Not Market Value Social Science Research Network. 2: 247-275
Faccio M, Zingales L. (2017) Political Determinants of Competition in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry National Bureau of Economic Research
Zingales L. (2017) Towards a Political Theory of the Firm Journal of Economic Perspectives. 31: 113-130
Guiso L, Sapienza P, Zingales L. (2016) Monnet's error? Economic Policy. 31: 249-297
Guiso L, Sapienza P, Zingales L. (2016) Long Term Persistence Journal of the European Economic Association. 14: 1401-1436
Reuben E, Sapienza P, Zingales L. (2015) Taste for Competition and the Gender Gap Among Young Business Professionals National Bureau of Economic Research
Zingales L. (2015) Does Finance Benefit Society National Bureau of Economic Research
Zingales L. (2015) Presidential Address: Does Finance Benefit Society? Journal of Finance. 70: 1327-1363
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