Doug Behrend
Affiliations: | University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR |
"Doug Behrend"Mean distance: 16.24 (cluster 47) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add traineeKelly B. Cartwright | grad student | Christopher Newport University | |
Erica Kleinknecht | grad student | 1997-2000 | University of Arkansas, Fayetteville |
Erica Kleinknecht | grad student | 1997-2000 | University of Arkansas (PsychTree) |
Jason M. Scofield | grad student | 2003 | University of Arkansas |
Akihiro Eguchi | research scientist | 2010-2012 | University of Arkansas |
BETA: Related publications
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Byers-Heinlein K, Behrend DA, Said LM, et al. (2016) Monolingual and bilingual children's social preferences for monolingual and bilingual speakers. Developmental Science |
Scofield J, Behrend DA. (2011) Clarifying the role of joint attention in early word learning First Language. 31: 326-341 |
Scofield J, Behrend DA. (2008) Learning words from reliable and unreliable speakers Cognitive Development. 23: 278-290 |
Scofield J, Behrend DA. (2007) Two-year-olds differentially disambiguate novel words and facts. Journal of Child Language. 34: 875-89 |
Scofield J, Williams A, Behrend DA. (2007) Word learning in the absence of a speaker First Language. 27: 297-311 |
Behrend DA, Scofield J, Kleinknecht EE. (2001) Beyond fast mapping: young children's extensions of novel words and novel facts. Developmental Psychology. 37: 698-705 |
Shatz M, Behrend D, Gelman SA, et al. (1996) Colour term knowledge in two-year-olds: evidence for early competence. Journal of Child Language. 23: 177-99 |
Behrend DA, Harris LL, Cartwright KB. (1995) Morphological cues to verb meaning: verb inflections and the initial mapping of verb meanings. Journal of Child Language. 22: 89-106 |
Behrend DA. (1990) The development of verb concepts: children's use of verbs to label familiar and novel events. Child Development. 61: 681-96 |
Behrend DA, Rosengren K, Perlmutter M. (1989) A New Look at Children's Private Speech: The Effects of Age, Task Difficulty, and Parent Presence International Journal of Behavioral Development. 12: 305-320 |