Alecia Santuzzi
Affiliations: | Psychology | Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United States |
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Debora Jeske | grad student | 2011 | Northern Illinois University |
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Magliano JP, Higgs K, Santuzzi A, et al. (2020) Testing the inference mediation hypothesis in a post-secondary context Contemporary Educational Psychology. 61: 101867 |
Barber LK, Conlin AL, Santuzzi AM. (2019) Workplace Telepressure and Work Life Balance Outcomes: The Role of Work Recovery Experiences. Stress and Health : Journal of the International Society For the Investigation of Stress |
Hu X, Santuzzi AM, Barber LK. (2019) Disconnecting to Detach: The Role of Impaired Recovery in Negative Consequences of Workplace Telepressure Revista De Psicología Del Trabajo Y De Las Organizaciones. 35: 9-15 |
Santuzzi AM, Barber LK. (2018) Workplace Telepressure and Worker Well-Being: The Intervening Role of Psychological Detachment Occupational Health Science. 2: 337-363 |
Barber LK, Santuzzi AM. (2016) Telepressure and College Student Employment: The Costs of Staying Connected Across Social Contexts. Stress and Health : Journal of the International Society For the Investigation of Stress |
Barber LK, Santuzzi AM. (2015) Please respond ASAP: workplace telepressure and employee recovery. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 20: 172-89 |
Budnick CJ, Kowal M, Santuzzi AM. (2015) Social anxiety and the ironic effects of positive interviewer feedback. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping. 28: 71-87 |
Jeske D, Santuzzi AM. (2015) Monitoring what and how: Psychological implications of electronic performance monitoring New Technology, Work and Employment. 30: 62-78 |
Santuzzi AM. (2011) Anticipating evaluative social interactions involving persons with disabilities. Rehabilitation Psychology. 56: 231-42 |
Kaplan SA, Santuzzi AM, Ruscher JB. (2009) Elaborative metaperceptions in outcome-dependent situations: The diluted relationship between default self-perceptions and metaperceptions Social Cognition. 27: 601-614 |