Janet B. Ruscher

Psychology Tulane University School of Science and Engineering 
Clinical Psychology, Mental Health
"Janet Ruscher"
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Woods FA, Ruscher JB. (2020) 'calling-out' vs. 'calling-in' prejudice: Confrontation style affects inferred motive and expected outcomes. The British Journal of Social Psychology
Ruscher JB. (2016) Adult Attachment Predicts Advice, Exemplar Sharing, and Questions to Acquaintances Recently Diagnosed With Cancer Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 36: 484-493
Ruscher JB. (2015) Expectations about re-entering the weekly cycle following disruption by familial death or holiday Time & Society. 26: 321-338
Boasso A, Overstreet S, Ruscher JB. (2015) Community Disasters and Shared Trauma: Implications of Listening to Co-Survivor Narratives Journal of Loss and Trauma. 20: 397-409
Van Bommel T, Sheehy A, Ruscher JB. (2015) The role of attachment style in women's recognition of sexism Personality and Individual Differences. 74: 235-240
Tipler C, Ruscher JB. (2014) Agency's role in dehumanization: Non-human metaphors of out-groups Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 8: 214-228
Van Bommel T, Boasso A, Ruscher JB. (2013) Looking up for answers: Upward gaze increases receptivity to advice Current Research in Social Psychology. 22: 60-70
Boasso A, Covert S, Ruscher JB. (2012) Benevolent sexist beliefs predict perceptions of speakers and recipients of a term of endearment. The Journal of Social Psychology. 152: 533-46
Ruscher JB. (2011) Moving forward: The effect of spatiotemporal metaphors on perceptions about grief Social Psychology. 42: 225-230
Bradley-Geist JC, Ruscher JB. (2011) Showcasing and subjugating minorities and women: Assignment to visible but trivial committees Journal of Psychological Issues in Organizational Culture. 2: 5-18
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