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Mathew E. Diamond

Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste, TS, Italy 
Somatosensory system
"Mathew Diamond"
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Toso A, Reinartz S, Diamond ME. (2024) Reply Letter to: The dorsolateral striatum encodes a temporal basis for the organization of behavior. Neuron. 112: 3678-3679
Reinartz S, Fassihi A, Ravera M, et al. (2024) Direct contribution of the sensory cortex to the judgment of stimulus duration. Nature Communications. 15: 1712
Diamond ME, Toso A. (2023) Tactile cognition in rodents. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 149: 105161
Toso A, Reinartz S, Pulecchi F, et al. (2023) Time coding in rat dorsolateral striatum. Neuron. 111: 585-594
Toso A, Reinartz S, Pulecchi F, et al. (2021) Time coding in rat dorsolateral striatum. Neuron
Nikbakht N, Diamond ME. (2021) Conserved visual capacity of rats under red light. Elife. 10
Toso A, Fassihi A, Paz L, et al. (2021) A sensory integration account for time perception. Plos Computational Biology. 17: e1008668
Lee CCY, Kheradpezhouh E, Diamond ME, et al. (2020) State-Dependent Changes in Perception and Coding in the Mouse Somatosensory Cortex. Cell Reports. 32: 108197
Fassihi A, Zuo Y, Diamond ME. (2019) Making sense of sensory evidence in the rat whisker system. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 60: 76-83
Esmaeili V, Diamond ME. (2019) Neuronal Correlates of Tactile Working Memory in Prefrontal and Vibrissal Somatosensory Cortex. Cell Reports. 27: 3167-3181.e5
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