Athena Akrami | Computational Neuroscience | | 2005 | 2009 | Alessandro Treves (grad student), Mathew E. Diamond (post-doc) |
Artoghrul Alishbayli | auditory system, electrophysiology | Cognitive Neuroscience | 2017 | 2019 | Mathew E. Diamond (research assistant) |
Sergey Antopolskiy | Somatosensory system | | | | |
Ehsan Arabzadeh | Somatosensory system | | | | Mathew E. Diamond (grad student) |
Laura Ballerini | | | | | |
Francesco P. Battaglia | Hippocampus, computational neuroscience, memory, systems neuroscience, neurotechnology | | | | Alessandro Treves (grad student) |
Frederic Denis Broccard | neuromorphic interfaces, neuroscience | | | | Vincent Torre (grad student) |
Ivo Calaresu | | Neurobiology Sector | 2015 | 2019 | Laura Ballerini (grad student) |
Tansu Celikel | Cortical plasticity, Neural circuits, Tactile decision-making | | | | Mathew E. Diamond (grad student) |
Ozhathil Lijo Cherian | Neuroscience(Chloride channels, olfactory system) | | 2010 | | Anna Menini (grad student) |
Alessandro Cicerale | motor primitives, unilateral neglect | | 2009 | | Raffaella Ida Rumiati (grad student) |
Valentina Daelli | visual perception | | 2006 | 2010 | Alessandro Treves (grad student) |
Mohammad Reza Daliri | Visual System | | | | Vincent Torre (grad student) |
Mathew E. Diamond | Somatosensory system | | | | |
Sara Ebrahimi Nasrabady | Spinal Cord Injury | | | | |
Arash Fassihi | somatosensory, decision making, coding | | | | Mathew E. Diamond (grad student) |
David Maximiliano Gómez | language acquisition, mathematical modeling, mathematical cognition | | 2008 | | Jacques Mehler (grad student) |
Marilena Griguoli | Neuroscience | Neurobiology | 2006 | 2011 | Enrico Cherubini (grad student) |
Justin Andrew Harris | Pavlovian conditioning, Tactile perception, Inter-sensory integration | | | | Mathew E. Diamond (post-doc) |
Jean-Remy Hochmann | Language Acquisition, Conceptual Development | | 2005 | 2010 | Jacques Mehler (grad student) |
Alan Langus | psycholinguistics | | 2006 | 2010 | Jacques Mehler (grad student), Marina Nespor (grad student) |
Mikhail A. Lebedev | Sensory, motor and cognitive neurophysiology | | 1995 | 1997 | Mathew E. Diamond (post-doc) |
Kit D. Longden | | | | | Alessandro Treves (grad student) |
Christoph Mathys | systems neuroscience, predictive coding, disorders of the mind | | | | |
Jacques Mehler | | | | | |
John G. Nicholls | Regeneration, synaptic physiology | | | | |
Sofia Adelaide Osimo | Cognitive Neuroscience | | | | |
Stefano Panzeri | Sensory systems, Computational neursocience | | | | Alessandro Treves (grad student) |
Rasmus Petersen | Somatosensory system, computational neuroscience | | | | Mathew E. Diamond (post-doc) |
Sahar Pirmoradian | language modeling | | 2008 | | Alessandro Treves (grad student) |
Federica Bianca Rosselli | visual perception | | | | |
Yasser Roudi | Computational neuroscience | | | | Alessandro Treves (grad student) |
Shima Seyed-Allaei | | | | | |
Maya V. Sundukova | P2X3 receptors | | | | |
Sina Tafazoli | obejct recognition in rats | | 2009 | | Davide Zoccolan (grad student), Alessandro Treves (research assistant) |
Vincent Torre | NeuroComputer, Ionic Channels, Computer Vision | | | | Alan Lloyd Hodgkin (post-doc) |
Alessandro Treves | Computational neuroscience | | | | |
Sadaf Usmani | | Neurobiology Sector | 2013 | 2017 | Laura Ballerini (grad student) |
Nicola van Rijsbergen | Cognitive neuroscience, psychophysics, hippocampus | | | | Alessandro Treves (post-doc) |
Walter Vanzella | Machine Vision, Machine Learning | | 2001 | | Vincent Torre (research assistant) |
Alessandro Verri | Learning Theory, Computer Vision | | | | Vincent Torre (grad student) |
Davide Zoccolan | visual cortex | | | | |