Richard L. Blanton, Ph.D.

Psychology University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 
"Richard Blanton"
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Soraci SA, Deckner CW, Haenlein M, et al. (1987) Oddity performance in preschool children at risk for mental retardation: transfer and maintenance. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 8: 137-51
Deckner CW, Soraci SA, Blanton RL, et al. (1984) The relationships among two experimental and four psychometric assessments of abnormal children Journal of Clinical Child Psychology. 13: 157-164
Deckner CW, Deckner PO, Blanton RL. (1982) Sustained responding under intermittent reinforcement in psychotic children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 10: 203-13
Deckner CW, Soraci SA, Deckner PO, et al. (1981) Consistency among commonly used procedures for assessment of abnormal children. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 37: 856-62
Deckner CW, Wilcox LM, Maisto SA, et al. (1980) Autoshaping of abnormal children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 8: 339-50
Deckner CW, Blanton RL. (1980) Classification of abnormal children: discrimination learning ability. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 10: 405-15
Odom PB, Blanton RL, Laukhuf C. (1973) Facial expressions and interpretation of emotion-arousing situations in deaf and hearing children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 1: 139-51
Odom PB, Blanton RL, McIntyre CK. (1970) Coding medium and word recall by deaf and hearing subjects. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research. 13: 54-8
Odom PB, Blanton RL. (1970) Implicit and Explicit Grammatical Factors and Reading Achievement in the Deaf Journal of Literacy Research. 2: 47-55
Blanton RL, Odom PB. (1968) Some possible interference and facilitation effects of pronunciability Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior. 7: 844-846
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