University of Kentucky

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Candace Crowell (Hargons)
Tahirah AbdullahClinical Psychology, Mental Health, African American Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies Psychology, Clinical2013 Tamara L. Brown (grad student)
Benjamin D. AbromsExperimental Psychology2006 Mark T. Fillmore (grad student)
Zachary W. AdamsClinical Psychology2012 Richard Milich (grad student)
Rachel E. AielloEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology2013 Lisa Rubie (grad student)
Benedict C AlbensiAlzheimer, dementia, memory, NF-kB, plasticity Anatomy & Neurobiology1999 Mark P. Mattson (post-doc)
Suzanne L. AllardMass Communications, Information Science, Library Science2003 Donald O. Case (grad student)
Nathan R. AmbroseSecondary Education2008 Joyce P. Logan (grad student)
Michael A. AndrykowskiClinical Psychology
Gary J. AnglinCurriculum and Instruction Education, Cognitive Psychology, Sciences Education
Surya P AryalBiophysics, Biochemistry, Molecular Neuroscience, Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Analytical Chemistry Chemistry Chris Richards (grad student)
Leslie A. Ashburn-NardoSocial Psychology, Black Studies2003 Margo Jeanne Monteith (grad student)
Emily AtkinsonAddiction Psychology Gregory T. Smith (grad student)
Alyssa J. AverillClinical Psychology2007 Suzanne C. Segerstrom (grad student)
John JB AyresAssociative learning John W. Donahoe (grad student)
Eva C. Bachepilepsy, vagal complex, electrophysiology2013 Bret N. Smith (grad student)
Adam D. BachstetterAlzheimers disease, traumatic brain injury, neuroinflammation, microglia, neuron-glia interactions, signal transduction, cytokines
Jihye Bae20182019 Zachary Danziger (post-doc)
Ruth A. BaerClinical Psychology, Alternative Medicine, Mental Health
Ursula L. BaileyPersonality Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Higher Education Psychology2011 Elizabeth P. Lorch (grad student)
Carrie S. BakerRehabilitation and Therapy, Recreation, Psychometrics Psychology Rehabilitation Sciences2012 Jennifer McKeon (grad student)
Trinity Joseph BakerSoils, Carbon, Hydrology Plant and Soil Science20142017 Brad Lee (grad student)
Amy C. BalentineClinical Psychology2002 Richard Milich (grad student)
James F. BallengerClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2000 Ruth A. Baer (grad student)
Erin E. BardingWildlife Management Agriculture, Ecology Biology2011 Michael J. Lacki (grad student)
Michael T. BardoAddiction Abbie Angharad Hughes (grad student)
Doris S. BarlowAdministration Education2000 Joyce P. Logan (grad student)
Susan BarronPsychobiology Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Joshua S. BeckmannCognition20082014 Michael T. Bardo (post-doc)
Jason M. BergnerAccounting Business Administration2011 Robert J. Ramsay (grad student)
Ira H. Bernstein Richard L. Blanton (grad student)
Kristen S. BerthiaumeClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Language and Literature Education, Educational Psychology Education2006 Elizabeth P. Lorch (grad student)
Evelin BertinExperimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology2003 Ramesh S. Bhatt (grad student)
Zachary BessingerComputer Vision, Machine Learning20142018 Nathan B Jacobs (grad student)
Rick A. Bevinsaddiction Michael T. Bardo (post-doc)
Ramesh S. BhattDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Sonya M. BierbowerNeurophysiology Biology20062010 Robin L. Cooper (grad student)
Camille Blake Bret N. Smith (post-doc)
Eric Blalock Pharmacology Philip W. Landfield (grad student)
Richard L. Blanton
Sarai C. BlincoeSocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology2012 Monica J. Kern (grad student)
Lee X. BlonderGerontology, Clinical Psychology
Laura M. BoernerClinical Psychology2004 Michael A. Andrykowski (grad student)
Julie M. BollmerSocial Psychology2003 Monica J. Kern (grad student)
Phillip BonnerNeuroscience Biology
David R. BorcheltMouse models of neurodegenerative disease1986 Michael Perdue (grad student)
Aaron S. Borders2007 Thomas V. Getchell (grad student)
Stephen P. BorgattiManagement Business Administration, Social Psychology
Carrie H. BowlingEducational Psychology Education, General Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education2013 Tom Prout (grad student)
Jeff Boychuk
Jeffery A. Boychuk20122015 Bret N. Smith (grad student)
Sara E. BoydClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology Clinical Psychology2013 Thomas Widiger (grad student)
Emily L. BradshawRegeneration2008 Timothy S. McClintock (grad student)
Gregory S. BradshawExperimental Psychology2007 Jonathan M. Golding (grad student)
Barbara M. BrannSpeech Communication, Health Care Management2003 Philip Palmgreen (grad student)
R. R. BreedingGuidance and Counseling Education, Vocational Education, Rehabilitation and Therapy2005 Ralph Crystal (grad student)
Honoree W BrewtonBehavioral Neuroscience, Psychology, Alcohol Use Disorders Psychology20142014 Mark Prendergast (research assistant)
Benjamin E Brodie Mathematics Computer Science20202022 Peter D. Hislop (grad student), Nathan B Jacobs (post-doc)
Tamara L. BrownClinical Psychology, Mental Health, African American Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies
Lynda Brown-WrightEducational Psychology Education, Black Studies, Behavioral Psychology
Annadora Bruce-KellerNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Immunology
Shane R. BrucknerNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology2002 Steven Estus (grad student)
Heather M. BuechelNeuroscience Biology Molecular and Biomedical Pharmacology2013 Eric Blalock (grad student)
Barbara G. BurchamGuidance and Counseling Education, Secondary Education, Cognitive Psychology2002 Stephen DeMers (grad student)
Jessica L. BurrisClinical Psychology2012 Michael A. Andrykowski (grad student)
Corwin R. Butler20112016 Bret N. Smith (grad student)
Alison A. Caldwell-AndrewsClinical Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Personality Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2000 Ruth A. Baer (grad student)
Zheng CaoDrug and alcohol abuse2014 Linda P. Dwoskin (grad student)
Hung CaoElectrophysiology, Neural Probes, Cardiovascular Engineering, Neurotransmitter Sensing Greg Gerhardt (research scientist)
Michelle K. CardiClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Social Psychology2010 Richard Milich (grad student)
Shaun W. Carlson Physiology2013 Kathryn E. Saatman (grad student)
Dustin Carrol Toxicology20112016 Christian M. Paumi (grad student)
Melody CarswellExperimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Gerontology
Donald O. CaseSpeech Communication, Web Studies, Instructional Design Education, Educational Psychology Education
Sami L. Case2023 Olivier Thibault (grad student)
Wayne A. Cass
Vincent CassoneCircadian Rhythms, Photoperiodism Michael Menaker (grad student)
Jay O. CastanedaBehavioral Psychology, Physiological Psychology2005 Suzanne C. Segerstrom (grad student)
Julie Cerelsuicide exposure
Alexander L. ChapmanNeurophysiology2008 Wen Hui Wu (grad student)
Kathleen M. ChardClinical Psychology
Christina M. CharriezPharmacy, Molecular Biology Pharmaceutical Sciences2010 James R. Pauly (grad student)
Wai H. CheahSpeech Communication, Rhetoric and Composition Language, Public Health2004 Philip Palmgreen (grad student)
Jinhui Chen
Clement C. ChenAccounting Business Administration2001 Robert J. Ramsay (grad student)
Kevin Chen Pharmaceutical Sciences2012 Kimberly Nixon (grad student)
David S. ChesterAggression, Rejection, Self-Regulation, Social Neuroscience, Research Methodology Department of Psychology20112016 Nathan DeWall (grad student)
Terry ChildersMarketing Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology, Nutrition
Hui ChuDevelopmental Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies Experimental Psychology2014 Christia Spears (grad student)
Malgorzata ChwatkoPolymers, Membranes
Courtney B. ClayClinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Public Health2004 Kathleen M. Chard (grad student)
Ryan Cloyd Physiology2017 Bret N. Smith (grad student)
Thomas D. Coates Greg Gerhardt (post-doc)
Hannah Combs
Mary E. Conway Dato-onMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology2001 Robert Dahlstrom (grad student)
Robin L. Cooperinvertebrate synapses
Gregory Corder2013 Bradley K. Taylor (grad student)
Dona E. CragarClinical Psychology2003 David T. R. Berry (grad student)
Misty CriderNeurophysiology19961998 Robin L. Cooper (grad student)
Jody L. CrosnoMarketing Business Administration2007 Robert Dahlstrom (grad student)
Ralph CrystalGuidance and Counseling Education, Industrial Psychology
Alexander M. CzoppSocial Psychology2004 Margo Jeanne Monteith (grad student)
Robert DahlstromMarketing Business Administration, Social Psychology
Daron G. Davis
Brian Keith Day2005 Greg Gerhardt (grad student)
Robert De MattinaAdult and Continuing Education, Technology of Education2005 Joyce P. Logan (grad student)
Chantel M. DearthClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2006 David T. R. Berry (grad student)
Timothy B. DeckmanSelf-Control, Aggression, Social Rejection20082012 Nathan DeWall (grad student)
Stephen DeMersEducational Psychology Education, Elementary Education
Fowler N. DentonCounseling Psychology, Gender Studies2012 Sharon S. Rostosky (grad student)
Andrei V. Derbenev Bret N. Smith (post-doc)
Karen Derefinkoantisocial behavior, substance use, impulsivity20052014 Donald R. Lynam (grad student)
Isabel D Derera Physiology2013 Bret N. Smith (grad student)
Mohati Desai-ShahIon currents and channels, Ca regulation, synaptic transmission20052009 Robin L. Cooper (grad student)
Lise DeSheaEducational Psychology Education, Elementary Education
Nathan DeWall
C Nathan DeWallSocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology
John W. DonahoeNeuroscience & Behavior James S. Calvin (grad student)
Shima Dowla20062009 Theresa Currier Thomas (research assistant)
Marcus M. DoxeyAccounting Business Administration2013 Robert J. Ramsay (grad student)
Suzanne C. DrungleClinical Psychology, Gerontology2001 Michael A. Andrykowski (grad student)
Dena B. DubalAging, Alzheimers, stroke, neurodegenerative disease, klotho, longevity, sex chromosomes, X chromosome, estrogen2001 Phyllis M. Wise (grad student)
Julie M. DuhiggSocial Psychology, GLBT Studies2008 Sharon S. Rostosky (grad student)
Evan B. DukeMusic Music2012 Skip Gray (grad student)
Emily E. DunlapSocial Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Law2010 Jonathan M. Golding (grad student)
Kirk W. DuthlerSpeech Communication, Mass Communications, Social Psychology2001 Philip Palmgreen (grad student)
Linda P. DwoskinDrug and alcohol abuse
Matthew R. DzialakForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Ecology Biology2003 Michael J. Lacki (grad student)
Shannon E EatonBehavioral Neuroscience Psychology20152021 Chana K. Akins (grad student)
Lizabeth M. EckerdClinical Psychology, Women's Studies, Mental Health2004 Thomas Widiger (grad student)
Maryanne EdmundsonClinical Psychology, Higher Education, Educational Psychology Education Psychology2014 David T. R. Berry (grad student)
Tory Eisenlohr-Moulmenstrual cycle, premenstrual dysphoric disorder2013 Nathan DeWall (grad student), Suzanne C. Segerstrom (grad student)
Nazira El-HageNeuroimmunology, Neurovirology, Immunology, Dru a2002 Brian Stevenson (grad student)
Ian Ellwood Physics20072009 Sumit R. Das (post-doc)
Alyce S. EmersonLeadership Education, School Administration Education, Secondary Education2010 Joyce P. Logan (grad student)
Michelle F. EstisEducational Psychology Education, Psychometrics Psychology, Clinical Psychology2009 David T. R. Berry (grad student)
Steven EstusNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology
Daniel R. Evans
Joyce M. Evans
Kathryn Michelle Eversonevolution, phylogenetics, systematics Biology2018 David W. Weisrock (post-doc)
Brandon FarmerAD, APOE, Neuroscience, brain metabolism Physiology Lance A. Johnson (grad student)
Mark T. FillmoreExperimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Kate FloryADHD, child psychopathology19972004 Donald R. Lynam (grad student)
Leigh A. FordEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology2005 Stephen DeMers (grad student)
Hilaree Frazier Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences2019 Olivier Thibault (grad student)
Benjamin D. FreerExperimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology2011 Elizabeth P. Lorch (grad student)
Cassi M FridayAlzheimer's Disease; APOE; Lipid Droplets; Immunometablism
Jonathan Fugal Electrical and Computer Engineering20192020 Jihye Bae (grad student)
Joshua L. Fuqua Anatomy and Neurobiology2010 Greg Gerhardt (grad student)
David E. GaleyImmunology2005 Avindra Nath (grad student)
J. Christopher Gantneuroscience, learning & memory, AHPs, intracellular calcium
Laurie Garner Anatomy and Neurobiology Brian M. Davis (grad student)
Christopher P. GarrisClinical Psychology2010 Monica J. Kern (grad student)
Don GashNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Jeremiah Gates2007 Greg Gerhardt (grad student)
Ann D. Gathers2005 Greg Gerhardt (grad student)
Jillian GeeNeuroscience Biology, Pathology, Immunology2006 Jeffrey N. Keller (grad student)
Brenda Jean Gehrke2004 Michael T. Bardo (grad student)
John C. GeorgesenSocial Psychology2000 Monica J. Kern (grad student)
Greg Gerhardt
Leslie L. GerrardCounseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Women's Studies2012 Keisha Love (grad student)
Thomas V. Getchell
Adam O. Ghoweri Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences2020 Olivier Thibault (grad student)
Peter Richard GiancolaAlcohol mediated Aggression
Kathryn E. GillPharmacology, Neuroimaging, Substance Abuse
Cassandra Diane Gipson2010 Michael T. Bardo (grad student)
Paul E. A. GlaserNeuroscience Biology, Developmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Pharmacology
Aaron J. GodlaskiAlcohol mediated Aggression Psychology2012 Peter Richard Giancola (grad student)
Jonathan M. GoldingCognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, Law, Women's Studies
Lori F. GoodingMusic Education, Music, Clinical Psychology
Rangaraj K. GopalrajNeuroscience Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology2008 Steven Estus (grad student)
Skip GrayMusic, Neuroscience Biology, Medicine and Surgery
Thomas A. Greenaddiction19972002 Michael T. Bardo (grad student)
Stacey C. GreenwellInstructional Design Education, Library Science Curriculum and Instruction2013 Gary J. Anglin (grad student)
Jason S. GroshongPhysiology Biology, Aging, Immunology Physiology2013 Charlotte A. Peterson (grad student)
Rodney D. GrusyAgricultural Education, General Agriculture2002 Joyce P. Logan (grad student)
Lauren C. GudonisAlcohol mediated Aggression2009 Peter Richard Giancola (grad student)
Jaime GuerreroCounseling Psychology, Hispanic American Studies2011 Keisha Love (grad student)
Jun-tao GuoBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology2001 Mark S. Kindy (grad student)
Retta H. GuyCurriculum and Instruction Education, Business Education, Technology of Education, Management Business Administration2004 Gary J. Anglin (grad student)
Peter Gyarmati Bret N. Smith (post-doc)
Ken HaddixMusic, Performing Arts, Pedagogy Education2012 Skip Gray (grad student)
Steven D. HagemoserClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2000 Thomas Widiger (grad student)
Russell HallCounseling Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2010 Sherry Rostosky (grad student)
Brent Hallahan Bret N. Smith (post-doc)
Miklos B Halmosaggression Peter Richard Giancola (research assistant)
Jordan harp Dan Y. Han (post-doc)
Clifford E Harpolecircadian rhythms, seasonal rhythms, photoperiodism, birdsong, behavioral neuroscience Biology Vincent Cassone (grad student)
Hannah B. HarrisForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Wildlife Management Agriculture, Animal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture Animal and Food Sciences2011 Michael J. Lacki (grad student)
Kevin Nicholas HascupGlutamate Neurotransmission, Neurobiology, Behavioral Pharmacology20032007 Greg Gerhardt (grad student)
Erin Rutherford HascupAlzheimer's disease, neurotransmission, neurodegeneration, cellular senescence20072008 Greg Gerhardt (grad student), Greg Gerhardt (post-doc)
Andrew Blair HawkeyBehavioral Pharmacology
Angela N. HaydenDevelopmental Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies2010 Ramesh S. Bhatt (grad student)
Dayna M. Hayes Pharmaceutical Sciences20092013 Kimberly Nixon (post-doc)
Ping He Neurophysiology19971998 Robin L. Cooper (grad student)
Elizabeth Headbrain aging and dementia
Paula M. Heron2008 Melinda E. Wilson (grad student)
Louis B. HerschBiochemistry, Neuroscience Biology
Jabbar M. HicklinClinical Psychology2003 Thomas Widiger (grad student)
Walter M. HighNeuroscience Biology, Clinical Psychology, Mental Health
Jason M. Hinzman Anatomy and Neurobiology2012 Greg Gerhardt (grad student)
Emily C. HodellCognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, Law, Women's Studies Psychology2010 Jonathan M. Golding (grad student)
Rebecca S. Hofford
Christopher J. HollerAlzheimer\'s disease Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry2012 Michael Paul Murphy (grad student)
Rachel C. HolsingerPhysiology20112013 Robin L. Cooper (grad student)
Mary L. HoltzNeuroscience Biology, Toxicology, Molecular Biology2000 L Creed Pettigrew (grad student)
Craig Michael HorbinskiNeuropathology, molecucular neuro-oncology, teleneuropathology
David B. HortonDrug and alcohol abuse Pharmaceutical Sciences2012 Linda P. Dwoskin (grad student)
Leah S. HorvathClinical Psychology, Social Psychology2004 Richard Milich (grad student)
Bethany M HudakMaterials science, electron microscopy Chemistry Beth Sara Guiton (grad student)
Gary K. HughesSpeech Communication, Web Studies, Instructional Design Education, Educational Psychology Education Communication2014 Donald O. Case (grad student)
Robert F. Huntepilepsy, traumatic brain injury, electrophysiology Physiology20062010 Bret N. Smith (grad student)
Dennis B. ImwalleAnimal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology2000 Keith K. Schillo (grad student)
Nathan B Jacobscomputer vision, remote sensing, machine learning
Joy M. Jacobs-LawsonDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Women's Studies, Gerontology
Haeran JaeMarketing Business Administration2006 Terry Childers (grad student)
Janetta E. JamersonClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2006 Thomas Widiger (grad student)
Anel A Jaramillo
Brett Rogers Johnson2005 Ed Harlow (grad student)
Gregory S. JohnstonCognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2002 Robert F. Lorch (grad student)
Andrew Fredericks Moser Johnstone Neurophysiology20022006 Robin L. Cooper (grad student)
Shayne Jones19951997 Donald R. Lynam (research assistant)
Seth V. Joneslearning, memory, fear, olfaction, autism
Melina V. JonesMicrobiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Immunology2002 Avindra Nath (grad student)
Edward J. Joude
Barry Matthew Joyce Greg Gerhardt (grad student)
Patick Kaminker Pharmacology Philip W. Landfield (grad student)
Young-Jin KangBrain development Neuroscience Bret N. Smith (post-doc)
Ashley KangasGeneral Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology2013 Ramesh S. Bhatt (grad student)
Ajlina KaramehicMass Communications, Health Education2003 Philip Palmgreen (grad student)
Rebecca KayoClinical Psychology, Women's Studies2003 Kathleen M. Chard (grad student)
Jeffrey N. KellerNeuroscience Biology, Pathology, Immunology
Matthew L. KelsoNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences20082009 James R. Pauly (grad student), Kimberly Nixon (post-doc)
Monica J. KernSocial Psychology
Jennifer L. KinderClinical Psychology2009 Ruth A. Baer (grad student)
Mark S. KindyBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Sreenatha Kirakodu
Emily De Klein2005 Michael T. Bardo (grad student)
Harold KleinertClinical Psychology, Social Psychology
Lisa Koehl Dan Y. Han (post-doc)
Bethe A. KorfhageClinical Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education2005 Sharon S. Rostosky (grad student)
Conan KornetskyPsychopharmacology; drug and alcohol abuse19481952 Abraham Wikler (grad student)
Philipp J. KraemerCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology
Laura A. KruegerExperimental Eye Research Biology2022 Ann C. Morris (grad student)
Tina M. KrugerGerontology2011 Lee X. Blonder (grad student)
Kevin K. KwongNeuroscience Biology2003 Lu-Yuan Lee (grad student)
Michael J. LackiBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Conservation Biology, Ecology Biology, Zoology Biology
Philip W. Landfield
Jeffery L. LarkinZoology Biology, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture2001 Michael J. Lacki (grad student)
Rachel D. LatzCurriculum and Instruction Education, Cognitive Psychology, Sciences Education2000 Gary J. Anglin (grad student)
Karen A. Lawrencephotoreceptor transcriptional networks20062012 Joseph C. Corbo (grad student)
John H Lawrence IIIBiomechanics, Ankle Joint Torque
Mackenzie R. LeachmanEducational Psychology Education, Administration Education, Criminology and Penology2004 Stephen DeMers (grad student)
Junyoung LeeNeurophysiology20072009 Robin L. Cooper (grad student)
Lu-Yuan LeeNeuroscience Biology
NA-RA LEENeuropharmacology, Drug Discovery, Behavioral Pharmacology, Cancer Research, Virus Enzyme Kinetics
Sang-Hun LeeInhibitory synaptic transmission Neuroscience Bret N. Smith (research scientist)
Sandra J. LeganNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Melinda A. LeonardCognitive Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology Psychology2009 Elizabeth P. Lorch (grad student)
Ben LewisExperimental Psychology, Clinical Psychology2011 Susan Barron (grad student)
Nicky Lewis
Hao Li Neurophysiology
Hao Li19972001 Robin L. Cooper (grad student)
Jonathan Lifshitz
Joshua A. Lile
Daniel Liputendocannabinoids and alcohol Pharmaceutical Sciences20072013 Kimberly Nixon (grad student)
Ofelia M. Littrell Anatomy and Neurobiology2011 Greg Gerhardt (grad student)
Jinghao LiuNeurophysiology Engineering2011 Wen Hui Wu (grad student)
Howard J. LloydCounseling Psychology, Gender Studies, African American Studies, Black Studies, Educational Psychology Education Counseling Psychology2014 Keisha Love (grad student)
Joyce P. LoganAgricultural Education, Industrial Psychology
Elizabeth P. LorchCognitive Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Robert F. LorchCognitive Psychology
Keisha LoveCounseling Psychology, Gender Studies, African American Studies, Black Studies, Educational Psychology Education
Milton A. LowderClinical Psychology2005 Kathleen M. Chard (grad student)
Hung-Yi LuMass Communications, Information Science, Public Health, Health Education, Technology of Education2005 Philip Palmgreen (grad student)
Kenneth D. Lukowiak Physiology and Biophysics19731975 Bertram Peretz (post-doc)
Jia Luo
Mia Liza A. LustriaMass Communications2005 Donald O. Case (grad student)
Emily L. LykinsClinical Psychology2010 Ruth A. Baer (grad student)
Danielle N. Lyons2015 Adam D. Bachstetter (post-doc)
Elizabeth K. MacBrayerClinical Psychology2002 Richard Milich (grad student)
Derek D. MaceCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2006 Philipp J. Kraemer (grad student)
Wendy M. MagerClinical Psychology2003 Richard Milich (grad student)
Suwalai MahaguntaCurriculum and Instruction Education, Technology of Education, Higher Education2007 Gary J. Anglin (grad student)
Erin MaherNeuroanatomy Family and Community Medicine2020 Cassandra Diane Gipson (post-doc)
Shaniya Maimaiti Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences2017 Olivier Thibault (grad student)
Deborah L. Mapp-EmbryAdministration Education, Teacher Training Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies, Secondary Education2005 Joyce P. Logan (grad student)
William F. MaragosToxicology, Neuroscience Biology, Virology Biology
Aimee Y. MarkSocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology2007 Margo Jeanne Monteith (grad student)
William R. Markesberyneurology, oxidative stress, Alzheimer disease
S. Alex Marshallalcohol and microglia Pharmaceutical Sciences20082013 Kimberly Nixon (grad student)
Catherine E. Mattinson Anatomy and Neurobiology2012 Greg Gerhardt (grad student)
Justin McClain Pharmaceutical Sciences20092013 Kimberly Nixon (post-doc)
Timothy S. McClintockRegeneration Barry Ache (grad student)
Adrian T. McCollumNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2003 Steven Estus (grad student)
Katherine McCormickEducational Psychology Education, Early Childhood Education
Jeremy C. McIntyreOlfaction, Ciliopathy Physiology20022009 Timothy S. McClintock (grad student)
Jennifer McKeonRehabilitation and Therapy, Recreation, Psychometrics Psychology
Andrew Charles Meyer2012 Michael T. Bardo (grad student)
Richard MilichCognitive Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology
Saul MillerSocial Psychology
Joshua D. Millerpersonality, personality disorder, antisocial behavior19962002 Donald R. Lynam (grad student)
Tim MillerAccounting Business Administration, Ethics, Management Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology2010 Sean Peffer (grad student)
Margo Jeanne Monteith
Ashli F. Moorecircadian biology, photoperiodism2014 Vincent Cassone (post-doc)
Roy MooreWomen's Studies, Higher Education, Social Psychology
Stephanie A. Morrisadolescent models of alcohol use disorders, neural stem cells, neurodegeneration Kimberly Nixon (grad student)
Ann C. Morrisretinal development and regeneration
Della V. Mosley Psychology20132018 Candace Crowell (Hargons) (grad student)
John M. MowbrayAgricultural Education, Industrial Psychology2002 Joyce P. Logan (grad student)
Anik Muhury Electrical and Computer Engineering2020 Jihye Bae (grad student)
Patrick J. MulhollandExperimental Psychology2005 Mark Prendergast (grad student)
Michael Paul MurphyAlzheimer's disease Todd Golde (research scientist)
Ertambang NahartyoAccounting Business Administration2003 Robert J. Ramsay (grad student)
Vidya NarayanaswamiDrug and alcohol abuse Pharmaceutical Sciences2012 Linda P. Dwoskin (grad student)
Avindra NathMicrobiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Immunology
Janet L. Neisewander Michael T. Bardo (grad student)
Peter T. Nelsonneurodegenerative disease, neuropathology William R. Markesbery (post-doc)
Lise S. NesClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology2009 Suzanne C. Segerstrom (grad student)
Justin Nickell20022006 Greg Gerhardt (grad student)
Chelsea R. Geil Nickell
Kimberly Nixonneural stem cells, adult neurogenesis, alcohol, neurodegeneration, microglia, neuroimmune2005 Linda P. Dwoskin (collaborator)
Horace A. Norrellneurooncology and surgery following spinal trauma
Seth Davin NorrholmAnxiety, stress, trauma, fear conditioning Linda P. Dwoskin (post-doc)
Christopher M. NorrisNeuroscience Biology, Pharmacology
Vidya N. Nukala2007 Patrick G. Sullivan (grad student)
John O'BryckiSpecial Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Educational Psychology Education
Francis V. O'HaraAdministration Education, History of Education, Vocational Education2009 Joyce P. Logan (grad student)
Bruce F. O'HaraSleep and circadian rhythms
Stephen A. OreyClinical Psychology2001 David T. R. Berry (grad student)
Gina P. OwensClinical Psychology2003 Kathleen M. Chard (grad student)
Philip PalmgreenSpeech Communication, Mass Communications, Social Psychology
George PaltonMusic2008 Skip Gray (grad student)
Tristano PancaniNeuroscience2010 Olivier Thibault (grad student)
Jonghyuck Park
Gregory S. Parks19992004 Donald R. Lynam (grad student)
Jiffin K. PauloseCircadian Rhythms, Neural Development Vincent Cassone (grad student)
James R. PaulyPharmaceutical Chemistry, Neuroscience Biology, Pharmacology
Lelon J. PeacockPhysiological and Comparative Psychology1956 James S. Calvin (grad student)
Sean PefferAccounting Business Administration, Ethics, Management Business Administration, Behavioral Psychology
Bertram Peretz
Charlotte A. Peterson19871991 Helen M. Blau (post-doc)
L Creed PettigrewNeuroscience Biology, Toxicology, Molecular Biology
Stephen D. PhippsPharmacology2000 James R. Pauly (grad student)
Larson B. PierceCounseling Psychology, Public Health2011 Sharon S. Rostosky (grad student)
Soledad Pitra Neuroscience2019 Bret N. Smith (post-doc)
Janice M. PlahutaGerontology, Public Health, Nutrition, Behavioral Psychology2004 Nancy J. Stiles (grad student)
Emily J. PlantMarketing Business Administration, General Economics Marketing2010 Robert Dahlstrom (grad student)
Jennifer K. PoeClinical Psychology, Oncology Clinical Psychology2012 Jamie L. Studts (grad student)
Richard S. Pond, Jr.Aggression, Emotion, Social Rejection20082013 Nathan DeWall (grad student)
Mark PrendergastPsychobiology Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Cell Biology
Brittani Price Donna M Wilcock (grad student)
Tom ProutEducational Psychology Education, General Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education
Jorge QuinteroGlutamate Neurotransmission, Brain Slices Greg Gerhardt (post-doc)
David T. R. BerryNeuroscience Biology, Clinical Psychology, Mental Health
Alexander Rabchevsky Bret N. Smith (collaborator)
M. Usman Rafique Electrical and Computer Engineering2016 Nathan B Jacobs (grad student)
Robert J. RamsayAccounting Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Industrial Psychology
Ryan D. Readnower2011 Patrick G. Sullivan (grad student)
Janelle L. ReedNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Immunology2005 Annadora Bruce-Keller (grad student)
Valerie L. ReevesRegeneration Physiology2012 Timothy S. McClintock (grad student)
Cassandra Reiling20082014 Christian M. Paumi (grad student)
Pamela RemerCounseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Occupational Health and Safety
Carie R. ReynoldsPhysiology Biology20122015 Bret N. Smith (grad student)
Beth Ann RiceSubstance abuse, sign tracking, learning, motivation Psychology2018 Chana K. Akins (grad student)
Chris Richards
April D. RichardsonNeurobiology Biology2009 Don Gash (grad student)
Jason C. RinaldoPsychometrics Psychology, Clinical Psychology2005 David T. R. Berry (grad student)
Shannon B Rinaldo Business Administration2008 Terry Childers (grad student)
Abbey R. RoachClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Health Care Management2010 Suzanne C. Segerstrom (grad student)
Jill M. RobertsStroke
Jennifer L. RobinetteSpeech Communication, Multimedia Communications, Information Science, Web Studies2011 Donald O. Case (grad student)
Barry R. RobinsonMicrobiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Immunology2005 Avindra Nath (grad student)
Jackie B. RogersGuidance and Counseling Education, Industrial Psychology2001 Ralph Crystal (grad student)
Sharon S. RostoskyClinical Psychology, Guidance and Counseling Education
Sherry RostoskyCounseling Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
Rachel K. Rowe2013 Jonathan Lifshitz (grad student)
Lisa RubieEducational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology
Craig R. RushExperimental Psychology
Jessica Rushing2018 Lori F. Gooding (grad student)
Kathryn E. Saatman Bret N. Smith (collaborator)
Michael F. Salvatore Greg Gerhardt (post-doc)
Michelle A. SamaPharmacology2008 Christopher M. Norris (grad student)
Diana M. SamaNeuroscience Biology, Gerontology2011 Christopher M. Norris (grad student)
Douglas B. SamuelClinical Psychology2009 Thomas Widiger (grad student)
Luis Gonzalo Sanchez GiraldoMachine Learning, Computational Neuroscience
Rebecca Sanford Social Work Julie Cerel (grad student)
Paul Satzdyslexia, learning disability, handedness, and brain laterality1963 Jesse G. Harris (grad student)
Shannon E. SauerClinical Psychology2010 Ruth A. Baer (grad student)
Andrew D. Sauerbeck2011 Patrick G. Sullivan (grad student)
Kimberly I. SaylorClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2003 Tom Widiger (grad student)
Stephen W. Scheff Bret N. Smith (collaborator)
Keith K. SchilloAnimal Physiology Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Eve R. SchneiderCerebellum, Dendrites, Ion channels, Hibernation, Mechanotransduction, Development
Lorna Seagall Music Jayne Standley (grad student)
Suzanne C. SegerstromClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology
Rachel L. SelfExperimental Psychology, Pharmacy, Psychobiology Psychology2006 Mark Prendergast (grad student)
Andrea J. SellLanguage, Space, Comprehension20032006 Lise Abrams (research assistant)
Lindsey M. Shain
Anne Shandera-OchsnerClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Neuroscience Biology2013 David T. R. Berry (grad student)
Joe ShearerNeurophysiology19992001 Robin L. Cooper (grad student)
Andrew Nathanael ShenNeurotoxicology; Aging; Alzheimer's disease; blood-brain barrier
Gavin D. ShoalAlcohol mediated Aggression2005 Peter Richard Giancola (grad student)
Bret N. Smithepilepsy, vagal complex, electrophysiology
Gregory T. Smith
Johann SohnNeurophysiology19981999 Robin L. Cooper (grad student)
Sucharita Sen SomkuwarAddiction, alcohol, methamphetamine, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, animal models, neurobiology Pharmaceutical Sciences20082013 Linda P. Dwoskin (grad student)
Chris Spear Biomedical Engineering John H Lawrence III (grad student)
Christia SpearsDevelopmental Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
Ginny SprangSocial Work, Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Joe SpringerNeuroscience Biology
D. Gregory Springer Music Lori F. Gooding (grad student)
Tammy Stage Biomedical Engineering John H Lawrence III (grad student)
Dustin Jeffrey Stairs2007 Michael T. Bardo (grad student)
John A. StanfordBehavioral Neuroscience, Motor Function19982004 Greg Gerhardt (post-doc)
Rachel F. SteffensClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, General Psychology2013 Michael A. Andrykowski (grad student)
Nicholas A. Steinmetzsystems and computation, vision and attention20012003 Jane Joseph (research assistant)
Michelle L. Stephens2009 Greg Gerhardt (grad student)
McAllister J. StephensNeuroscience20182023 Joshua S. Beckmann (grad student)
Nancy J. StilesGerontology, Public Health, Nutrition, Behavioral Psychology
William W. StoopsExperimental Psychology2005 Craig R. Rush (grad student)
Jamie L. StudtsClinical Psychology, Oncology
Patrick G. Sullivan2000 Stephen W. Scheff (grad student)
Michael Daniel Sunshine SCoBIRC2022 Warren J. Alilain (post-doc)
Pooja M. Talauliker Anatomy and Neurobiology2010 Greg Gerhardt (grad student)
Shaji TheodoreToxicology, Neuroscience Biology, Virology Biology2006 William F. Maragos (grad student)
Olivier ThibaultBrain aging
Theresa Currier ThomasGlutamate, Dopamine Neurotransmission, Spinal Cord Injury20032008 Greg Gerhardt (grad student), Jonathan Lifshitz (post-doc)
Josh S. TitlowSynaptic transmission2014 Robin L. Cooper (grad student)
Monica S. TorosCognitive Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Gerontology2001 Thomas Widiger (grad student)
Elizabeth Towles-ReevesSpecial Education, Administration Education, Tests and Measurements Education, Teacher Training Education2007 Harold Kleinert (grad student)
Amanda L. Trout Physiology Melinda E. Wilson (grad student)
Timothy J. TrullClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology Thomas Widiger (grad student)
Houng-Wei TsaiNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2001 Sandra J. Legan (grad student)
Pamela S. TylerGerontology, Developmental Psychology2005 Diane L. Zablotsky (grad student)
Thomas Ujas Department of Neurology Ann Stowe (grad student)
Gloria G. UmbergerNeuroscience Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2001 Don Gash (grad student)
Michael F. UnuakhaluHigher Education, Technology of Education2005 Gary J. Anglin (grad student)
Hossein VaezCurriculum and Instruction Education, Technology of Education, Industrial Education2000 Gary J. Anglin (grad student)
Linda J. Van Eldikglia, neuroinflammation, drug design, Alzheimer's disease
Kathryn L Van PeltConcussion, Traumatic Brain Injury, Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia
Candice Van SkikeAlcohol addiction Doug B. Matthews (grad student)
Thomas C. VanamanBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Andrea R. VansickelExperimental Psychology, Pharmacology, Behavioral Psychology2009 Craig R. Rush (grad student)
Sandi L. VerboisPharmaceutical Chemistry, Neuroscience Biology, Pharmacology2002 James R. Pauly (grad student)
Chad D. VickeryClinical Psychology2001 David T. R. Berry (grad student)
Mauricio F. VillamartDCS, TMS, brain stimulation
Irene Villarreal-StewartCurriculum and Instruction Education, Educational Psychology Education, Technology of Education, Sciences Education, Secondary Education2004 Gary J. Anglin (grad student)
Ebony VinsonWomen's Studies, African American Studies, General Religion, Black Studies2013 Tamara L. Brown (grad student)
Daniel VogtNeuroscience, Molecular and Cell Biology, Autism, Alzheimer's Disease Physiology20012002 Douglas G. McMahon (research assistant)
Corrine I. VoilsSocial Psychology, Experimental Psychology2001 Margo Jeanne Monteith (grad student)
Gang Wang Vincent Cassone (post-doc)
Jessica J. WeaferExperimental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology Psychology2012 Mark T. Fillmore (grad student)
Jordan B Wean Physiology2017 Bret N. Smith (grad student)
Erica Weekman Donna M Wilcock (grad student)
Stephen N. WeissmuellerCurriculum and Instruction Education, Accounting Business Administration2008 Gary J. Anglin (grad student)
Kristen A. WellmannNeuroscience Biology, Behavioral Psychology2011 Susan Barron (grad student)
Wen WenAlcohol Biology Ann C. Morris (grad student)
Michael J. WesleyClinical Neuroscience
Jeffrey J. WestermanEducational Psychology Education, Elementary Education2002 Stephen DeMers (grad student)
Karin Westlund HighPain
Lauren Whitehurst Psychology20132018 Sara C. Mednick (grad student)
Stephen P. Whiteside19952001 Donald R. Lynam (grad student)
Thomas WidigerClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology
Tom WidigerClinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
Aileen K. WiglesworthGerontology, Clinical Psychology2002 Lee X. Blonder (grad student)
Donna M WilcockAlzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, small vessel disease, microglia, neuroinflammation
Lincoln H. WilkinsDrug and alcohol abuse2001 Linda P. Dwoskin (grad student)
Jennifer A. WillfordPsychobiology Psychology, Experimental Psychology2000 Susan Barron (grad student)
Yolanda D. WilliamsDrug and alcohol abuse Pharmaceutical Sciences2011 Linda P. Dwoskin (grad student)
Melinda E. WilsonNeuroscience Biology
Conrad Wong
Thomas M. WoodcockPharmacology, Neuroscience Biology Pharmaceutical Sciences2010 James R. Pauly (grad student)
David O. WoolvertonTechnology of Education, Mass Communications2000 Gary J. Anglin (grad student)
Thomas Edward Wooters2010 Michael T. Bardo (grad student)
Judith WorellGuidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Social Psychology
Wen Hui WuNeurophysiology20082013 Robin L. Cooper (grad student)
Zhiwen XiaoMass Communications2007 Philip Palmgreen (grad student)
Bin XingNeurophysiology2003 Robin L. Cooper (grad student)
Hong XuDevelopmental Neuroscience Physiology20112015 Bret N. Smith (post-doc)
Justin Ryan Yates2014 Michael T. Bardo (grad student)
Timothy Youngstrom
John A. YozwiakClinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology2002 Jonathan M. Golding (grad student)
David M. Yurek
Diane L. ZablotskyGerontology, Developmental Psychology
Lixin Zhang2004 David M. Yurek (grad student)
Qingguang Zhangcerebral blood flow, autonomic cardiovascular regulation Department of Biomedical Engineering20112015 Joyce M. Evans (grad student)
Yan Zhu Neurophysiology20132014 Robin L. Cooper (grad student)
Jun Zhu20002002 Linda P. Dwoskin (post-doc)
Nicole R. ZieberDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology2012 Ramesh S. Bhatt (grad student)
Andrea Zsombok Bret N. Smith (post-doc)
Melissa Zwick Anatomy and Neurobiology Brian M. Davis (grad student)