David Olton

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
"David Olton"
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Meck WH, Church RM, Olton DS. (2013) Hippocampus, time, and memory. Behavioral Neuroscience. 127: 655-68
Pang KC, Yoder RM, Olton DS. (2001) Neurons in the lateral agranular frontal cortex have divided attention correlates in a simultaneous temporal processing task. Neuroscience. 103: 615-28
Wan RQ, Pang K, Olton DS. (1997) Nonhippocampal muscarinic receptors are required for nonspatial working memory. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 58: 361-7
Markowska AL, Olton DS, Givens B. (1995) Cholinergic manipulations in the medial septal area: age-related effects on working memory and hippocampal electrophysiology. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 15: 2063-73
Golski S, Olds JL, Mishkin M, et al. (1995) Protein kinase C in the hippocampus is altered by spatial but not cued discriminations: a component task analysis. Brain Research. 676: 53-62
Frick KM, Baxter MG, Markowska AL, et al. (1995) Age-related spatial reference and working memory deficits assessed in the water maze. Neurobiology of Aging. 16: 149-60
Givens B, Olton DS. (1995) Bidirectional modulation of scopolamine-induced working memory impairments by muscarinic activation of the medial septal area. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 63: 269-76
Wan RQ, Givens BS, Olton DS. (1995) Opioid modulation of working memory: intraseptal, but not intraamygdaloid, infusions of beta-endorphin impair performance in spatial alternation. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 63: 74-86
Caprioli A, Markowska AL, Olton DS. (1995) Acetyl-L-Carnitine: chronic treatment improves spatial acquisition in a new environment in aged rats. The Journals of Gerontology. Series a, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 50: B232-36
Voytko ML, Olton DS, Richardson RT, et al. (1994) Basal forebrain lesions in monkeys disrupt attention but not learning and memory. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 14: 167-86
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