Asdis Helgadottir, Ph.D.

2010 Mechanical Engineering University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 
Mechanical Engineering
"Asdis Helgadottir"
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Frederic G. Gibou grad student 2010 UC Santa Barbara
 (Simulation Tools for Three Dimensional Fluid Flow with Electrostatic Forcing Term on Arbitrary Geometry Using Octree Grids.)
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Helgadóttir Á, Guittet A, Gibou F. (2018) On Solving the Poisson Equation with Discontinuities on Irregular Interfaces: GFM and VIM International Journal of Differential Equations. 2018: 1-8
Helgadóttir Á, Ng YT, Min C, et al. (2015) Imposing mixed Dirichlet-Neumann-Robin boundary conditions in a level-set framework Computers and Fluids. 121: 68-80
Mirzadeh M, Theillard M, Helgadóttir A, et al. (2013) An adaptive, finite difference solver for the nonlinear poisson-boltzmann equation with applications to biomolecular computations Communications in Computational Physics. 13: 150-173
Papac J, Helgadottir A, Ratsch C, et al. (2013) A level set approach for diffusion and stefan-type problems with robin boundary conditions on quadtree/octree adaptive cartesian grids Journal of Computational Physics. 233: 241-261
Helgadóttir Á, Gibou F. (2011) A Poisson-Boltzmann solver on irregular domains with Neumann or Robin boundary conditions on non-graded adaptive grid Journal of Computational Physics. 230: 3830-3848
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