Amanda DeSouza, Ph.D.

Toronto Catholic District School Board 
"Amanda DeSouza"
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Chen X, DeSouza AT, Chen H, et al. (2006) Reticent behavior and experiences in peer interactions in Chinese and Canadian children. Developmental Psychology. 42: 656-65
Chen X, Wang L, DeSouza A. (2006) Temperament, socioemotional functioning, and peer relationships in Chinese and North American children Peer Relationships in Cultural Context. 123-147
Chen X, He Y, De Oliveira AM, et al. (2004) Loneliness and social adaptation in Brazilian, Canadian, Chinese and Italian children: a multi-national comparative study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines. 45: 1373-84
Chen X, Zappulla C, Lo Coco A, et al. (2004) Self-perceptions of competence in Brazilian, Canadian, Chinese and Italian Children: Relations with social and school adjustment International Journal of Behavioral Development. 28: 129-138
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