Dan J. Putka, Ph.D.

2002 Ohio University, Athens, OH, United States 
Industrial Psychology
"Dan Putka"
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Jeffrey B. Vancouver grad student 2002 Ohio University
 (The variance architecture approach to the study of constructs in organizational contexts.)
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Putka DJ, Beatty AS, Reeder MC. (2017) Modern Prediction Methods Organizational Research Methods. 21: 689-732
Jackson DJR, Putka DJ, Teoh KRH. (2015) The First Principal Component of Multifaceted Variables: It's More Than a G Thing Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 8: 446-452
Oswald FL, Converse PD, Putka DJ. (2014) Generating Race, Gender, and Other Subgroup Data in Personnel Selection Simulations: A pervasive issue with a simple solution International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 22: 310-320
Legree PJ, Kilcullen RN, Putka DJ, et al. (2014) Identifying the leaders of tomorrow: Validating predictors of leader performance Military Psychology. 26: 292-309
Legree PJ, Psotka J, Robbins J, et al. (2014) Profile Similarity Metrics as an Alternate Framework to Score Rating-Based Tests: MSCEIT Reanalyses Intelligence. 47: 159-174
Putka DJ, Hoffman BJ. (2013) Clarifying the contribution of assessee-, dimension-, exercise-, and assessor-related effects to reliable and unreliable variance in assessment center ratings. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 98: 114-33
Woehr DJ, Putka DJ, Bowler MC. (2012) An examination of g-theory methods for modeling multitrait-multimethod data: Clarifying links to construct validity and confirmatory factor analysis Organizational Research Methods. 15: 134-161
Van Iddekinge CH, Roth PL, Putka DJ, et al. (2011) Are you interested? A meta-analysis of relations between vocational interests and employee performance and turnover. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 96: 1167-94
Van Iddekinge CH, Putka DJ, Campbell JP. (2011) Reconsidering vocational interests for personnel selection: the validity of an interest-based selection test in relation to job knowledge, job performance, and continuance intentions. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 96: 13-33
Putka DJ, Lance CE, Le H, et al. (2011) A cautionary note on modeling multitrait-multirater data arising from ill-structured measurement designs Organizational Research Methods. 14: 503-529
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