Don Donderi
Affiliations: | Department of Psychology | McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada |
Experimental Psychology, GerontologyGoogle:
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Donderi DC, Niall KK, Fish K, et al. (2012) Above-real-time training (ARTT) improves transfer to a simulated flight control task. Human Factors. 54: 469-79 |
Donderi DC, Niall KK, Fish K, et al. (2010) Effects of screen resolution and training variation on a simulated flight control task Vision and Displays For Military and Security Applications: the Advanced Deployable Day/Night Simulation Project. 141-161 |
Donderi DC, Jolicoeur P, Berg I, et al. (1985) A color-contingent prism displacement aftereffect Perception. 14: 691-709 |
Donderi D, Seal S, Covit L. (1973) Association learning and visual discrimination Perception &Amp; Psychophysics. 14: 394-400 |