Keith K Niall, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 1988-2019 | DRDC Toronto |
Vision, Form perception, Projective invariance, Visual shapeGoogle:
"Keith K. Niall"Bio:
Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorJohn Yuille | research assistant | 1977-1978 | UBC |
Don Donderi | grad student | 1978-1982 | McGill |
John Macnamara | grad student | 1982-1986 | McGill (LinguisTree) |
Peter Dodwell | post-doc | 1986-1988 | Queen's University, Canada |
Sign in to add traineeDaniel C. Zikovitz | post-doc | 2004-2006 | GE Healthcare |
Rifaat M. Abdalla | post-doc | 2007-2008 | Sultan Qaboos University, Oman |
Sign in to add collaboratorByron Pierce | collaborator | 1995-2004 | Air Force Research Laboratories |
Sion Jennings | collaborator | 2003-2007 | NRC Ottawa |
Francis Picard | collaborator | 2002-2008 | Institut national d'optique (INO) |
Erica Wiseman | collaborator | 2016-2019 | NRC Ottawa |
David Bryant | collaborator | 2018-2019 | DRDC Toronto |
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Niall KK. (2020) ‘Mental rotation’ in depth as the superficial correlation of pictures Methods in Psychology. 2: 10019 |
Niall KK. (2017) Erwin Schrödinger's color theory, translated with modern commentary . 193 pp |
Donderi DC, Niall KK, Fish K, et al. (2012) Above-real-time training (ARTT) improves transfer to a simulated flight control task. Human Factors. 54: 469-79 |
Picard F, Ilias S, Asselin D, et al. (2011) MEMS-based flexible reflective analog modulators (FRAM) for projection displays: A technology review and scale-down study Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 276 |
Picard F, Ilias S, Asselin D, et al. (2011) MEMS-based flexible reflective analog modulators (FRAM) for projection displays: a technology review and scale-down study Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 276: 012182 |
Picard F, Duchesne F, Jacob M, et al. (2010) Development of a DVI-compatible VGA projector engine based on Flexible Reflective Analog Modulators Vision and Displays For Military and Security Applications: the Advanced Deployable Day/Night Simulation Project. 13-26 |
Donderi DC, Niall KK, Fish K, et al. (2010) Effects of screen resolution and training variation on a simulated flight control task Vision and Displays For Military and Security Applications: the Advanced Deployable Day/Night Simulation Project. 141-161 |
Niall KK. (2010) Vision and displays for military and security applications . 212 pages |
Niall KK. (2002) Laser projection versus a CRT display in the visual perception of aircraft aspect. Human Factors. 44: 630-43 |
Niall KK. (2002) Visual imagery and geometric enthymeme: the example of Euclid I.1 The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 25: 202 - 203 |