Gina M. Franco, Ph.D.

2012 Educational and Counselling Psychology McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
Educational Psychology Education, Sciences Education
"Gina Franco"
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Krista Muis grad student 2012 McGill
 (Meaningful main effects or intriguing interactions? Examining the influences of epistemic beliefs and knowledge representations on cognitive processing and conceptual change when learning physics.)
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Ranellucci J, Muis KR, Duffy M, et al. (2013) To master or perform? Exploring relations between achievement goals and conceptual change learning. The British Journal of Educational Psychology. 83: 431-51
Muis KR, Ranellucci J, Franco GM, et al. (2013) The interactive effects of personal achievement goals and performance feedback in an undergraduate science class Journal of Experimental Education. 81: 556-578
Franco GM, Muis KR, Kendeou P, et al. (2012) Examining the influences of epistemic beliefs and knowledge representations on cognitive processing and conceptual change when learning physics Learning and Instruction. 22: 62-77
Muis KR, Franco GM, Gierus B. (2011) Examining epistemic beliefs across conceptual and procedural knowledge in statistics Zdm - International Journal On Mathematics Education. 43: 507-519
Muis KR, Kendeou P, Franco GM. (2011) Consistent results with the consistency hypothesis? The effects of epistemic beliefs on metacognitive processing Metacognition and Learning. 6: 45-63
Muis K, Franco G. (2010) Epistemic profiles and metacognition: Support for the consistency hypothesis Metacognition and Learning. 5: 27-45
Muis KR, Franco GM. (2009) Epistemic beliefs: Setting the standards for self-regulated learning Contemporary Educational Psychology. 34: 306-318
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