Valerie Reyna, PhD
Affiliations: | Psychology | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States |
"Valerie Reyna"Mean distance: 15.81 (cluster 23) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: PsychTree
Sign in to add traineeSteven Estrada | grad student | Cornell | |
Britain A. Mills | grad student | 2009 | Cornell |
Marlène Abadie | research scientist |
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Brust-Renck PG, Reyna VF. (2022) Individual differences in numerical representations of risk in health decision making: A fuzzy-trace theory approach. Risk Analysis : An Official Publication of the Society For Risk Analysis |
Edelson S, Reyna V. (2021) How Fuzzy-trace Theory Predicts Development of Risky Decision Making, with Novel Extensions to Culture and Reward Sensitivity. Developmental Review : Dr. 62 |
Broniatowski DA, Reyna VF. (2020) To illuminate and motivate: A fuzzy-trace model of the spread of information online. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. 26: 431-464 |
Reyna VF. (2020) Of Viruses, Vaccines, and Variability: Qualitative Meaning Matters. Trends in Cognitive Sciences |
Reyna V. (2018) When Irrational Biases Are Smart: A Fuzzy-Trace Theory of Complex Decision Making. Journal of Intelligence. 6 |
Broniatowski DA, Reyna VF. (2018) A formal model of fuzzy-trace theory: Variations on framing effects and the Allais paradox. Decision (Washington, D.C.). 5: 205-252 |
Fraenkel L, Reyna V, Cozmuta R, et al. (2018) Do visual aids influenced patients' risk perceptions for rare and very rare risks? Patient Education and Counseling. 101: 1900-1905 |
Reyna VF, Helm RK, Weldon RB, et al. (2018) Brain activation covaries with reported criminal behaviors when making risky choices: A fuzzy-trace theory approach. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 147: 1094-1109 |
Cozmuta R, Wilhelms E, Cornell D, et al. (2018) The Influence of Explanatory Images on Risk Perceptions and Treatment Preference. Arthritis Care & Research |
Rahimi-Golkhandan S, Garavito DMN, Reyna-Brainerd BB, et al. (2017) A Fuzzy-Trace Theory of Risk and Time Preferences in Decision Making: Integrating Cognition and Motivation. Nebraska Symposium On Motivation. Nebraska Symposium On Motivation. 64: 115-144 |